

10 Nov

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Nuestro equipo está al tanto de los problemas de desconexión de servidores en varias regiones. Estamos trabajando para solucionarlo. Os agradecemos vuestros comentarios y os mantendremos informados sobre cualquier novedad. ¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team is aware of the current issues involving in-game server disconnects across some regions, and is working to remedy this situation. We appreciate the continued reports and details, and will keep players updated as things progress. Thank you for your patience!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the continued reports – overnight staff continued to investigate this and work through a few reproductions of the issue. Now that the work day has started again, the team is back on to work through a resolution. Appreciate it!

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Sorry bud, the localization is input per language and not per region – it originally said November 16th but we have a limited number of characters for this message and wanted to make sure all the info was there. As someone else pointed out above, the other languages have the date swapped as is typical. Since you correctly pointed out there aren’t 16 months in a year, I’m sure folks will be able to figure it out :slight_smile:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports everyone – this is escalated and being investigated, but if you can share your error codes that’s also appreciated

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Additionally, if you are getting any different SPELP or EAC Offline error codes and could share them here, it would be appreciated

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Thanks everyone! This has been escalated, and everyone providing info has been a great help.

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We haven’t seen any reports of this consistent across Europe West; if you’re able to provide additional details that would be appreciated

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Appreciate these reports, the team is aware and this has been passed on

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thanks for the feedback, we will have this changed to swoopist immediately. no takebacksies.

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Any worn or tattered equipment you have can still be used as transfer material, however you won’t be able to earn it in the future

09 Nov

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We’ve seen a couple reports of this and the team is aware. Thanks for the info! If you can specify your server or region it would also be helpful

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The compensation received will depend on the skill tree level for each effected skill

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Next week as a part of our November 16th Update, the Skill Tree Transfer System (often referred to as the Tripod System) will be updated. In this new system, Skill Tree Effects will no longer transfer to gear, and will instead transfer to your characters.

We will have full details on this system written out in our patch notes for the November Update, but wanted to let players know of a few changes with the system ahead of time.

First and foremost, as all Skill Tree Effects will be removed from your gear with this new system, it is important to store your Skill Tree Effects in your Skill Tree Inventory ahead of the November 16th update. Skill Tree Effects that are not stored in the Inventory will be lost.

In order to save your Skill Tree Effects, you will need to visit a [Transfer Skill Tree] vendor in a major city, click the “Inventory” button, and select your Skill Tree Effects from your gear to be saved in your inventory. Having your Skill Tre...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nächste Woche wird als Teil unseres Updates vom 16. November das Fertigkeitsbaum-Übertragungsystem (auch bekannt als das Tripod-System) aktualisiert. In diesem neuen System werden die Fertigkeitsbaum-Effekte nicht mehr auf die Ausrüstung, sondern auf eure Charaktere übertragen.

Wir werden in den Patchnotes für das November-Update ausführliche Infos zu diesem System veröffentlichen, möchten euch aber schonmal wissen lassen, welche Änderungen es geben wird.

Da mit dem neuen System alle Fertigkeitsbaum-Effekte aus eurer Ausrüstung entfernt werden, ist es wichtig, dass ihr diese vor dem Update am 16. November in eurem Fertigkeitsbaum-Inventar speichert. Fertigkeitsbaum-Effekte, die nicht im Inventar gespeichert sind, gehen verloren.

Um eure Fertigkeitsbaum-Effekte zu speichern, müsst ihr einen [Fertigkeitsbaum-Übertragungs]**-Händler in einer großen Stadt aufsuchen, auf die Schaltfläche “Inventar” klicken und eure Fertigkeitsbaum-Effekte aus eurer A...

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La semaine prochaine, dans le cadre de notre mise à jour du 16 novembre, le système de transfert de l’arbre de compétences (souvent appelé le système tripode) sera mis à jour. Dans ce nouveau système, les effets d’arbre de compétences ne seront plus transférés à l’équipement, mais plutôt à vos personnages.

Nous aurons tous les détails sur ce système dans nos notes de correctif de la mise à jour de novembre, mais nous voulions informer les joueurs de quelques changements apportés au système à l’avance.

D’abord et avant tout, comme tous les effets de l’arbre de compétences seront retirés de votre équipement avec ce nouveau système, il est important de stocker vos effets de l’arbre de compétences dans votre inventaire de l’arbre de compétences avant la mise à jour du 16 novembre. Les effets de l’arbre de compétences qui ne sont pas stockés dans l’inventaire seront perdus.

Pour sauvegarder vos effets de l’arbre de compétences, vous devrez visiter un...

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La próxima semana, como parte de la actualización del 16 de noviembre, actualizaremos el sistema de transferencia del árbol de habilidades (también conocido como sistema de transferencia de trípodes). Con el nuevo sistema, los efectos del árbol de habilidades ya no se transferirán al equipo sino a tus personajes.

En las notas del parche de la actualización de noviembre podréis leer todos los detalles sobre este nuevo sistema. Pero antes de eso, queríamos compartir con vosotros algunos de esos cambios.

Lo primero a destacar es que, ya que todos los efectos del árbol de habilidades se eliminarán del equipo con este nuevo sistema, es importante que los guardéis en el inventario del árbol de habilidades antes de la actualización del 16 de noviembre. Los efectos del árbol de habilidades que no se hayan guardado en el inventario se perderán.

Para guardar los efectos del árbol de habilidades solo hay que visitar a un vendedor de [Transferencia del árbo...

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Thanks for letting us know, we’ve seen a couple reports of this and will get the team investigating.

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We are well aware of the bot issue and are working through a number of new, stronger plans with SGR to put in place to help address this issue. When these are ready to roll, we plan on sharing an update with details, expectations, and as much information as we can. In the meantime, however, we cannot announce these plans before they are ready; we know the bot situation is frustrating, and feels like it is at a plateau just as much as you all do.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Reminder to keep it civil among each other please.

We are working on an announcement post and in-game messaging to alert players of the impacts of these changes ASAP, and appreciate all of the player feedback on this. I know it can feel frustrating at times to give feedback you feel strongly about, but it can help us push and make the changes we need to make, so it is always appreciated.