

13 Aug


thanks for the comprehensive list! just commenting so you know i've seen it.

10 Aug


Originally posted by GMoneyx0288

Has the team discussed adding different types of consumables to the game? I think with pass Royale, different types of rewards would be really cool. Like something clash of clans is doing. An example would be like apply 10 rare cards to any 1 rare card in your deck.

we've talked about consumables that would increase card levels or king tower levels temporarily, but they're just ideas at this stage.


Originally posted by WazieMcDizzle

Are you going to do anything about the low visibility tiles in the new arena?

we've fed this back to our arena artist for consideration in future arenas.

the problem with things like this is that for some people it is fine, and for some it isn't, and we never know until we release it to the public.

the same happened with the shipwreck arena - we saw complaints that it was 'too bright' which came as a surprise to us! so this season we toned down the colour.

thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Crispycase

Appreciate the info update and making effort for communication! Even the replies in here have been really helpful & informative.

***If I can make a couple of QOL suggestions for potential additions for future updates these would be top and greatly appreciated if done:

  • Make war chests draft chests (Ideally I wish every single chest was a draft chest)

  • Draws in war/prep counting as losses shouldnt be a thing- if anything overall damage dealt wins.

  • add ability/option to at least request 1 epic per card request (those that can no longer request rares/commons are wasting this facet of the game)

  • Clan chat- need a separate scroll bar for trades and possibly donations- clogs up/purges chat too much (request to take away gold pass buying posts not sure why that gets posted to clan).

  • Improved 2v2 Matchmaking. I wouldn’t mind waiting longer for a more accurate pairing of a partner/opponents: to king leve...

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thanks for the feedback! have saved your comment to look at more on monday.


Originally posted by ijm8710

Thanks Drew and Seth.

Have a few questions! If you could hit on a few here, would be so awesome!

First and foremost, I am generally a fan of matchmaking in most areas of the game. One area where I am confused is for global challenges. Since we all have the same prizes we can win, it can be expected better players should have better results in the long run. What I’ve seen is the great majority of my matches are with other tough 5k-6k players instead of pure random ones and similar to ladder, going ~3-3 is very typical while my less experienced clan-mates run the table and show replays with low TH I rarely run into. This is confusing because as a 6k player, I expect to get a feel of a top seed in a NCAA bracket. Can you please delve a little bit into if this is accurate and a glimpse of reasoning into why it is this way


Some past acknowledged focuses seemed to get a ...

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first off there's a lot here and i'm not going to answer everything (this was just a casual AMA, not involving the whole team):


  • Ranked 2v2

this was something that we were thinking about putting into put into the trophy road update. however, 2v2 is really the only casual playmode in clash royale, and we were worried if we simply replaced regular 2v2 it would be an issue, and havng ranked 2v2 AND casual 2v2 at the same time would split the playerbase.we couldn't find a solution to ranked 2v2 trophies that everyone agreed on (are they separate, or are they part of your main overall trophy count?). so we decided against it until we could find some better solutions that could be resolved in a good timeframe.

  • Adding some Divisions into War Legendary League to make it more balanced

As Seth has mentioned in his other comments, "we feel the problems with Clan Wars are deeper than just surface-level fixes." separa...

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Originally posted by FrankieFatHands

When a top comment in an AMA goes unanswered it’s not because they missed it. They don’t want to answer. I’m getting tired of all the clash bashing on this sub, and hating on Seth/Drew isn’t cool, but this is honestly kinda shady. Competitions shouldn’t be decided by black box algorithms. If it’s not random we at least deserve a reason why. Keeping new players happy isn’t a good enough reason for me, but that’s probably what it is.

or... its because it was a friday night and i personally want to sleep, play video games and chill out with my dog after a long week at work lol.

im going to answer it now. not everything is a conspiracy man

09 Aug


love the tat man! seriously cool


Originally posted by Jentrins

u/supercell_drew what about the top 10 accounts? the proof is all over twitter and isn’t that more of a priority than someone who creates content for you?

we don't consider tweets proof. sure, we can look into players from tweets, but they're not proof.

we wouldn't ban someone for saying "player X cheated - look at this screenshot". but if enough people report it or it looks legit, we would look into it.

whether someone makes content for us etc is irrelevant when it comes to enforcing fair play. just because you only hear of one case happening doesn't mean that it isn't happening elsewhere.

it takes time to do these things correctly (which is why a lot of companies including ourselves do 'banwaves' to ban a lot of players all in one go) and we would rathwer do things correctly and slow and incorrectly and fast. obviously the goal is to do them fast and correctly, but that's what we are working on.


Originally posted by Teto-

I am delighted to see you open a discussion post with so many replies already ;)

Would it be possible to get feedback on the latest balance ?
Especially on Pekka and barb barrel which are currently very controversial.
It’s a little early to draw conclusions, but it turns out that the "nerf" of the Pekka is not one and made it very strong.
For the the barb barrel, many shout at the "dead card" since it no longer one shot cards like princess/rascals/dart gob, it was announced and clear, but it no longer breaks the shields of the guards/ dark prince/ royal recruits what is a could be seen as a little hard for a nerf.

