

04 Oct


It does not matter what type of carrier from any era you were on, no carrier can launch 4 aircraft at once. All carriers in game have a modeled catapult system that provides a boosted takeoff for one aircraft at a time.


False entirely so im not sure who this persons "insider" is. Either it was miscommunicated or misinterpreted greatly.

Technical Moderators are volunteers with no information on development resources and we have had no changes at all with regards to directions on Technical Moderation on Naval Bug reports. As the Lead for Technical Moderators, I can confirm fully that I or nobody else has made any such change whatsoever.


Please post the replay and clog from that match and we can investigate. A spread of more than +1.0 BR is not possible outside of squads.


We also have the ability to do that, but there is also a reason why aircraft like the A6M5 Otsu have the cost they do. That aircraft is able to make huge sums of lions on a consistent basis and thats what the majority get for it to be able to have that repair cost.

03 Oct


Topic moved to the correct section.

Please post such topics in the appropriate area. We have a dedicated British aircraft section here:

If you are trying to suggest the aircraft be added, you can find the suggestions area here (however the Victor has already been suggested before):


We share the information we are given. Sometimes, plans and development changes thats entirely outside of our control. It doesn't mean you were lied too or mislead. People are asking for more and more transparency and answers earlier, yet that comes with the consequence of too much info too early can change rapidly. Hence why everything is subject to change. The supersonic example is also a prime example of community demand. We said that we didn't want to peruse it, but the community made it very clear over a long period its what they wanted, so like anything in development, plans and direction can change.

If you cant trust anything thats said by anyone, then there's not much we can do about that im afraid. We are just here to do our job to pass you the correct info that we can at the time we receive it. Any game thats in active development is subject to change.

Once again, this is incor...

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No one time paid games or games with "free content drops" have run for 8 years. You are confusing multiple different types of game into a type that does not exist.

You have already received the best answer possible. The answers we provide (CMs) are the best explanation possible the developers can give and its the same case for Q and As.

This comes down to the fact you dislike the answers and dont agree with them, but that doesn't mean the question is going to be asked over and over again because the answer is not going to change.

02 Oct


People are entirely free to disagree and hold their own opinions. We are not trying to "suppress" that. But if we have already provided an answer to something before, dont expect it to keep coming up over and over in Q and As. The developers also dont want to just keep repeating themselves.


We do this pretty much annually after a new rank is added and expanded enough, but right now thats not the case. Folders are done when there are an excess of vehciles.

We did it more recently at lower ranks to help new players.


Probably not next week, but things could change.


I didn't say it effects the number of vehicles in a rank, but the number to research.

Japan only has 4 Rank VII tanks in need of research. Compare that to the USA, USSR, Germany, UK and others in places where they have foddered vehicles that explains why.

For example to get to the top Leopard, you have 3 Leopards to go through. To get to the T-80U, you have 2 T-64s and a T-80 to go through. For Japan, you only have the Type 74 for now.


The reasoning we provide you is the reasoning from the developers in as much detail as they can give. Developers are not intended to explain themselves or reasoning for changes beyond Q and As as they themselves are busy working and developing the game. Everything we provide comes directly from the devs, from the questions you ask.

Even if you could speak to a developer directly, they cant explain things further to you because you are already getting the full reasoning.


Folders are generally done when a rank becomes very large and there is a lot to research.

Considering Japan has 4 Rank VIIs, thats not going to happen anytime soon.


Both are in queue along with several other loadout expansions and matters under review.

F-104 can also use Sparrows with its guns too for example, which is also in queue.


Not at all. If a vehicle for example achieves what you consider to be "normal" which is lower than what it currently was recorded at, then it would go down indeed and this is evident in every economy patch when there are always vehicles that go down, including new ones from a previous major.

With regards to the C2A1, F-11 and other event vehicles, as I said previously in the thread, we have something in the works for event vehicle repair costs that we hope to share soon.


The "main concerns" have mostly all been answered before several times over. They can be devolved down into roughly 5 subjects, all of which we have answered before in some form.

The issue comes with the fact that we cannot keep repeating the same questions over and over and over in different forms in every Q and A. The whole point of Q and As is supposed to cover a wide range of topics. Its also supposed to be covering all areas of the game. SB for example does not get attention on every single Q and A, so giving it more in 1 example is not "revolving" them all around Sim.

We have already previously explained for example the top battle rating expansions, spawn area issues, matchmaking issues, event reasonings, repair cost explanations, HEAT FS changes and all of the other "main concerns" you refer too. You do not agree with the answer, but that does not mean they have not been previously answered.


Guys, this is not the place to discuss BR and Matchmaking. Its now starting the spiral this one out of control.

If you would like to share your thoughts, please do so in a more appropriate topic:

This one has been cleaned up more to get back on track.


Germany also has 2 event vehicles currently up for grabs, on top of the previous 2 it had in the last event. It gets more than its fair share of attention too.

They are hardly missing on "literally everything".

Russia also takes these holidays / special days far more seriously than most in any European country by the way.


Having just explained it very transparently all then, there can be no doubt then that personal opinion has no baring on feedback collection

As one of the people who collect the questions for every Q and A, allow me to confirm that they are not.

A satisfying answer is entirely subjective to personal opinion. Its also a case that not everything has a "satisfying answer" because at the end of the day, not every piece of feedback can actually be implemented exactly as desired. We implement as much as we can as far as we can, but what you and others often seem to loose track of is we are a game and thus also a company. The game has to make money to continue its existence and unfortunately, what many people don't take into account Is not every change is actually both logical and sustainable for the health and support of the game to continue.


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This is incorrect.

There are not developers constantly present on the RU forum answering every single topic. They are also present here on the .com forum reading it not only for themselves but before we even pass on all the additional feedback we collect.

Im not really sure here what you are insinuating, but personal opinion or views has no baring on how feedback is collected, passed along or reviewed. Thats not the job of any Community Manager in any game and I dont really know where your idea of that comes from, except that its just your personal opinion you made up. Its not my job, or any Community Managers job to "disagree" with your feedback. We may explain the facts to you and correct statements incorrect made that may mislead people, because that is our job. But that has no baring at all on what we forward or collect.

As one of the people that spend their hours reviewing n...

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