Most game bugs and fixes require a client patch, and therefore downtime, in order to fix. Because of this, unless game breaking, most fixes will roll in during our weekly updates, as we don’t want to constantly take the game offline for every issue.
Most game bugs and fixes require a client patch, and therefore downtime, in order to fix. Because of this, unless game breaking, most fixes will roll in during our weekly updates, as we don’t want to constantly take the game offline for every issue.
This is out for a fix, and on schedule to come in one of our next few updates/builds
I know this is a pain point, but I want to acknowledge it and point to our recent top issues update: Lost Ark Update to Top Issues - March 2
Read moreRegarding Future Downtimes
Since launch, maintenance and downtimes for Lost Ark have been fairly regular, and have sometimes occurred at inopportune times for impacted regions. We understand that this is not ideal for players, and while this isn’t permanent, we want to share some insight into our approa...
I’ve gotta admit this made me laugh pretty hard.
To do my due diligence, I have to mention we are working to get them defeated even harder than what the mushroom stairs currently are doing.
Don’t think this is related, as you’d get a ban notice. Is there an error code being thrown?
To be clear, this won’t be an immediate solution. It’s a big step, but this is an ongoing battle we’re going to keep working on. We’re purging a massive number of accounts now, will keep rolling on banning more, and we’re going to make it much more difficult for more of these accounts to be made in the first place as well. It’s not instantaneous, but we’re doing everything we can to get where we need to be
Unfortunately I don’t have one to share because there are a small number of highly tuned in folks investigating these one-by-one, which takes time. I know it’s frustrating, but we’re prioritizing diligence here.
And while I’d love to be transparent about these identification markers, unfortunately sharing them makes it much, much easier for bad actors to circumvent them. For example, if we say doing X thing Y way gets you banned, we’ll immediately have folks looking for ways around that; so it’s unfortunately not something that’s easy to be open about.
Just FYI, if you do buy gold from 3rd party sellers your account will be banned Please don’t do that.
Support actually can help players restore deleted characters so yes, the 60 day lock is relevant because of this
Our list of accounts being banned is currently over 1 million, and they are being banned right now alongside the announcement, but the system isn’t instantaneous. Beyond that, over time/active process means that number will just continue to grow past what we originally announced, ie, we aren’t just doing this one wave and then calling it good.
It’s happening over time, however this will just be one step of many; we will continue to remove accounts as they come up, and are also working on tools in the meantime to make it harder for them to exist in the first place. It’s an ongoing battle for sure.
Not to interrupt the feedback happening here, but just wanted to mention that Tytalos is indeed borked at the moment
Following launch, botting has been a growing issue for Lost Ark. Our team has been hard at work on crafting effective tools and methods to identify and remove bots from the game. As the result of this work, today (3/4) we will be permanently removing over a million illegitimate accounts from the game that have been determined to be running bots.
In this massive ban wave, it is possible that a small number of players may be erroneously identified as bots. We have taken every step possible to prevent that from being the case, but it is possible that edge cases could occur. For any impacted players who were earnestly playing Lost Ark, and not modifying their gameplay in any way, you should appeal a ban by...
Read moreSeit dem Launch ist Botting ein stetig wachsendes Problem in Lost Ark geworden. Unser Team hat hart an Entwürfen effektiver Tools und Methoden zur Boterkennung und Entfernung gearbeitet. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit werden wir am s4. März über eine Millionen identifizierte Botaccounts permanent bannen.
In dieser massiven Banwelle kann es dazu kommen, dass eine kleine Nummer von Spielern fälschlicherweise als Bots identifiziert werden. Wir haben alle möglichen Schritte unternommen, um das zu vermeiden, leider kann es trotzdem zu wenigen Ausnahmen kommen.
Alle betroffenen Spieler, die ganz normal Lost Ark gespielt und ihr Spiel in keiner Weise modifiziert haben, können ihren Ban anfechten indem sie...
Read moreSuite au lancement, les bots ont été un problème croissant sur Lost Ark. Notre équipe a travaillé durement pour créer des outils et des méthodes efficaces pour identifier et supprimer les bots du jeu. L’aboutissement de ce travail est que le 4 mars, nous supprimerons définitivement du jeu plus d’un million de compte identifiés comme appartenant à des bots.
Au milieu de cette gigantesque vague de bannissements, il est possible qu’une infime portion de joueurs soit identifiée par erreur comme étant des bots. Nous avons pris toutes les mesures possibles pour éviter que ça ne se produise mais cela reste néanmoins une éventualité. Pour les joueurs qui seraient impactés alors qu’ils jouaient légitimement à Lost Ark et ne modifiaient pas leur jeu de quelque manière que ce soit, vous pouvez contester le bannissement en...
Read moreDesde el lanzamiento, los bots han sido un problema que ha ido creciendo en Lost Ark. Nuestro equipo ha trabajado duro para crear herramientas y métodos efectivos para identificar y eliminar bots del juego. Como resultado de este trabajo, el 4 de marzo eliminaremos permanentemente más de un millón de cuentas ilegítimas del juego que se ha determinado que utilizan bots.
En esta ola masiva de baneos, es posible que una pequeña cantidad de jugadores sean erróneamente identificados como bots. Hemos tomado todas las medidas posibles para evitar que ese sea el caso, pero es posible que encontremos casos extremos. Si un jugador que juega normalmente a Lost Ark y no ha modificado su cliente de juego de ninguna manera, se ve afectado debe apelar su suspensión enviando un ticket en...
Read moreHey, here to let y’all know that this is being tracked – in the meantime the workarounds will help!
A bug like this will have to be integrated into a client patch, so we don’t have an ETA quite this quickly
In the meantime, here’s a workaround players can use: Stronghold Research Slots Missing - #201 by Pahx
Still catching up on threads, sorry! Want to confirm that we’re investigating and tracking this already, but workarounds posted here will help you out in the meantime (like this one from Pahx!)
Read moreNothing at this time unfortunately – there were a few different paths and options being looked at last I heard, but nothing ready for public sharing quite yet