

18 Jan


The Pucara is not part of this battlepass.

I would also readjust your expectations for a French vehicle this BP, as France has had one in the last 3 and has a whole season themed around them.


An American one. This one is British.

17 Jan


The BR change of the CL-13 (if that's what's being referred to here) was nothing to do with a "small group of users". There were significantly more people playing that vehicle than just the 4 that claimed to have influenced it and the vehicle itself had had a positive trend for several months before, which is a prelude to a BR increase anyway.

Further to that, the only changes beyond that were due to direct player feedback from the topics collected on the CL-13.


The issue reported was specific to the GR.1A and MiG-27K and their aiming cameras.

If you have another issue of a similar nature, please do let us know

16 Jan


As I previous said, it would not fall under a historical report. But a suggestion.

You would need to make a suggestion topic to change the F-8E to late or add the F-8E late as a separate aircraft.


Skins are not the same thing as a actual 3D part of the model. The skins given to the F-8E also do not have RWR modelled. The two matters are not to be confused.

RWR requires a 3D model change. Its nothing to do with the skin.

You are welcome to submit a report on any inaccuracies you have information to support and we can forward them to the devs for review.

13 Jan



Coincidentally, some of last years have just become full Technical Moderators.






Hello. We are planning to rework certain areas of the forum and condense down the number of areas. So many sections will be combined for ease of use.

12 Jan


Beyond what we have already said, if there is any new news to share, we will announce it in the Battle pass news when that time comes.


It's not currently considered to change the existing model as it requires a model rework. You are welcome to submit a suggestion for the late model.


BRs can be changed depending on how the vehicle does. It is a dynamic system, not fixed.

If the information is presented that proves the early model could not in any form fit countermeasures, then we will forward that for consideration.

Skins are not indicative of the spesific variant and are mostly just for cosmetic purposes. Lots of vehicles have skins that are not reflective of their spesific variant.

11 Jan


The visual model is that of an early. As has already been pointed out in this topic.

Currently there is nothing to suggest the countermeasures could not have been retrofitted, much like with the F-5E. Whereas RWR does require the physical model change.

So unless concrete information can be reported to remove the countermeasures showing it was not possible in an early model with 100% certainty, its unlikely they will be removed.


As the report confirmed, the developers consider it currently as an early model.


According to the information the developers have, the early model did not have RWR. The manual could have been retrospectively updated. So we would need some confirmation that the early model indeed had it too.


Whilst everyone is welcome to their own personal opinion, it's not to come at the expense of keeping this topic on subject matter. I have already answered the original questions that were and this has now become a personal opinion based discussion on matchmaking and balance. Which is not the subject matter of this topic. There are far more suitable topics where you can post your suggestions and views.

10 Jan


Never say never, however we have found running themed tasks around historical events that can be completed within random battles to be the more popular formula. Hence our recent series:

But its possible one off events may return from time to time.

Its too soon to speak about any specifics at this stage.


We know this from the several years WT Chronicles was run with full historical event matchups including asymmetric numbers to counterbalance better equipment and every other historical MM related event or test we have ever run. There has been more than enough to show its not what the majority want over the years and not what works best for the game.

Its not currently considered. Right now the focus is on the stable implementation of Helicopter PvE.


We already had this for several years with the War Thunder chronicles events. Everyone who wanted a historical matchmaker wanted it up until the point they realise it involves situations like P-51/B-17 vs Me 262, wherein the events, nobody wanted to be the P-51 and B-17 even with vastly superior numbers. Additionally running any form of permanent mode alongside the standard formula random battles splits the population, increasing queue times and lowering the chances of further BR increases and expansions. Neither are healthy in the long run and given the lack of popularity for purely realistic historical matchmaking, its not something considered viable.

We have nations that never fought one another, fighting on locations they never fought in with aircraft that never actually fought in combat. This immersion is very selective here.

As I have explained, we already have a way of distinguis...

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Much like with tanks, Air is starting to reach an era where in some cases, newer technology was combined with older performance. Again, we have had this for tanks with years. Indeed the argument could be made Air hasn't had this yet, but simply because we hadn't got to this stage yet. But its nothing new. Its been in game this way for years.

We already have 1960-70s vehicles capable of seeing WW2 vehicles. Machines such as the Pbv 301 are 1960/70s with a BR of 2.3. This is not a new thing. Positioning some aircraft in a helicopter tree isn't going to change that.

We are not at the stage yet where any of this is ready to be answered or final.

However we have had a mixed range of jet / prop / cold war eras for several years now. Again this is not new.


Im not sure what you are referring too, as absolutely nothing has changed. We don't generally position things by year. Era has always defined the technological era of a vehicle and its performance, not its "historical" period. Otherwise the ASU-57 would not be Rank III and 4.3 for example.