No arbitrary intervention.
Only help with issues that players experience, fixing broken laws, getting that cart out of the deep ocean. All administrative actions based on written down rules in the ecopedia (or anywhere where players have a realistic chance to read them, no matter if they ultimately do) that need to specifiy what's going on. It's not really about the intervention itself, but the fact that players need to know when joining what's going on and what can happen. There is no reasonable beyond that, one server might have a lot of rules to facilitate a specific playstyle which gets interested players for that, another one might limit to action on griefers, getting players for that. Both are fine and reasonable, as long as players were able to be aware of what can happen and there is not suddenly the invention of a new rule or usage of the "this is my server, i decide what i want" trope.
No sudden rule changes and if so, not applicable to things that happene...
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