

14 Jan


Originally posted by JCorby17

Happy Cake Day Mr. Drew! I know that you and the balance team get assumed to be “bad at their job”. And while they have some points, I overall think you guys do a good job at balancing the game. It’s just taking you guys a long time to rework the dead cards (Heal, Zappies, Bowler, “Bomber”, “Wizard”, etc) because you want them to be balanced. I appreciate all the work you guys do and wish you guys the best. Keep up the excellent work! 2 Quick Questions: 1) You said that Lava Pups are the last troop card that needed to be able to one shot skeletons/bats. Why is this not the case for Buildings and some Spells? We’re you thinking of changes/reworks to make them comply to that “rule” (personally I think it should be a rule, it makes things consistent in a game where we don’t want randomness or inconsistency to ruin the game we love), and 2) What’s the Exclusive emote in this new Global Tournament? We can’t see it in game when looking at the “top x players get this” section of free rewa...

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hey, thanks for the feedback!

  1. as buildings & spells generally have different functions to troops i wouldn't lump them all together in terms of gameplay (would that mean that earthquake & poison have to kill skeletons in one tick etc).
  2. we've shared this to some content creators atm and it will be visible in news royale nearer to the global tournament going live! there were some issues getting it to display correctly in the 'top x players' section.

Originally posted by RoyalDragon56

Happy cake day



Originally posted by WafflesNeedSyrup

Happy cake day Drew!!!

oh wow thats awesome thanks!

09 Jan


hey u/jaelson784

sorry to hear about this experience. if you want to DM me your support ticket number/ID i can pass this feedback onto the player support team and get my colleague who leads the support for royale to take a closer look.

i know the above sounds like a generic response but you are right about support being something that we at supercell can directly control and this sort of feedback (especially from a long time player) can help us improve.

i hope you can get in touch with the ticket info and thanks again for the feedback!

04 Jan


Originally posted by Justin531857

When will it happen? Seth said in the near future when healer first came out.

we dont have a date for the heal rework release. we have a pretty solid concept down but nothing is set in stone!


Originally posted by Justin531857

Where’s Heal rework?

with the introduction of battle healer we do not feel that it is an urgent change that needs to be introduced this month.


These changes are not live yet. They will be released on January 7th.

Season 7 is just around the corner, and we have a bunch of fresh balance changes in place for the new year. Please note that although the Season starts on January 6th, the balance changes will be dropping on January 7th.



  • Initial Bat Spawn Speed reduced: 1.3s -> 3.5s
  • Slower First Hit: -17% speed


Since receiving a higher Death Spawn count in October (2 bats > 4 bats), Night Witch has consistently been...

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02 Jan


thanks for the ping. this was dealt with as soon as we saw it occur.

it goes without saying, please DO NOT follow any of those links!

our security team is looking into what happened here.

30 Dec


Originally posted by Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R

u/Supercell_Drew u/Supercell-Seth Could you set up another dev discussion regarding this topic? It's been quite a while since we've gotten a Q&A from you guys :)

sounds interesting! u/fl164 what is meant by 'real stats'?

like mass etc and other 'hidden' stats?

19 Dec

13 Dec

08 Dec


love them! reindeer edrag <3

04 Dec


make sure your app is updated to the latest version - there is a fix for this in the latest update!

03 Dec


just hopping in before this blows up!

the new supercell creator program (with creator codes etc) is still in beta. soon(TM) this will be open to the public and you u/Bufarete will be able to apply.

all of our current content creators (that we worked with before/have dev build) are beta testing the creator codes with us.


we have a set of rules (all the fun stuff like no alcohol/swearing etc) that content creators have to follow, and as long as these rules are followed there is no reason that anyone can’t be a supercell creator.

we want to work with as many creators as possible but they all have to follow these rules etc so that we can have the best experience possible for every supercell creator and our players.

these rules and how to ge...

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Originally posted by bscones

Same here

Edit: paging u/supercell_drew

download the latest optional update! (update your game) this fixes the issue


EDIT: for anyone reading this in the future - this issue has now been fixed in the latest maintenance.


we are working on a fix (just in the fun process of testing & verifying it) but didn't want to make a statement until it was official.

the plan is if it is all well & good the fix will go out with a maintenance today, alongside some other fixes - but that all depends on how the testing goes.

if you aren't already - follow our twitter - it's the official place to get news such as maintenance breaks etc.

any news on the fix will be posted there...

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