That’s part of what is being worked through so as soon as I know, I will let you know.
That’s part of what is being worked through so as soon as I know, I will let you know.
Appreciate the continued reports from those who are experiencing the issue – following tonight’s update, please let us know if you continue to see this error!!
We appreciate the continued reports; we’re highly aware that this issue is still ongoing, and appreciate those that post details whenever this pops up again. Unfortunately I don’t have much more of an update to share today, but we’ll be keeping a close eye out on this issue following tonight’s update.
The compensation plan is still being worked on across teams to attempt to make the pheons gained as fair as possible and see how we can best resolve this; we should have an update by this afternoon, but unfortunately we are unable to deliver it ahead of tomorrow’s patch as the item bundle will need to be created and implemented into the game and we are working on a very tight timeline with proximity to the update release.
Update folks! This will indeed be included in the November Update.
Appreciate the early feedback on this – we’ll be watching closely to see how it performs here and if it has positive impacts on players, and if it’s something that works well and people enjoy we’ll be sure to extend it.
We got the note on this change a few hours ago, so unfortunately I have not yet seen what it looks like in game – regardless, I hope the folks that have been waiting on this update are excited!
It will come with the update itself, so any items included you will have when the servers come back up. Unfortunately as it has not been finalized, we cannot yet grant it to players.
Hey folks, we should have an update on compensation ideally this afternoon. We are looking into ways to make the pheons gained feel fair as best as possible, but are still working across teams on a solution that works for everyone.
Additionally, as this seems to be a continued topic of discussion, I will again confirm that there was an exploit in the game that allowed some players to abuse the pheons from yesterday’s mail; we saw this on multiple accounts. I see a lot of folks asking for proof, but we will not be writing out each step that was required to perform this exploit – even as this is fixed, it is not a great idea to spread information or steps to repeat exploits should something similar arise in the future. Doing so introduces way too much risk.
La actualización de noviembre, «Comilona con colegas», llega mañana a Arkesia. Los servidores se desconectarán el día 16 de noviembre a las 9:00 AM CET (8:00 AM UTC / 12 AM PT) y esperamos que el mantenimiento dure 4 horas. Desde la clase avanzada parca (una nueva y letal arma en el campo de batalla) hasta los generosos eventos de progresión, las recompensas diarias por iniciar sesión y una serie de impactantes ajustes de calidad de vida, esta actualización se centra en el acopio de valiosos objetos del juego y en un festín con los amigos para prepararse para los poderosos desafíos del final del juego que llegarán el mes que viene.
Desgraciamente, nuestro equipo está todavía trabajando duro para completar la traducción de estas notas de parche. Más abajo podréis encontrar las notas de parche completas en inglés pero actualizaremos está página con la localización completa tan pronto como sea posible. Os pedimos disculpas por las molestias y os agradecemos vuestra paciencia...
Read moreLa mise à jour du mois de novembre, intitulée « Festin entre amis », arrive demain en Archésia. L’opération de maintenance pour la mise à jour commencera le 16 novembre à 9 h HNEC (8 h UTC) et devrait durer 4 heures. Qu’il s’agisse de la classe avancée de la faucheuse (une nouvelle arme létale sur le champ de bataille), d’une foison d’événements de progression, des récompenses de connexion quotidienne et d’une vague d’améliorations d’ordre général, tout dans cette mise à jour vous aidera à vous constituer un stick d’objets précieux et à festoyer avec vos amis pour vous préparer aux épreuves de fin de jeu qui arriveront le mois prochain.
Malheureusement, notre équipe travaille toujours activement à la traduction des notes de version. Vous trouverez la liste complète des notes en anglais ci-dessous. Nous mettrons à jour cette page avec les notes entièrement traduites dès que possible. Nous nous excusons pour ce désagrément et vous remercions de votre patience.
Read moreDas November-Update „Festmahl mit Freunden“ kommt morgen nach Arkesia. Die Unterbrechung für das Update beginnt am 16. November um 9:00 Uhr MEZ (00:00 Uhr PDT; 8:00 Uhr UTC) und wird voraussichtlich 4 Stunden dauern. Von der Fortgeschrittene Klasse „Schnitterin“ (eine tödliche neue Waffe auf dem Schlachtfeld) bis zu den zahlreichen Fortschritts-Events, täglichen Login-Belohnungen und einer Reihe wirkungsvoller Komfortanpassungen dreht sich bei diesem Update alles darum, sich mit wertvollen Gegenständen im Spiel einzudecken, und sich bei einem Festmahl mit Freunden für den im nächsten Monat kommenden Spießrutenlauf der mächtigen Endgame-Herausforderungen zu stärken.
Unglücklicherweise sind wir noch dabei, die Patchnotes zu übersetzen. Unser Team arbeitet bereits mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit an einer vollständigen Übersetzung. Bis dahin findet ihr weiter unten sämtliche Patchnotes auf Englisch. Sobald die Übersetzung fertig ist, werden wir die Seite sofort aktualisieren. Wir e...
Read moreThe November “Feast with Friends” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime for the update will begin on November 16 at 12AM PDT (8AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours.
From the Reaper Advanced Class (a deadly new weapon on the battlefield) to bountiful progression events, daily log-in rewards, and a swathe of impactful quality of life adjustments, this update is all about stocking up on valuable in-game items and feasting with friends to prepare for the gauntlet of powerful end-game challenges arriving next month.
Read moreHeroes of Arkesia,
We are currently working across teams to finalize compensation plans, and should have an update on what this will look like later today. Despite the fact that plans are still being finalized, please know that we are planning to deliver this compensation to players with the game update on November 16th.
Thank you for your patience, and we’ll share an update as soon as we have one.
Thanks for the note – we’re working on a compensation package for all players, and will look into if it’s possible to alter them based on receiving pheons earlier. Appreciate it!
Hey there – I would suggest putting in a ticket in addition to having this thread so that our support staff can look into it for you: Lost Ark - Support | Amazon Games
The November Update will still roll out as planned, and patch notes will be released tomorrow.
The team weighed the options of pulling back Pheons versus allowing players to keep them – since the exploit was caught quickly, there were not players who received tens of thousands worth, and because many legitimate players already gained and spent them, we decided the economic impacts were not severe so we did not to take them away from players and cause additional thrash.
Although we did not list out every single step to recreate the exploit in the post, there was an exploit that we saw some players use to gain extra pheons that lead to shutting the servers down. We wanted to include transparency by providing a top level overview of what caused the server downtime, but please understand we cannot share detailed steps on how to perfectly replicate an unintended exploit.
Heroes of Arkesia,
Last night we sent out an in-game message to notify players of the upcoming critical adjustments to the Tripod system, which require Skill Tree Effects to be stored in the Skill Tree Inventory ahead of the November 16th update to avoid losing them. Unfortunately this message had an unintended 10 Pheons attached, which could be claimed on every character, and could subsequently be exploited by deleting and re-creating new characters. To remove the message and the potential economic exploit, an emergency downtime was induced.
We apologize for the downtime’s inconvenience and the confusion experienced by many Lost Ark players. We are currently evaluating options for a make-good gift, and will provide an update within 24hrs on the compensation all players will receive.
While we originally stated we planned to remove the Pheons from the accounts that received the mail, we understand that many players spent these in good faith. As we caught...
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