Season 1 ended with a heads up, and we’ll let you know when season 2 is going to start up next. When this happens, coins of courage and a new season of regards will happen.
Season 1 ended with a heads up, and we’ll let you know when season 2 is going to start up next. When this happens, coins of courage and a new season of regards will happen.
Our Europe Central server actually has our biggest playerbase, so the reasoning behind the timing isn’t sound. They were prioritized by those that needed the most impacts and the amount of work that they will take (we have team members in Korea right now to assist with the large amount of work).
Ark Pass season 2 will come in a future update, after server merges have been completed
No, it is not included in this patch
Plans through the end of the year are still in flux, so it will take some time to lock that roadmap before we can share what’s up next.
We will be bringing servers and regions up as soon as they are ready, one by one. Unfortunately Europe Central is the largest region and will be the largest undertaking, so it will likely take the longest. We know some players aren’t thrilled that others will be able to get in the game before them, but ultimately bringing the entire game service down for an extended period when other regions are 100% ready to go didn’t feel like the right move either. Because of this, we decided it would be best to focus on getting everything up and running as soon as possible even if they happen a few hours apart.
Names were swapped due to negative feedback from the playerbase, but we don’t plan on making a third switch. Apologies.
If we did not talk to players about what was potentially coming, how would we gather feedback on it?
Going to address a couple of points here.
Nope, the system hasn’t been fleshed out for use yet unfortunately
You are welcome to reach out to support if you would like to try and get a refund: Lost Ark - Support | Amazon Games
In a live game service where we are constantly taking player feedback and trying to make changes, things are subject to change, especially while they are still being developed or crafted. A free power pass was not initially planned for Scouter (and it is still true that one will not be available for every class) but because of the popularity of the class and the feedback from players we were able to include one; I apologize if you feel slighted by this, but it was an overall positive change that we were able to i...
Read moreThis is not something that we were told would happen, however I want to double check before providing a surefire answer.
We’ll let you know when we know!
We were able to make something happen for this – a Punika Power Pass and new Express Event for some players
I’m sorry you purchased one ahead of time. Initially a power pass and express event was not on the table for this class, but we were able to share player feedback around this popular class and make it happen for players.
We are switching up some of the names – forgive me for not knowing exactly which ones were which as I’m still catching up a bit, but they should be updated in the details article.
Das September-Update „Der Zorn des Maschinisten“ kommt morgen nach Arkesia. Die Unterbrechung für das Update beginnt am 28. September um 9:00 Uhr MESZ (7:00 Uhr UTC) und wird voraussichtlich 4 Stunden dauern. Wir gehen derzeit davon aus, dass die Ausfallzeit für Regionen mit Zusammenlegungen bis zu 16 Stunden dauern wird.
Der Maschinist trifft in Arkesia ein, und noch dazu taucht im nächsten Legions-Raid eine alte Bedrohung wieder auf: Kakul-Saydon, Kommandant der Verwüstenden Legion. Die Liste mit allen Neuerungen gibt es hier.
Read moreLa mise à jour de septembre « À fond avec le machiniste » arrive demain en Archésia. L’opération de maintenance pour la mise à jour commencera le 28 septembre à 9 h HNEC (7 h UTC) et devrait durer 4 heures. Nous estimons actuellement que le temps d’arrêt pour les régions concernées par les fusions pourrait prendre jusqu’à 16 heures.
Le machiniste arrive en Archésia et une ancienne menace refait également surface dans le prochain raid de légion : le commandant de la légion démoniaque du chaos Kakul-Saydon. Vous trouverez une liste exhaustive des modifications ici.
Read moreLa actualización de septiembre, «Furia con el maquinista», llega mañana a Arkesia! Los servidores se desconectarán el 28 de septiembre a las 09:00 CEST (07:00 UTC) y esperamos que el mantenimiento dure 4 horas. Por su parte, las regiones que vayan a recibir fusiones, tendrán un tiempo de mantenimiento superior. Nuestra estimación actual para estas regiones es de hasta 16 horas.
Esta clase viene acompañada de una vieja amenaza que regresa en la nueva incursión de la horda: Kakul-Saydon, comandante de la Legión de la Demencia. Encontraréis la lista completa de actualizaciones a continuación.
Read moreUpdate2: The South America and Europe West regions are also available now.
Update: The North America East and North America West regions are already online.As announced, maintenance for the remaining regions continue while we work on server merges.
The September “Rage with the Machinist” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime for the update will begin on September 28 at 12AM PT (7AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours. Downtime for regions with server merges is expected to take longer, estimated up to 16 hours.
The Machinist arrives in Arkesia and an old threat also resurfaces in the next Legion Raid; Mayhem Demon Legion Commander Kakul-Saydon. Find the full list of updates here.
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