

30 Sep


Known issues/Bugs (for visibility in stickied bot comment)

  • Party mode not awarding chests FIXED
  • Clan chat/Clan War empty FIXED
  • Google Play store stuck in an update loop (out of our control unfortunately but will update when it is there!) FIXED
  • Players receiving an error message from Supercell ID when entering email FIXED
  • VISUAL BUG ONLY Trophies show lost/gained in Party modes FIXED
  • Game crashing after Trades are completed (requires several restarts/a short wait to load game again) FIXED
  • Hitting 'YES' on the 'do you want to play anyway' box with full chest queue puts you into a 1v1 battle FIXED
  • Miner Star Level 2 not showing


A new optional update is out with a whole bunch of bug fixes - please update your game!


Originally posted by pidleypoo

Sort clan wars out next please. It has to be a priority as soon as possible.

here's our previous correspondence on clan wars

"Long answer: We have had literally hours upon hours of discussions about Clan Wars. Overall, the team agrees that it needs an update. However, we feel the problems with Clan Wars are deeper than just surface-level fixes. We have seen multiple community posts/videos about requested changes (more capped modes, donating War Day battles, resetting Trophies, etc) but even if we did all of those changes there would still be systemic issues with Clan Wars that get stale over time. Cla...

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Originally posted by NH5_

where’s the witch rework?

balance changes will be coming with season 4!

IT'S UPDATE TIME! Find out everything that's new to Clash Royale - and why the 2v2 button has disappeared!



The 2v2 button has been replaced with the Party button. The function of the Party button is simple. You hit the Party button, and you can play a variety of game modes solo or with friends!

Alongside the regular 2v2 mode (2v2 IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE), there will be constantly rotating game modes in the Party button for you to play - they change every 48 hours - and you know what the best part is?

Any match played from the Party button can give:

  • Crowns
  • Victory Gold
  • Chests
  • ...
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29 Sep


Originally posted by alakazamistaken

Are you guys planning some sort of collection after tier 35?

yep! season 4 news will drop next week!


Originally posted by MicroBadger_

Everything seemed fine but the crown rush. Who actually struggles to fill up all the chests? My clan typically finds themselves done part way through the month. So we get a weekend mode to get more useless crowns instead of extra gold. Not really sure what the push behind that was.

as someone who usually fills my pass royale after 2 or 3 weeks, i would be surprised too!

however, there are some players who do not manage to fill their pass so easily, especially if they've joined later and the season, and we do not want to make them feel like they've missed out on cool stuff just by not playing since day 1 of the season.

season 4 will also be bringing some more ways to earn crowns to help these players out!

as seth said in the video, gold rush isn't going anywhere - so you'll still have a chance to earn extra gold through that.

20 Sep


oh wow man these are incredible! i look forward to receiving them and sharing them with the rest of supercell!

19 Sep


Originally posted by simonedva

Are there still other things in the end-of-september-update besides shadow text, new draft, anti-draw and so on?


17 Sep


you can indeed! just switch regions in the esports tab (scroll to the bottom)

13 Sep


Originally posted by FlyingMachine33

What about a new card? We haven't seen one for two months!



Originally posted by Pusc1f3r

u/Supercell-Seth after the overtime has expired and the towers start to take damage "quickly" will there still be the abililty to play cards? Are you worried this will incetivize players to turtle up and spell cycle to the end with rocket/lightning/zap/fireball or the like and just try and chip down the opponent tower faster than their own tower dies?

also when you say it takes damage quickly, is it like 10 seconds or 1 second? I know it depends on the remaining health of the tower but constitutes "quickly" to you?

nope, cards will not be able to be played during this time, but the animation will better visualize the tiebreak to players. it will be a matter of seconds


Originally posted by sauterellle

Hello Seth and Drew! The tiebreaker is a really great idea!! :)

Could you please tell us what are the cards that could potentially get a buff, nerf or rework on October 7th? So far we only know about the witch rework, but I’m curious to see what other changes you have in mind!

P.S. a bowler buff would make my entire year :)

not in season 4 but we have been playtesting one potential bowler buff (increased elixir but more damage to buildings) and it’s feeling pretty good!


Originally posted by -everwinner-

Tiebraker sounds like it makes damage spells even more important than they are right now.

I predict that we will see another spell tower damage reduction some time after the change goes live

this is one of the reasons we want to release it outside of ladder first, because there are a whole bunch of ways it could affect the meta. seth was discussing this exact thing (a spell tower damage reduction) as a potential side effect to having this.

it’s one of those things where it’s both exciting and scary to see what this change will bring, but seth has a bunch of answers for most situations which we are confident will restore balance if needed!


Originally posted by Xhabdic

Can we talk about Witch?

First things first, witch is absolutely not in need of a nerf. It has a very low use and winrate (in GCs) for a reason, it's rather weak and has a lot of (hard)counters.

However with that being said, I feel like witch is too much rock-paper-scissor based.

If I have a valk and place it against a witch, I counter the witch for a 5 elixir positive trade (since the valk essentially has full health). Which in most cases, can be game.

If I have a Pekka and place it against a witch , the witch counters the Pekka for a 7 elixir positive trade (since the witch has full health). Which, again, in most cases can be game.

I can't think of any other cards in the game that can get such a huge positive or negative elixir trade by simply putting it down. Obviously every card has counters and every card counters other cards. However, I feel like the witch currently is too strong against single hitters and too weak against anything deal...

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yep, we are looking at a rework for witch in season 4!


Originally posted by Majin_Vegito7

Can you hint any balance changes or more update news for next month?

we will be releasing more update news towards its release, and as for balance changes - keep an eye out for what we do with the witch!


Originally posted by Earlio52

That sounds like a great system to solve the drawing issue (albeit it will still be possible to draw in global tournies with both sides consenting). With that out of the way, do you guys ever plan on addressing the lack of incentive to play the first card? Top level matches can sometimes go until double elixir time without playing any cards, and that’s no fun.

that’s always a hard one - we’ve thrown around a few ideas and one that seemed interesting was slightly reversed hearthstone opening of giving an extra elixir to the person who makes the first move.

but as we aren’t a turn based game it’s hard to get a ‘fair’ answer to incentivize going first. queue spamming a card as soon as the game starts etc.

we don’t have any plans to change this at the moment. maybe we could do a trial in CRL or tournaments where it seems to be a bit more prevalent but for now it’s not a massive priority!

thanks for the question

Hey Reddit,

I'm here with some info on what we’ve been working on and what you can expect in the coming month!

We have an update slated for the end of September, AND we are gearing up for a spooky Season 4, launching on October 7th.


Something we are introducing in the September update will be a tiebreaker.

Tiebreakers will be going into all game modes except 1v1 Ladder (Trophy Road) and will mean that draws will almost always no longer be possible.

If they perform as intended and we see positive results, we will also then extend tiebreakers to 1v1 Ladder in the future.

u/Supercell-Seth (our friendly neighborhood game designer) has shared his thoughts on the topic:

“We have been discussing draws in the team for a long time. It...

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Originally posted by HangrySensei

What's the status of this bug?

Please update us

so we looked into this, and the bug part is when it is communicated that you get star points.

what happens is you are still given XP (so you aren't losing out) but not star points.

but the information given to the player is incorrect as it tells you you earn star points in this scenario (instead of the XP that you are earning)

11 Sep


as thrilling as this is to watch, it's something we are patching out in the next update. enjoy your relaxing common card animations while you still can!