

28 May


We had a response from the developers on the MiG-23M flare pod:


Please check again. I never said its not planned for the tank at all. Simply that its not planned for the launch of the tank.

We cant be any clearer than that.


Its not planned to come with the launch of the tank.


F-5E wasn't "in the game" last update and wasn't thrown into this patch out of pitty for the US. It's a major variant and was always planned to come this patch.

The US has had more jets than pretty much anyone over the last year. F-5E was long awaited by many people. But unfortunately you can't please everyone.


The F-5A came two months ago. The F-5A and F-5E are not the same aircaft at all.


I don't think it was fully final, but we will check with the Devs.

27 May


M61 Vulcan sound was not fully final.

Sounds are constantly being updated. But we cant give specific confirmations.

Please submit a bug report:


Source material for the F-4F would be needed to show it.

No evidence exists for any link for more than 2 AGM-65s.


No aircraft in game has x 6 AGM-65 for balance reasons.

The F-4E could, but is currently limited to 4. For the F-4F. There is no evidence any more than 2 were ever used.

Both the F-4E and F will have the ability to mount Sidewinders with the 2 x AGM-65 loadout.


Just a note. BRs on the dev server are not final. There may well be some changes.


The developers have confirmed RWR is not planned to be removed. Its a modular kit that could also be installed on F-5Es.


All weaponry is subject to balance. Having a source on a particular weapon / shell etc is stage one, then consideration is given to the balance situation.


F-4E has always had the slats on the FM. It was only lacking the visual side.


The gun shield will be fixed. We received no reports of any issues on the tail.


Stock missiles are being introduced on the aircraft that have 1 of 2 criteria:

1) They already have multiple different types

2) They carry more than 2 missiles.

For F-86F-40, F-86K, Super Mystere, G.91YS, 2 missiles is the maximum possible loadout and thus cant also be available stock.

Both the F-4F Manual and Weapons Manual confirm the weapon. As well as German F-4Fs using the AIM-9J training round in the USA.


It's not. But we don't just collect feedback from feedback topics.

They are the most important areas. But we check everywhere for comments and mentions just to be sure.

France also had important domestic aircaft too. Again, not everything can be added at once. Some things are added over time so everyone always has things to look forward too.


F-86 and MIG-15 were here from the beginning before France was even considered for a standalone nations.

France itself came only in 2017.

All nations get aircraft over time that are not top tier. France is no exception.


Indeed. Im looking forward too it myself. It's a good looking jet