What is funny about the Weekly Communication Topics is that they have recruited a new community manager and the frequency of communication decreases.
There is no need to have super important topics every time, but keeping a contact with the community of their game is important.
RE: communication topics
these stopped being weekly some time ago! there wasn't an announcement, but it is usually communicated whenever i see this issue brought up.
" There is no need to have super important topics every time"
i disagree that making a post for the sake of making a post is really adding anything to discussion, and when we used to make 'small' weekly updates, we received negative feedback due to not giving too much info.
i would much rather make more informative, meaningful posts than be stuck into a mandatory weekly thread that potentially didn't really give anything to players (which is why we stopped making them weekly).
"keeping a contact with the community of their game is important"
i agree - this is why we are also in contact with you guys through comments and other threads - weekly threads were not the only place we respond to you.
this comment is not meant to put you on blast btw - i just...
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