

02 Dec


Originally posted by elchapo_02

It would have been handy to have some sort of notice beforehand. I don't know about other players, but when I saw the game was going into maintenance I didn't bother opening up the game for another 30-45 mins, despite it lasting for 5 minutes like you say.

i totally agree.

unfortunately this was one of those 'hey guys, if we dont fix this now we are screwed' moments so as soon as we knew we needed to do it, we did it. the tweet warning was the earliest warning we could have given.

we should have given it earlier if we could - i understand your feedback completely so just trying to let you know why we did what we did.


Originally posted by -Y_u_Read_this-

Great idea, now we need u/supercell_drew to see this


hey guys, wanted to comment here to apologise.

as you may have noticed we actually did stop doing this the past few seasons due to the fact that it sucks for everyone who is last minute pushing.

today we unfortunately had no choice but to do it early as we found a critical bug that meant season 6 wouldn't have switched over properly, and this would have affected the entire playerbase.

we luckily managed to keep it relatively short (5 mins) so that pushers could still fit in one or two games before the end, but still i totally understand it was not good timing, genuinely sorry for that - i would also be mad.


lol this is great. my first dog was a springer spaniel so i have a soft spot for them!
and apparently a subconscious desire to look like one

28 Nov


this is unfortunately a bug that we are working to fix in an optional update that will be available soon.

clan war cards will be capped to the clan collection levels

27 Nov


Originally posted by _JPG97_

Question for you, I use the game on mobile data a lot. Are these tip videos actual videos, or are they similar to replays in that they simulate gameplay?

Now obviously I don't plan to watch these videos a lot but if a full video loads every time I want to see card info that could use a good bit of mobile data.


good question!

these videos are created via the game engine and aren't actual 'videos' in the streaming sense. your mobile data plan is safe!


Originally posted by maxenenor

Still haen't found info about what is the content creator support new feature?

added a line about it to the notes. wanted to make sure the feature went out correctly before adding it!

(BETA) Added Creator Boost support for Supercell Creators (e.g YouTubers who make Clash Royale content). A percentage of In App Purchases made in the Shop while supporting a Creator will go directly to that Creator!


Originally posted by DrSuckenstein

Will there be a set of balance changes for December 2nd or is this it?

Why no information about the card leveling thingie? It's mentioned explicitly in the build notes on iTunes but wasn't touched on anywhere else except for the very obviously bizarre "leak" in the season 6 update video.

Why can't we just have total transparency on what is coming? The playerbase (especially the twittersphere) is exceptionally sour right now. Why not be more forthcoming with information?

Secondly, what are some interaction changes that a 23% damage buff to arrows will cause?

thirdly, what happened with Executioner's first attack? It's exceptionally fast all of a sudden. Bug or by design and simply left out of the release notes?



we will reveal more information this weekend about what's coming in season 6. these will include balance changes, info on the card level boost and EVERYTHING else coming in season 6 (well, maybe not everything. but that will be in the release notes when season 6 drops).

some interactions that will change with arrows = counters guards & archers

executioner has been reverted back to it's pre-september stats. this includes first attack speed!


Originally posted by Eat_Train_Code_IN

When you first unlock the card, keep the video in first screen.

But later move it to the last screen and stats at first.

Watching the video everytime will get annoying real fast!

yeh this is good feedback - will look at adding this in the future. thanks. it seems so obvious now that we hear it!


This update prepares the Arena for Season 6: Clashmas, starting December 2nd. Find out what's new below!


All games are now 5 MINUTES LONG, instead of 6!

Overtime now lasts for 2 minutes instead of 3, and includes x3 Elixir generation in the last minute.


Read more External link →

26 Nov


link to the official tweet i just made here

hey guys. the tournament has indeed ended early for players that logged into the game before Friday 22nd. this was NOT intended, and we really are sorry to those who this affected.

we will be adding a few free gold chests into the shop a bit later as an apology gift for affected players - so keep an eye out for those.

again - sorry for this issue if you have been affected.

25 Nov


thanks for reporting this. sorry that you had to see it.

i went and changed this already - for future ref you can always report in-game for a better chance of it getting resolved quickly!

23 Nov


it's a good point!

we created this new 'hovering' troop type with the battle healer, and will be adding it to the royal ghost as well. (i'm 99% sure it will happen alongside the battle healer release)

22 Nov


Originally posted by WufflePuffle

Heal spell buff when?

heal will be getting a significant rework in the near future - it won't be replaced by this card that 100% totally definitely isn't a healer

21 Nov

Hey r/ClashRoyale,

We’re writing this post to let you know what we will be doing about the recent Executioner and Witch changes, the reasons why we made them in the first place and how we will balance cards in the future.

This is quite a lengthy post so here is a summary:

We are reverting Executioner to its original stats and adding Area Damage (splash damage) back to Witch, alon...

Read more External link →

20 Nov


thanks for the feedback about this. i've passed it on to the rest of the team

18 Nov


Sorry about this! This issue is now fixed but stopped players from entering the game and may have kicked some players out mid-match, which is not great. Apologies if this affected you.

A Season Quest had some invalid data that caused the crash. We have now disabled that particular Quest and are investigating why it happened so it doesn't happen again.

04 Nov


just confirming that this WON'T be a restart from zero challenge - it will have continues! we will update the text accordingly


thanks for the feedback - we're aware of the bug and are looking into it.
EDIT: we fixed this bug in the maintenance that brought the balance changes.