Let me see if I can dig into this some, appreciate the reports
Let me see if I can dig into this some, appreciate the reports
Bots are an issue that has been ongoing, and likely will remain ongoing. We’ve made some pretty significant strides in the last few months and have culled queues of bots completely, and we’re still working through this to improve the situation as much as possible. Unfortunately the botters like to evolve alongside our mitigation tactics, so it is an active battle.
Hey everyone; I don’t have an update unfortunately, which I know is extremely frustrating. I just wanted to let players know these threads are still actively being monitored and investigated as this is a top issue, and we have folks across multiple teams working on potential solutions. Hopefully I will be able to share a better update soon.
As Bluecogs mentioned, you can report folks when necessary through our support site using the link above (or here). This is the best way to report players that break rules in-game, so that our staff can look into the instance and action accordingly. In the future, please refrain from creating threads like this on the forums, as our CMs have no way to look into in-game logs or accounts, and the forums are a place for discussion and not reporting. Thanks!!
For this situation, just after using the pass!
You would be able to use the pass immediately, and gold earned with it would be subject to a 3-day hold before use.
Also relevant, though:
Read moreSaludos, aventureros:
La compra de pases de poder ha sido deshabilitada temporalmente en la tienda del juego mientras resolvemos un problema con ellos. De momento si intentas comprar un pase de poder, verás un mensaje de error y no podrás finalizar la compra.
Además, los pases de poder ganados en el juego no se podrán usar hasta que este problema se resuelva.
Gracias por vuestra paciencia. Os mantendremos al corriente de cualquier novedad respecto a este problema.
Salutations aux aventuriers,
Les achats de croissances express ont été temporairement désactivés dans la boutique du jeu pendant que nous travaillons à résoudre un problème inattendu. Si vous tentez d’acheter une croissance express en ce moment, vous recevrez un avis d’erreur et votre achat ne passera pas.
De plus, les croissances express gagnées en jeu ne pourront pas être utilisées par les personnages jusqu’à ce que cela soit résolu.
Merci de votre patience. Nous vous informerons dès que nous aurons du nouveau à ce sujet.
Seid gegrüßt Abenteurer,
wir arbeiten an der Behebung eines Problems mit Powerpässen, deshalb haben wir alle Powerpass-Käufe im In Game Store vorübergehend deaktiviert. Wenn ihr also versucht einen Powerpass zu kaufen, erhaltet ihr eine Fehlermeldung und der Kauf wird nicht durchgeführt.
Bis das Problem gelöst ist, sind Powerpässe, die ihr im Spiel verdient habt, nicht benutzbar (unabhängig vom Charakter).
Danke für eure Geduld und wir sagen euch Bescheid, sobald wir ein Update zu diesem Problem haben.
Greetings adventurers,
All Powerpass purchases have been temporarily disabled within the in-game store as we work to resolve an unintended issue with them. If you attempt to purchase a powerpass at this time, you will receive an error notice and your purchase will not go through.
Additionally, Powerpasses earned in-game will not be usable by any characters until this is resolved.
Thank you for your patience, and we will let you know when we have an update regarding this issue.
This is currently applicable to all users.
I’ve mentioned server merges in another thread somewhere along the way; as far as I’m aware, at this point in time the tech for region-wide merges does not exist.
The next roadmap is being worked on now
Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on Wednesday, July 27th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and this update will include the following fixes and changes:
Héros d’Archésia,
Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le mercredi 27 juillet à 9 h (CEST) pour notre maintenance hebdomadaire. Le temps d’arrêt devrait durer 4 h. Cette mise à jour comprendra les corrections et les changements suivants :
Helden von Arkesia,
Alle Lost Ark Server und Regionen werden am Mittwoch, den 27. Juli um 9:00 Uhr für unser wöchentliches Update offline gehen. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 4 Stunden dauern und folgende Änderungen beinhalten:
Héroes de Arkesia:
Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el miércoles 27 de julio a las 9:00 AM CEST. Prevemos que el mantenimiento durará unas 4 horas e incluirá los siguientes arreglos y cambios:
I should make a bard, but arcanist is fun so I’m on the fence
Unfortunately these had to be moved due to an unintended issue with exploits; we’ll let players know when we’re able to fix and redeliver.