

16 Nov

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I’m sorry that the initial plan was changed; I know it is frustrating when announced information changes. On Monday we wanted to get players back in the game as soon as possible and allow players to keep the Pheons they may have earned, however unfortunately due to the exploited Pheons we were unable to leave them in-game. I am regretful that this information had to be changed after it was first announced.

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Confirmed, up to 4 hours

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Yep, this is still accurate!

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I was hoping to have an update by this afternoon, and I apologize that this shifted as it is still being discussed (working across timezones to reach Korea is part of the challenge with quick messages like these). We will still release compensation with the update, and will have that information roll out with it.

15 Nov

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The tech is being explored, but there isn’t a set date for when this might be functional; if I had to wager a guess, I would say it would be several months out at minimum

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We decided to remove some of the common methods used by bots to help prevent them from being as effective early on; many of our core players have already obtained this gold or moved past relying on these methods so this made sense in terms of not over-impacting real players. When it comes to Una’s Tasks, these are a source of gold for both bots and players included, however they are much more widely used by regular players to earn gold in the game and we do not want to take that away from players.

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The ban waves haven’t stopped, we’re hitting a massive number of accounts per day, but they just keep coming back in. Right now some pretty strong proposals and tools are being worked through that we hope to implement soon once everyone is aligned and we tighten them up to be as effective as possible.

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Héros d’Archésia,

Nous travaillons actuellement sur la compensation à venir et nous devrions avoir du nouveau sur le contenu de cette compensation plus tard dans la journée. Sachez que nous prévoyons d’offrir cette compensation aux joueurs lors de la mise à jour du jeu le 16 novembre.

Merci de votre patience. Nous ferons le point dès que possible.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia:

Nuestro equipo está trabajando en finalizar un plan de compensación y en breve tendremos más noticias a este respecto. Aunque aún estamos finalizando los detalles, nuestro plan es entregar esta compensación con la actualización del 16 de noviembre.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia, compartiremos más detalles en cuanto podamos.

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Helden von Arkesia,

Wir arbeiten derzeit teamübergreifend an der Fertigstellung von Entschädigungsplänen und sollten im Laufe des Tages ein Update darüber haben, wie diese aussehen werden. Die Pläne sind zwar noch nicht abgeschlossen, wir planen aber, euch diese Entschädigung mit dem Spiel-Update am 16. November zu liefern.

Wir danken euch für eure Geduld und werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten, sobald wir ein Update haben.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is a piece of the puzzle that is still being discussed, so when that plan is locked we’ll clarify it. :slight_smile:

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Hey there, we’ll be monitoring the disconnect issue following the update. Please keep us posted and let us know if you continue to see the problem tomorrow.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Totally appreciate that and we agree – unfortunately we had changes coming into the patch notes as early as this morning, so we weren’t able to capture as many screenshots or images as we would have liked for this one.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Totally! Thanks for the feedback. Both of these things are under discussion; though I don’t yet have word on what the final plan will be, they are being taken into consideration. Please just note that whatever is decided will probably all happen in one singular “compensation plan” update for ease.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

No worries, happy to help clarify if something was funky!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am not sure what the question is; these are both statements that say the same thing. The compensation package will not be delivered ahead of/before the patch tonight, it will come with the patch and players will be able to access it when servers come back up after the update.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was not planned to be delivered in 24 hours, we were hopeful to have information locked in 24 hours. The direct quote from yesterday’s update was as follows: “We are currently evaluating options for a make-good gift, and will provide an update within 24hrs on the compensation all players will receive.”

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Collecting the pheons attached to the mail was not considered an exploit; the exploit was something people were able to do to “break the game” in a way that allowed them to collect more pheons than were sent out to players.

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Nope, if you already claimed the rewards from Rapport previously, you will keep the items/gold you already earned and they will remain marked as claimed

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We cannot postpone the Tripod Update. It is tied to the build, and to postpone this we would need to delay the entire November Update which is not going to happen