Via our official terms of service, there are no overlays or third-party apps that are approved for use to be installed for Lost Ark.
Via our official terms of service, there are no overlays or third-party apps that are approved for use to be installed for Lost Ark.
The Amethyst Shard shop is separate from the mileage shop and is intended to be a currency for Twitch Drops; it will likely be shaken up at some point in the future, but it is unlikely to ever be a 1:1 with the mileage shop.
If it’s useable now it will still be useable after the maintenance – the only items being removed/refunded are those that are currently locked.
If you used the chests and materials, they are a done deal and, for example, your item level won’t be reverted. You won’t get any refunds on used chests, though. Only the items that are being removed (the ones that are currently unmovable in players inventory and storage) will trigger refunds.
If you used the chests and materials, you already used them and that won’t change. You won’t be refunded for them either (since they are already used), but you will still get the compensation.
DC issues still aren’t considered to be fully resolved, unfortunately
Items that are currently locked are the ones that are going away, items that were used or are currently usable won’t change. Gold refunds will only apply to the items that are removed – sorry!
Following discussions surrounding the impacts of this yesterday, we will have an update to the situation to share later today. It is currently being finalized.
This is not a bug, and current information is pinned to the top of the forums:
Read morePlease be kind to our moderators. We do not all have the same role to fill. Fooo is doing their job, which is moderation.
Following discussions surrounding the impacts of this yesterday, we will have an update to the situation to share today that is currently being finalized.
Following discussions surrounding the impacts of this yesterday, we will have an update to the situation to share today that is currently being finalized.
We have not released the hotfix yet that will alter this text; the block in place is something we could do without a game update and the change itself has not yet been made.
We are going to have another discussion later today to figure out how we can compensate players who may have them on an alt and cannot move them. Stay tuned for more information.
We are going to have another discussion later today to figure out how we can compensate players who may have them on an alt and cannot move them. Stay tuned for more information.
We are going to have another discussion later today to figure out how we can compensate players who may have them on an alt and cannot move them. Stay tuned for more information.
Unfortunately the items in the shop are planned to be switched to character bound, but we are still determining what will happen with the previously purchased items, as we do not want to convert them to character bound and have players lose out on all the gold they spent. Will let you know when we determine how this can be handled.
We have not yet determined how already purchased chests will be handled, and are working to find an outcome that will not further harm players (we know players purchased many roster bound chests and simply switching these to character bound would cause players a lot of gold loss for a game-side mistake, which is simply not fair) – we will keep players posted on what this ends up to be.
I am trying to determine this and will let players know as soon as I find out.
Hey y’all, just got in this morning and it looks like the blocks on the Honor Shard Random Chest, Honor Leapstone Random Chest, and Support Honing Random Materials Chest in the frog shop that happened overnight were on these items that were roster bound that were intended to be released to the shop as character bound. We will be making that switch to character bound and I will work on getting official messaging out as quickly as possible this morning. I apologize for any confusion that the overnight changes caused.