

16 Jun

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Certain Acolyte skills, such as Hungering Souls, can result in graphical artifacting.

  • Other than avoiding the use of affected skills, we do not presently have a workaround for this issue. We are currently investigating it, and it will be fixed in a future update.
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Killing enemies while Torch of the Pontifex is equipped can result in the creation of pink puddles due to a missing material.

  • We don’t presently have a workaround for this, however it will be fixed in a future update.
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Certain Acolyte skills, such as Hungering Souls, can result in graphical artifacting.

  • Other than avoiding the use of affected skills, we do not presently have a workaround for this issue. We are currently investigating it, and it will be fixed in a future update.
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Decals can sometimes fail to load, resulting in the display of bright colors.

  • This is typically resolved by leaving and re-entering the zone.


Missing Decal Example Missing Decal Example558×660 318 KB ... Read more
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Last Epoch may crash on computers with Citrix installed.

  • We recommend updating Citrix to the latest version as a first step.
  • If the problem persists, our only other current advice is to disable or uninstall Citrix.
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Attempts to link Steam and Last Epoch accounts can result in the following error message;

Exception Error Message: Connection timed out after 30000 milliseconds.

As this points to a time-out within the Steam OpenID service, we are unfortunately unable to advise those affected on how long it will take for the service to recover.

  • We recommend trying again after waiting for a brief time.
    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have been seeing sporadic reports of in-game authentication attempts being abnormally slow or failing outright.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Everyone wants threads opened in Technical Support to receive a helpful response as soon as possible. When the first post in a thread already has the information needed for an issue to be investigated, that helps those responding to begin offering potential solutions sooner.

This thread clarifies which information is needed for different types of support request so that you know what needs to be included in a forum post to get the fastest possible help.



Troubleshooting performance issues is easier when we know a bit about both your current game settings and the hardware you are using to play the game.

Additionally, having some insight into your build can be helpful. Are you focusing on Warpath, or are you summoning as many Wraiths as possible? A quick one-to-two sentence description of your build can help us to better understand what’s happening in-game.

Please include both of these files;

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This thread exists to document some widespread technical issues, and ensure that any known workarounds have the best possible visibility. We will be regularly editing the information listed here to remove issues that are resolved in game or driver updates, add new issues as they arise, and improve the descriptions & featured workarounds of the problems listed below.




Steam Account Linking

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report!

This is currently working as intended. To clarify; the number isn’t the number of points spent, but how far up the passives you are. We’ll look at ways of making this more intuitive.

14 Jun

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there!

I’ve fixed this up for you now. Thanks for supporting us!

13 Jun

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


Could you please link us to a screenshot of this error message on Imgur?

Moving thread to #technical-support.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there!

I’ve looked into this for you, but I’m unable to see any reason why the pet would not be available. Are you sure you’re scrolling down to the correct one? It’s near the end of the list.

12 Jun

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Imagine what it’s like for the rest of us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Natebird,

I’m sorry to hear about this! Could you please attach your system information and ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all!

Apologies for the lack of communication so far.

We are aware of a specific issue affecting Windows users with certain graphics cards that results in severe instability. We have been discussing the situation with AMD, and both we and they continue to actively investigate the problem.

Please note that if you are experiencing crashes with an Nvidia or Intel GPU - or you do have an AMD graphics card but you are not using Windows - your issue is unrelated and we suggest creating a new thread and including both your system information...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks, @Llama8.

Marking thread as solved.

11 Jun

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello! Hello! Hello! :robot:

My name’s John and I’m originally from Scotland, though I no longer live there - nor have the accent, as is frequently pointed out to me. While Eleventh Hour Games got started in 2017, I joined at the very start of 2018 and I’ve been trolling the forum having fun ever since!

Online my first love was Freespace 2, and it’s still my favourite game of all time! Other games I’ve sank thousands of hours into include Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Diablo, and Path of Exile. Despite finding out I’ve never played Chrono Trigger, @Mox hasn’t fired me (yet).

When I spend a lot of time playing a game I’ll invariably drift towards ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Awesome, thanks!

Could I just check if you got this file between the bug occurring and you changing the settings back? It does show the settings as still being set to Very Low, which would mean that the game isn’t resetting the contents or the file or replacing it with a default one, but is still failing to adhere to it. Just trying to make sense as it would help point us in the wrong direction, sorry. :smile: