Roadmap incoming tomorrow
For some folks, please make sure you are collecting it from your mailbox and then activating it from your inventory. From there, it will appear as a part of the jukebox feature in your stronghold. If you are still experiencing issues after going through all of these steps please let me know
Hey there! Unfortunately power passes are temporarily disabled – we’ll let you know when we have an update.
Read moreI was referring to the Artist (and Aeromancer)! The specialist class is a new base class for these classes that have been released in Korea, but aren’t yet coming to this version of the game.
Greetings heroes of Arkesia,
Gifting in Lost Ark has temporarily been disabled as we address a problem related to the use of the feature.
Powerpasses also remain disabled, and we’ll provide an update on the state of these features as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we work through these ongoing issues.
Helden von Arkesia,
da es ein Problem mit der Nutzung des “Schenkens” gibt, haben wir dieses Feature vorübergehend abgeschaltet. Powerpässe bleiben ebenfalls deaktiviert, wir werden euch aber so bald wie möglich ein Update über den Status beider Funktionen geben.
Danke für eure Geduld, während wir an diesen Problemen arbeiten.
Salutations aux héros d’Archésia,
Les cadeaux dans Lost Ark ont été temporairement désactivés car nous réglons un problème lié à l’utilisation de cette fonctionnalité.
Les croissances express restent également désactivées et nous vous tiendrons informés sur l’état de ces fonctionnalités dès que possible.
Merci de votre patience. Nous travaillons sur ces problèmes en cours.
Saludos, héroes de Arkesia:
Los regalos en Lost Ark han sido temporalmente deshabilitados mientras resolvemos un problema con esta funcionalidad. Los pases de poder también permanecen deshabilitados de momento. Os mantendremos al tanto de cualquier novedad al respecto de estas dos funcionalidades del juego.
Gracias por vuestra paciencia mientras resolvemos estos problemas.
Appreciate this well thought out feedback, especially from a new player!! The Mokoko Challenge is a fairly recent addition to the KR server as well, so I’m definitely happy to share this.
Specialist class won’t be on the table for this version until we get through the releases of all of the earlier advanced classes for the current base classes in the game
Yup! A gentle reminder that RMT-ing goes against the Amazon Games Code of Conduct - Amazon Customer Service. I don’t suggest breaking any of the rules laid out in the Code of Conduct unless you want to lose your account, regardless of whatever bans/punishments people might be claiming – remember, the people on the other side of RMT transactions benefit when players participate in them, so those folks have every reason to convince you the penalty for getting caught “isn’t anything bad.”
Are you referring to the in-game messaging? Thanks for letting me know, let me see if I can get this fixed!!
Flagged this as an issue with the team, will let everyone know when I have an update to share!!
Thanks for this feedback, awesome post. I will raise it again to the team and see if it’s something that can be made possible.
Hey there – Powerpasses are currently disabled from use. Once things are back up and running this should get resolved.
Read morelmao
Unfortunately I don’t have an ETA yet for when these will be re-enabled. As soon as I do, I will share it!
We’ve narrowed down the classes and preset faces this is occurring on, and are still waiting on a fix. Sorry about your brows, please know they are still being cared for!!