A challenge here and something to keep in mind is that we are not the developers of the game; oftentimes when a large change or piece of feedback is given, the actionable thing we can do is deliver it to the dev team as a suggestion or player feedback. From there if it is acted upon, we can share more in future updates or when we have that information, but that is not always the case with every piece of feedback or content. With that in mind as well, we try to answer questions and gather information whenever we can, but the same situation applies; since we are working with a partner developer across the world from us, it often takes time for us to get these questions answered and messages ready to go.
All that aside, tons of great questions do get asked here! We don’t catch every single one as we’re only humans and it is not our only job to patrol the forums, but we should be getting someone fresh on board soon to help cover more questions with more consistency ...
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