

02 Aug

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Interesting proposition! I’m not sure if that’s possible to implement, but I can definitely bring it up.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I kind of want to see people attempting to hunt other player’s pets on accident – it would be kinda funny.

Thanks for the feedback!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t mean to point fingers or accuse folks in any way, and I am not referencing anyone in this thread in particular, but every one-off ban appeal vs RMT we have escalated for further investigation in the past two weeks has been a case of confirmed RMT, even with folks promising up and down they didn’t do it when they reached out – and it usually comes out shortly after that we confirm with the logs that they did in fact buy gold.

If you or your friend was banned for RMT and truly did not participate, please go through the ban appeal process on the support site here: Appeal a ban - Support | Amazon Games...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

As someone else in the thread correctly mentioned, purchases and payments are made through Steam’s platform, which means these things would have to be restrictions would have to be implemented by Valve through the Steam account and payment management side. This isn’t a limitation they currently have in place, and it would also introduce a new issue which would need a new solution – cards of customers expiring, getting lost or stolen, or accounts closing or switching. Because payment is made through Steam, as previously mentioned, this would require additional Valve support resources to handle as well. Unfortunately since we aren’t a part of Valve, it’s not really something we can sign them up for to make happen.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll keep working on improving systems over time and exploring new options; it is a live service game that will always grow and change. For the immediate time being, something needed to be put in place with speed, and this was a move that could be made without significant dev time, can be adjusted easily, and was highly efficient out the gate.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

There isn’t an update that I have at this time unfortunately, as the topic will need to be revisited and reapproached.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

RMTing hasn’t stopped, but neither has our tracking of it – in fact, it’s gotten better, and a heck of a lot more people have been hit with bans for participating.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I know these restrictions can be frustrating for normal players, but the reason more of these restrictions have been put in place are because they have been highly effective in ceasing fraudulent activity, which is extremely important for the game and even the safety of our players. (Fraud in games generally happens with stolen credit cards or accounts, so doing as much as possible to dissuade this from happening is healthy across the board.)

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand the desire for this, but the tech for region merges and integrations does not exist at this point in time and cannot be created instantly (or even quickly). Server merges alone are a significant undertaking in terms of time and resources to accomplish; we’re currently set to do them in September, and have already started working on them behind the scenes in July. Region merges don’t exist for Lost Ark yet, so between developing, implementing, and using all that tech it’s not something that can be on the table right now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Assuming this is referring to today’s patch notes, the 3-day restrictions were increased because they have been highly, highly effective in clamping down on the gold sellers that were committing real-world fraud through the game. I know it’s not the best feeling for regular players, but preventing this as much as possible is extremely important. An unfortunate and frustrating side effect of this is that the bots are back in full force to farm gold in the “traditional” way, but we’re working to crank our bot swatting up to push back on them.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on Wednesday, August 3rd at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and this update will include the following fixes and changes:

  • Gold earned from the Rapport system will be received as “withheld funds”, which are subject to a 3-day withholding period during which they are restricted in the following ways:
    • Cannot send withheld funds through mail
    • Cannot deduct from withheld funds when accepting billing mail
    • Cannot use on 1:1 trades
    • Cannot use in Auction House
    • Cannot use in Marketplace
    • Cannot use in Loot Auctions
  • For the first 72 hours after using a paid Powerpass, all gold earned by trading Una’s Tokens will be received as withheld funds and subject to the 3-day withholding period.
    • Please note that all Powerpasses are currently disabled as we w...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia,

alle Lost Ark Server und Regionen werden am Mittwoch, den 3. August um 9:00 Uhr für unser wöchentliches Update offline gehen. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 4 Stunden dauern und folgende Änderungen beinhalten:

  • Gold, das ihr durch das Beziehungs-System verdient habt, wird als “einbehaltene Mittel” bezeichnet, welche eine 3-tägige Einbehaltungsfrist haben und mit folgenden Einschränkungen gelten:

    • Einbehaltene Mittel können nicht per Post verschickt werden
    • Keine Abzüge einbehaltener Mittel bei der Annahme der Zahlungsaufforderung möglich
    • Kann nicht für 1:1-Handel verwendet werden
    • Kann nicht im Auktionshaus verwendet werden
    • Kann nicht auf dem Marktplatz verwendet werden
    • Kann nicht bei Beuteauktionen verwendet werden
  • In den ersten 72 Stunden nach der Nutzung eines bezahlten Powerpasses wird das gesamte Gold, das ihr durch den Handel mit Unas Marken...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le mercredi 3 août à 9 h HNEC pour notre maintenance hebdomadaire. Le temps d’arrêt devrait durer 4 h. Cette mise à jour comprendra les corrections et les changements suivants :

  • L’or gagné par le système d’affinité sera reçu sous forme de « fonds différés », qui sont soumis à une période de retenue de 3 jours pendant laquelle les restrictions suivantes s’appliquent :
    • Les fonds différés ne peuvent pas être envoyés par courrier
    • Il est impossible de faire des déductions des fonds différés en acceptant un courrier de facturation
    • Les fonds différés ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour les échanges 1:1
    • Les fonds différés ne peuvent pas être utilisés à l’hôtel des ventes
    • Les fonds différés ne peuvent pas être utilisés sur le marché
    • Les fonds différés ne peuvent pas être utilisés dans les ventes aux enchères de butin
  • ...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia:

Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento semanal y la actualización el 3 de agosto a las 9:00am CEST. La desconexión durará unas 4 horas. El parche incluirá los siguientes cambios y arreglos:

  • El oro ganado mediante el sistema de afinidad se recibirá como “fondos retenidos”, que tienen un periodo de espera de tres días. Los fondos retenidos tendrán las siguientes restricciones:
    • No se pueden enviar por correo.
    • No se pueden utilizar al aceptar correos pagados.
    • No se pueden usar en intercambios individuales.
    • No se pueden usar en la casa de subastas.
    • No se pueden usar en el mercado.
    • No se puede usar en subastas de botines.
  • Durante las primeras 72 horas tras usar un pase de poder de pago, todo el oro ganado usando fichas de Una se recibirá como “fondos retenidos” y, por tanto, tendrán un periodo de espera de tres días.
    • Recorda...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate your having fun with this – definitely doing hero’s work. We’re hyper aware that the bots are back swinging today and are already working to implement more measures against them.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the reports on this – while I wasn’t able to reply over the weekend, we were able to escalate and resolve; we are going to see if we can make up for some of that lost time and I’ll let you know if I get an update on that!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports on this over the weekend – apologies for not being able to reply as I was out and about, but we were able to resolve it after a few hours and get it up and running. We will discuss if we can make up for the lost hours, and I’ll provide an update when I have one.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

You won’t lose out on it when it’s re-enabled, no. For bonus reassurance, if some weird bug were to happen when they are re-enabled which made it disappear, we would definitely owe you that free pass and make sure to do grants for the affected players.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate the feedback, but region merges or connections like the ones you described isn’t something that tech currently exists for, so unfortunately it’s pretty much off the table at the moment

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It currently is set to expire on September 28th