it can only be earned this season to celebrate 10 years of supercell!
it can only be earned this season to celebrate 10 years of supercell!
Hey Drew! Love what you do for the community and I really appreciate it.
I had a question, will the golden hog rider emote be a limited emote? (Since there is no “3 months until it is in the shop” message)
• As a hog player, this emote is a dream come true. And in my humble opinion, the rainbow ring would be a perfect addition to the emote. ☺️
Thanks always and clash on!
it's not a limited exclusive as it doesn't have the legendary border, but it IS exclusive for 3 months
is there a tv royale coming for this?
no tv royale for this season but we have a video coming on monday for the season launch
Did EQ need a nerf ? I think the main thing on this card is the building damage?
the thinking behind this is that with all the building hitpoint nerfs it will still deal a good chunk of damage to buildings, while also tackling troops better (by being able to break shields).
a building HP nerf coupled with tornados rework would probably have seen EQ be a highly used card
And? Are you guys gonna give us any of them? Obviously no details, but a simple “yes” or “no” would be decent of you. We have been asking for QoL changes for so long, especially us clan leaders. Why do you continue to not make any QoL changes in updates? They require the least art (usually none, just text) and little coding is involved (comparatively).
it would be disingenuous of me to say "yes" or "no" when we haven't had an internal meeting about it nor have any of the ideas been spoken about with the rest of the dev team.
nothing simple about it i'm afraid
yeah, i hope so
i've seen all 3 parts!
i really like this idea. thanks for sharing
u/Supercell_Drew sorry to tag you dude, but can you confirm if this is correct. I just contacted support and they said your 'best season' shows highest trophies not highest rank, i thought you had confirmed previously this was not supposed to be the case?
this is correct - highest trophies is what the best season is based on & will trump a higher ranking with less trophies
this QoL change is already made and will be coming in the next update!
how it works: you select multiple tower skins and then each battle it picks a random one from the selection you have chosen
you mad lad! you must be a hacker or a pro gamer.
LOL had no idea the caption said that. have fixed it now
i absolutely love this!
spent last night zooming in on my instagram to catch all the details - thanks for the bigger version here.
so wholesome!
u/supercell_drew can you please confirm someone will reach out. Even if it’s not you I just want to know someone will. I am being hit with charges that I never processed and have been unable to work with PayPal as their phone support is off for the pandemic and their messsages system is extremely delayed. I simply want confirmation on which of my accounts was hacked as again I have 2fa support on everything but supercell ID! This is a security issue! Is supercell ID unsafe?
i don't answer account-specific player support questions here and it is also unfortunately not my field of expertise.
please contact our support team directly here and they should be able to help you out:
it will be out some time today/tomorrow. things may be running a bit slower than usual due to current circumstances
every day
this is top notch. nice one
Hey drew! I want to ask a question about new content. Compared to troop cards we haven’t had as many building cards added to the game. I believe only ones ever added were the furnace and the goblin cage. Has the team ever considered adding a new building card? And if so what came if it?
we have a plan for one either in summer or just after summer. building cards are difficult ones to balance but we are pretty happy with this one!
What enhancement to the game has worked out better than anyone thought?
great question! believe it or not, the party button and the introduction of trophy road!
i always see a lot of people that don't count these as updates ("they're just UI changes!!!" & "we haven't had an update for 10 months" which i can totally understand) but in reality they have helped to massively advance our casual players to more levelled up decks enabling them to play the game more competitively, and increased the amount of play choices for these casual players past just 2v2.
trophy road was a real risk when we started the development as we weren't really sure if it would work out but i'm glad we went for it!
Hey u/Supercell-Seth u/Supercell_Drew, I'm really glad you've decided to make one of these types of posts again!
- Are you considering making these "What we've been up to" post a weekly or monthly series?
- What is your opinion on Goblin Giant? I feel that he is far too niche compared to every other win con in the game, usually only seeing use in one deck in GC's. He has unique mechanics that I feel should be explored more.
Thank you both for your contributions to the dev team!
thanks! love the work you do for the sub.
we see lots of negative feedback when we dont give much info (dev interviews for examples) and our dev cycles dont allow for much new info to be released week on week - so if they were to be regular it would be monthly. but i think for now we will just keep them for when they feel good!
i love gob giant. there was a meta last summer where giant goblin sparky was everywhere in competitive and i think he's a super fun card.
You guys should take a look at my Spring Emote Ideas ;)
i have and they're amazing!