Artist won’t come until after both Reaper and Summoner have been released unfortunately – we’ll be getting the “original” classes out first before the newer ones
Artist won’t come until after both Reaper and Summoner have been released unfortunately – we’ll be getting the “original” classes out first before the newer ones
With the merge, these items will instead appear in your Universal Storage If you check there, you should be all set
We’ve raised this for escalation since we’re seeing some reports of this!! Will provide an update when possible
Heroes of Arkesia,
Due to yesterday’s extensive downtimes that were required to implement server merges as well as the additional maintenance needed to fix the Aura of Resonance issue that occurred with the release of the September Update, players will receive a compensation package.
Following a brief restart of the in-game store, the following items will be delivered to all players who have logged in at least once in the past month:
These grants may take up to 12 hours to finish for all players.
Remember that your Aura of Resonance Recovery Elixir must be used within 14 days of when it’s claimed.
Thank you for your patience, heroes. We will provide addit...
Read moreHéroes de Arkesia:
Debido a las largas desconexiones de ayer, que eran necesarias para implementar la fusión de servidores así como el arreglo del Aura de Resonancia derivado de la actualización de septiembre, vamos a ofrecer un paquete de compensación.
Después de un breve reinicio de la tienda del juego, se entregarán los siguientes objetos a todos los jugadores que hayan iniciado sesión al menos una vez en el último mes:
Recordad que el Elixir de recuperación de aura de resonancia se debe usar dentro de los 14 días después de reclamarlo.
Gracias por vuestra paciencia. En las próximas semanas daremos ...
Read moreHelden von Arkesia,
wegen der längeren gestrigen Wartungspause, die für die Zusammenlegung von Servern nötig war, und der zusätzlichen Wartungsarbeiten zur Behebung des Problems mit der Aura der Resonanz, das mit der Veröffentlichung des September-Updates aufgetreten ist, werdet ihr ein Entschädigungspaket enthalten.
Nach einem kurzen Neustart des Ingame-Shops werden die folgenden Gegenstände an alle Spieler geliefert, die sich im vergangenen Monat mindestens einmal eingeloggt haben:
Denkt bitte daran, dass ihr euer Aura-der-Resonanz-Regenerationselixier innerhalb von 14 Tagen verwenden müsst, nachdem ihr es in Anspruch genommen habt.
Wir we...
Read moreHéros d’Archésia,
En raison des longs temps d’arrêt d’hier qui ont été nécessaires pour implémenter les fusions de serveurs ainsi que la maintenance supplémentaire pour résoudre le problème d’aura d’écho qui s’est produit avec la sortie de la mise à jour de septembre, les joueurs recevront un pack de compensation.
Après un bref redémarrage de la boutique en jeu, les objets suivants seront livrés à tous les joueurs qui se sont connectés au moins une fois au cours du dernier mois :
Rappelez-vous que votre Élixir de récupération d’aura d’écho doit être utilisé dans les 14 jours suivant sa réclamation.
Merci de vot...
Read moreWe’ll let you know when this compensation is ready to roll out, still locking and confirming plans. Should be an update later today.
This was a bug that we fixed yesterday afternoon and should work moving ahead:
Read moreThe flexes in this thread :') y’all are clearly much more skilled gamers than I am
We are trying to determine timing for this to share in the roadmap with players if possible
At this point in time, the tech does not exist to accomplish region merges, so this is not currently a possibility.
This is indeed a workaround!
This powerpass will expire on October 26th, and we have not shared what classes will be available in the coming months yet, but as classes are on a roughly every other month release timeline, there isn’t a class release slated for October.
You can find your Roster Items in your Universal Storage following the merge!
Your cards should be in your Universal Storage, and you can claim them from there
The plan is for this to be automatic for affected players
Details on that are available here: Server Merge Details - News | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG
- Character slots will reset to the default 6. Additional character slots that have been purchased will be returned to the player as Character Slot Extension Tickets.
You’ll receive a re-entry ticket via mail within 24 hours
What cards are you missing? The section Card here should detail where you can find everything post merge, but please let me know in detail if you’re having specific issues tracking them down still: Server Merge Details - News | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG