

01 Nov

Hey Reddit,

Here are the Balance Changes that will be live in-game on November 4th.

We focused the majority of the balancing on a specific subset of cards that had a large impact on the meta in Season 4. Read more about this decision here.

Without further ado - here are the Season 5 balance changes!


  • Removed Area Damage
  • Hit Speed reduced: 1.4sec > 1.7sec
  • Slower first Skeleton spawn: 1sec -> 3.5sec
  • Mass increased: 100% (no longer pushed by Skeletons)
... Read more External link →

23 Oct


Originally posted by Xam_maX

Hey Seth, Hey Drew, love this post. We would just love to hear more often from you even when you don’t do a bc right away. Please don’t only listen but talk to us more on a regular bases.

got it - thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Senhor_Streetglide

He seemed to dodge the unfair crap matchmaking issue

we aren't dodging anything... this post was about the current balance/meta, not 2v2 matchmaking.

RE: 2v2 matchmaking

continuing in the spirit of not rushing through things, we are waiting for more data before making an informed decision about the new 2v2 matchmaking. i'm actually on your side with this one - i was a vocal advocate of reverting it after the change was made, as i felt like a distinct change in difficulty/more grindy 2v2 matches had happened after our update.

however, with no concrete data to back it up, and after discussing it with the rest of the team i came to the understanding that this needs some time to settle.

introducing the party button with other game modes at the same time as the 2v2 matchmaking change also had some effects that we need to further understand before making an informed decision.

22 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


the listed cards aren't all of the balance changes for november, we just wanted to get the info out about the main 'problem' cards

17 Oct


since the app store introduced the 'arcade' tab in iOS 13 there's a new way to update your apps! tap your profile in the top right of the home page and scroll down to see your updates.

there's also an issue where instead of saying 'update' the app page says 'open'.

both of the above are unfortunately out of our control, but i hope this helps you to update!


Originally posted by TrainerFPS

Where are the patch notes?

10 Oct


Originally posted by Lojcs

Hi r/ClashRoyale ! I made this 1 min video to explain how the infamous "wrong card glitch" of the game happens. The video is pretty fast paced, so make sure to pause where needed to better understand it. A worthy sidenote is that this doesn't explain the version of the glitch where a card to the left of the og card gets selected. For example in this post, op tries to play archers, but instead the rocket gets played. This post might be its explanation. The version mentioned in the video costs me about one match a week, so I decided to do something about it.

Edit: Hijacking my comment to repost u/Fugitive-Wizard 's comment below this:

"There’s another one that’s easy to recreate with...

Read more

thanks for posting such a great guide that reproduces the issue - it's invaluable to tracking bugs like this down and nailing a fix! this is one of the best examples of a bug report on this sub so just wanted to say thanks from the team as well.

08 Oct


Originally posted by Viswa_PVT

Hi supercell, After September update its taking lot of time to load from 85 to 100% and we are entering match after 10 to 15 seconds. Can you fix this ASAP?

we're working on fixing this in an optional update that is due to drop tomorrow - we are just finishing up testing to make sure that the fix works

07 Oct


Originally posted by Reeskikker

Are you aware that in the touchdown party mode, when one player leaves at the end of the match, it's teammate's game crashes? It's very annoying!

this issue should have already been fixed in the maintenance we had a couple of hours ago! let me know if it's still happening or if this was an older report


thanks for the compilation vid. there is a text patch that should be going live today to address this as well as some other issues that we were waiting on translations for!


good idea - i've added to our Quality of Life changes list


A full moon rises over the Royale kingdom, and strange things are afoot. Celebrate our Spooky Season with Shocktober!



This Tower Skin won't turn to mush by November!

  • Exclusive Season 4 Jack-o'-lantern Tower Skin & Shocktober Emote!
  • 35 Pass Royale Reward Tiers to unlock!
  • 35 Free Reward Tiers to unlock!
  • NEW Bonus Bank!


Elixir! ...

Read more External link →

05 Oct

Hey everyone!

Season 4 is just around the corner (October 7th) and we wanted to share the balance changes that will be taking place before they drop.

Alongside the balance changes, Clash Royale game designer Seth (u/Supercell-Seth) has provided the 'why' behind them - which you can read below the stat changes.

Expect spooky cards. Let's go!


  • Hitpoints: -12%
  • Damage: +220%
  • Hit Speed: -40%
  • Splash: -45%

Changes to spawned Skeletons

  • Spawns 4 Skeletons around the Witch
  • Spawn Time slower 5sec > 7sec
  • No longer spawns Skeletons when destroyed

Witch has been a difficult card...

Read more External link →

04 Oct


Originally posted by hanskung

Bug: When pressing the Party Button and choosing Triple Elixir mode I get the message that I won't be getting any rewards anymore and I press OK, the game starts in Ladder Mode.

make sure you download the optional update! it fixes that issue

30 Sep


supercell ID should now be connecting properly.

seems we underestimated the amount of people that wanted that chicken emote! we did some work on our SCID servers to handle the traffic better and it should be functioning normally.

sorry this happened - i understand it would have been super frustrating.

also, your 24 hour timer should also be reset so that you can try again now, even if you got that message.


Originally posted by Bobbeh2007

Did you guys really remove the gold from donating max troops to clanmates? So do we lose out on half the cost of the troop now or do we get full cost when pulling max cards out of chests?

what happened before was you would pay a cost, and then get that gold straight back. so you weren't actually earning any gold from donating max troops.

we simplified this to FREE to take out the unnecessary exchange


Originally posted by Kranium_21

Will the Clan Leader rotation take effect 35 days after the update? My clan's Leader has been gone for nearly 2 months now!

yes - the timer starts today!


Originally posted by ExecutoR

Thank you. Any ETA?

working on 'em as i type this. i'm confident that the majority of these can be fixed in a maintenance today, but we'll see. i'll keep you up to date