Thx ;)

this here is exactly why we wait a while for deciding on balance changes.

before the update everyone was 100% sure that pekka was a dead card...

turns out the range increase is potentially slightly too much, and we may be dropping it to medium range next season.

it is still too early to come to a conclusion on balances but we are keeping an eye on these two cards as we progress through the season.


Originally posted by ThatRandomCeltic

Petition to add a “Yeet!” Sound effect for the fisherman. Please and Thank You!



Originally posted by Sajdnddndn

I remember hearing that you guys were working on a new way to play clash Royale and how the UI was designed. What happened to that?

this comment was most likely about the trophy road, which has indeed changed the way that a lot of people play ladder. the same is also true for pass royale however - we try to keep things fresh and exciting with each feature we introduce


Originally posted by ThatRandomCeltic

Also, I would like to apologize if I have ever been too harsh in my criticism of you and Seth. I truly love Clash Royale and I would love for it to remain interesting for 10-20 more years. This year has been sort of frustrating for various reasons (bugs, some of the balance changes, clan wars becoming slowly boring) but I have not forgotten how much joy this game and my clan have brought me in the 2 years previous.

thanks for the message man! it's much appreciated


Originally posted by Creatories

u/supercell_drew is aware, they even replied to a post that had mentioned it but didn’t comment anything about that portion..

RE: win trading

i've replied specifically about it before - it just isn't one of these things where we can rush in and swing the banhammer wildly. the issue is being discussed

RE: acc sharing

we are still banning for acc sharing. a CR streamer was banned the other day for this exact thing, for example


Originally posted by jetx666

can season pass get better rewards? Seems like less people are getting it.

we heard the community's response to the less strikes issue and have spoken about it today in our friday wrap up sesh. going forwards we will be working to keep it at a consistent value.
for season 3 we are also thinking more about improving the free track somehow so that f2p players (who may have been feeling a bit left out!) will get something extra there too.

Hey Reddit,

It’s been a few days since Season 2 dropped, and we've seen a LOT of discussion this week. We wanted to open up this thread as a bit of a Discussion Thread just to see what's on your mind, and to provide you with some of our thoughts as well.

Think of it as a super casual AMA where myself and u/Supercell-Seth will be answering questions about Season 2 and anything else. (Please note that not replying to a question does not mean we have ignored it!)


We also wanted to take this opportunity to provide some info on our ideas for Season 3 Balance Changes to let you know what's currently on our mind, and for some community feedback way ahead of time. These are NOT final.


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07 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


we're not trying to lower the value of anything. with the trophy road we regularly move awards around. due to the large amount of complaints about the fisherman replacing legendary chest, we've heard you already and it won't be a forced pick next month.

one of the main complaints about new legendaries and new cards in particular is that it takes ages to level them up once they're released, so this way you can work on upgrading your fisherman. we believe that as fisherman is still the newest card it will be easy to trade away if you don't want it, and we also wanted to give players who hadn't unlocked it yet a way to unlock it that wasn't through chests.

with pass royale, the legendary chest was moved to accommodate players who didnt make it all the way to the end of the pass last time. this way pass royale players can get their legendary earlier. again, we have heard your feedback on this and as always, we are willing to make changes if we feel it is what both we an...

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Originally posted by Marcostbo

I never ever seen the Clash Royale community (including my self) so angry with the current state of the game.

I 100% agree that they are decreasing in quality of contents, but the worst part is the balance changes, before they kill a card they should consider that a lot of people spent time, gold and tokens to upgrade a useless card. Sometimes i feel they dont give a shit about players.

before they kill a card they should consider that a lot of people spent time, gold and tokens to upgrade a useless card

we do consider this,. and in fact, we would never choose to 'kill' a card. balance changes have been out for 48hours now, which is too soon to make a judgement. when it comes to balance changes, the point of this is to make the cards balanced. barb barrel has consistently been a top use rate/win rate card for the past year or so, always providing incredible value. which is already a red flag and we have consistently tried to return it to a more balanced card. by reducing its damage we have only changed 1 of its many use cases, but we still see it being viable in a lot of decks. it will just not be as OP as it used to be.

Sometimes i feel they dont give a sh*t about players.

i am legit sorry that you feel that way - players are what keep the game going. obviously we care about our players - without players there is no ...

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06 Aug


Originally posted by Teto-

If I can detail my thoughts, if I said important, it's for something like #official balance & update that would have a direct impact on the game.
I liked Seth's "design blog"for example, quality post that generates a discussion.
Making posts that would share a vision, a feedback on the game, not necessarily a "What We’ve Been Up To", which is not necessarily relevant every week I agree.

totally agree with this! love those posts from seth and they're the quality of posts i believe we should be delivering to you guys. again, thanks for the feedback!


cool idea! would love to mix & match these. maybe when we have a few more tower skins out 😉


Originally posted by jmanguy

Also, what the heck happened to Developer Q&As? They used to be super frequent, but the last one that happened was over a year ago and that was about eSports, not the game. Weekly communication was super cool but they’ve stopped dropping those too :/

u/trikshot360 messaged us about doing an AMA last week - we're working on sorting one out but i wanted to get season 2 out first!