Speedy recovery
Speedy recovery
Oh also, as we said:
Just a heads up, this was a typo. Should have been AIM-9D/G. Not H.
Challenger 2 was given L27 last major update.
The aircraft could only carry 2 x ADEN when it had Firestreaks.
So you will have the choice of 4 ADENs or 2 ADENs + Firestreaks.
AIM-9D / G.
H was a typo.
M47 is BR 7.3
T-80BVM is BR 11.0
They cannot face each other and one is not the counter to the other.
Nope. It remains one of the top performing aircraft in game.
Its planned for the release as far as we have been told.
Patch notes UPDATED: 26/05/21
New changes are marked in
UPDATED: 26/05/21
New changes are marked in Blue
It has nothing to do with balancing decisions at this stage. Simply that its under review.
There is always a chance for last minute surprises. But we have nothing to confirm right now.
Britian had new top tier jets pretty much every major update last year along with a whole line of South African vehicles just last patch. They have had a huge amount of focus recently. That was on top of the Apache, Challenger 2F and many other additions throughout the last year.
Interesting is entirely subjective. The Sea Vixen is interesting to a number of people. You are free to not count premiums too, but as a free to play game, they are an important part of the core game.
Everything French has been shown.
In terms of new ships enti
Update from the developers: The refueling probe is planned to be removed from the F-5E model.
All possible considerations have been discussed.
All of the current metrics and evidence show it's unsustainable and not currently viable to go beyond 11.0 for now. As with all BR expansions, this can change over time.
For the same reasons why 11.0 was not possible before now.
There needs to be enough players and vehicles across a given BR range to keep it sustainable and ensure matchmaking holds stable. 11.0 was the next step from 10.7. There was never any possibility for a huge jump to 11.7 as there currently:
A) isn't enough vehicles that can populate that range
B) isn't enough people to keep matchmaking constant by what would effectively be doubling the top BR bracket.
11.0 is already an expansion of the BRs.
Seems with regards to that change, it was likely uploaded to a later build that's made it into dev. So the release of Red Skies should see it deployed now.