This is correct yes. As the dev blog showed, there is the base Egyptian camo and the pre-order Indian Thunderbirds camo.
The rest are optional extra choices for those that are interested in them
This is correct yes. As the dev blog showed, there is the base Egyptian camo and the pre-order Indian Thunderbirds camo.
The rest are optional extra choices for those that are interested in them
Waiting for confirmation.
Glad to see your enjoying the new payloads
We had a issue preventing the correct rewards for base damage. But it was hotfixed over an hour ago. Please relog into the game and check again now
Simply a bug. The fix went in reverse ))
An unfortunate side effect of having one of the largest major updates with a lot of bug fixes and corrections that overlap.
It will be redirected in one of the upcoming hotfix patches.
It has no relivance.
This topic is about the F-5E a new aircraft coming to the game.
You are referring to an existing aircraft for which we have already said we plan to add further upgrades too in the future.
It's entirely off topic and will not continue here.
This situation is not the same. According to the current sources the developers had, the Leclerc S.2 had no commanders thermals. They were installed on future variants and were key features of those machines.
Unlike the F-5E which simply possesses the upgrade kits and modules that were available to F-5E aircraft.
Guys, we seem to be moving into the territory of update feedback now. So that's best saved for the proper feedback topic.
In the meantime. I think we can officially conclude this season of rumor roundup.
I will cross check and pass anything thats not but im 99% certain they have all of this information already. Thanks.
They seem to have also found more themselves too so lets see what happens.
Server may be unavailable from 08:00 GMT on the 2nd of June as we will be implementing Update Red Skies" in War Thunder. We will inform you when maintenance is over.
Thank you for your patience!
The War Thunder Team
They are separate from the major and under investigation.
As for everything else on the payload, we are waiting on a response from the developers and consultants. They have been doing some additional research and investigation. So the results of that should decide on the payload matter.
As I said, we cannot do dev blogs on every vehicle unfortunately so decisions have to be taken based on the interests of the wider playerbase and population.
For those interested in its stats and history, thats exactly what the War Thunder Wikipedia is for.
I have already answered this. For the same reason why many aircraft come over time. We do not always add aircraft when they are at the very top of their tree or when they are solely "meta" relevant.
Interesting and unique additions are spread out over time as with all nations so that all ranks get meaningful additions across the board. This was the same case with the Sagittario and Swifts too.
If that turns out to be the case, then as with all BRs they can change. But this really has 0 real difference to the major point of the different reactions.
Dev blogs have never been chosen based on reception. If that was the case, you would see a very specific range of dev blogs that were very targeted and not at all near the numbers of blogs we actually publish.
We have never done that, not only because its not possible but because it serves no real purpose.
Dev blogs near the start of the season are on whats ready to show and near completion. Towards the end of the season we tend to focus on more of the examples that are unique and appeal to a wider audience. The Sagittario is simply more unique in this case and worth
Both of those were the first of their series in game and generally of interest to the wider game audience to know about.
The Super Mystere has already had a blog and plus, as some have again demonstrated today, we don't need a blog just to hear "oMg 2 yEArs LaTe" or "DeAd oN ArRiVal" by some of the very same people who asked for the aircaft all this time. The Sagittario was a more interesting choice of blog with a good reception.
It's not something the developers can change directly. There is not enough players and also ships available to support any expansion
As I have said several times, we are waiting on more info from the developers
Not planned.
Right now, the current naval matchmaking pool can't support an expansion of BRs. This major update introduces quite a lot of QoL naval elements, fixes and improvements as well as the first Italian battleship.
We plan to work on a number of aspects and further suggestions as well as filling gaps in trees which in turns provides more options for the matchmaker and thus making any possibility of expanding BRs more possible.
As far as I'm aware, the 2000lb limit is for weponary. Not fuel tanks / refueling equipment. But we are waiting in more info from the Devs.
There is nothing inherently wrong with them. More so the MF has skins already.
Really popular vehicles and skins that are unique have higher chances.