

19 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. I'll change up the 'fall' check to keep them from dropping down. Good find!

16 Aug

Hey fam!

Hope all is well with you amazing folks.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be putting out any updates today. I'm currently working on a ton of stuff still and am nowhere near having a ready build.

This brings me to the topic of release schedules for builds and such. Up until now, I've generally tried to put out a new build each week with the alternating cadence of one week production, one week beta. I'm going to switch this to monthly themed production builds. Why the switch? Well, I'm finding it very difficult to complete bigger tasks within the two week window. I find I hurriedly put a feature in and push to the beta branch only to break things or to find out the feature was poorly designed. As well, I tend to lean towards working on smaller features out of fear of not being able to finish it within that time-frame. Aside from just being stressful, this often results in me having to scrap my weekend to put out hotfixes and, frankly, it'... Read more

13 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can set automated collect water tasks from the Workstation screen (H).

Fishing does not require you to reset. They will fish forever and catch fish as long as they exist in the water source. If they are stopping fishing, then that sounds like a bug. If so, send me your save file and I'll take a look.

11 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Up until now, we've been focusing on getting the most important features into the game over content. As a result, we've barely scratched the surface with implementing planned content. We are in early access after all.

Here are *some* things we have planned:
-More overworld map interaction. i.e., raiding, scouting, sending merchants, etc.
-More rooms. The merchant room is one example. Merchants that arrive would show up and camp out here, giving you the option to open trade at any time.
-Lore. Way more lore. There's a story that has yet to be revealed beyond some of the racial descriptions. We plan on having books, items with inscriptions, places of interest, important characters, etc. Lots planned here.
-End game goals. This one isn't set in stone, but we do want to give players an objective to 'win' which would be optional. Some ideas people in the community have come up with include building a portal to somewhere. Seems fun.
-More co... Read more

09 Aug


Hey all!

Just uploaded the most recent changes to the steam Beta branch.

This update is likely to be pretty buggy, so, only get it at your own risk.

Why is it a risky build? I've made a significant change to how light acts underground. Before, lights produced by torches and other similar devices would not penetrate the ground. Now it does. This may or may not cause problems because visibility was a huge part of determining whether your settlers could do something. Is that mining job visible? No? Ok, we won't do it. Now, you can see much further into the earth. So this might have issues where settlers think they can do something when they really can't yet. I've gone through the majority, if not all, the instances where this comes up but, hey, it's easy to miss things.

Also, the load times are slightly bloated b... Read more

08 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The difference is size and material requirements. Also, I forgot to mention that containers will keep food from decaying for an extra two days. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, there are very few naturally growing harvestable desert plants. You'll only find ones, like Melons, near an oasis or river.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The two flours (wheat and potato) are the only ones currently in-game which do not go bad.

07 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks! Glad you like it. If you get that issue again, I'd love to take a look. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Working on adding more tin to the game. :)

06 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
From the uniform menu ('O') you can set up outfits for each profession, selection group, or individual. If you just want to set up one outfit for one specific entity, select them, hit ('T') to open the entity overlay, then click the 'Inventory' tab. From here, you can just drag the bow onto the settler's hand slot.

05 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! Thanks for the nice words. :)

Owners will automatically join rooms depending on if you have a settler with the skill. So, if none of your settlers have the cook skill turned on (which you can do from ('L') the settlers window under permissions) no one will take ownership. After the skill is enabled, the settler should join the room to start cooking unless the room is full. You can also manually assign people to rooms from the room edit window.

Hope that helps!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks @Puddintaters. :) Means a lot!
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It's currently not possible. I'll add an option to their dialogue for you to deny them.
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Please send me your save folder so I can check it out. Instructions are here:
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah, I see. I'll put a change into the next patch to make tin spawn with void stone and ridgestone. Silly of me to have missed that. There *may* be some tin ore somewhere underground and you'll just have to stripmine. Otherwise, you may want to try out Taiga until I can fix this up better.

04 Aug

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try mining stone. That has a chance to drop tin. Also, leveling up miners gives them a perk which drops random ore.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No. You need 1 void cell for the immortality tomb. Though, Ancients will only join a room if it's empty or if their companion lives in it.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ya, that makes sense! Ok, I'll start designing/planning something like this. :)