

01 Jul


Originally posted by CallMeGhytiees

If you do not unlock everything in the season one pass in the 35 days or whatever are those rewards gone from you forever? Like you can't have access to them, like if you don't get to the tower skin you will never get that tower skin? Or does it stack into next season?

I let my chest cycle and crown chests lapse a lot as it is stressful to keep up with it.

yes you have to unlock everything within the 35 days to get it.

the new crown chests change means that you are never left with 'wasted' crowns (e.g playing when your crown chest is not there to fill) - if you have pass royale and earn crowns they are added to your total throughout the season! this should make it a lot easier to collect crowns and earn those pass royale rewards.

once they have been unlocked and claimed the season 1 rewards are yours to keep!


Originally posted by KumoKyuu

Are we still gong to have crown chest daily or it's replaced by the free ones on the pass royale for 35 days?

crown chests now live in pass royale - so the crown chests appear there instead!


Originally posted by sphinterstien

I play every day and will most likely get all the crown chests unlocked up to the last day. If we buy the battle pass on day 34 or 35 do we still get all the rewards from the previous days?

yes! you just have to make sure to collect them


feedback on new changes like this is very valuable, especially for new features such as Pass Royale.

so thank you for all the comments & discussions throughout this thread (and others that i've seen on the sub today!)


Originally posted by aldi_kun

Ok thx a lot meanwhile i was waiting for ur answer i have been crying due to drawing my last 10 games in a row 😂

i feel your pain 😓


Originally posted by blackgator123

We will get free rewards as well if we get the pass?

yes - you get both FREE rewards and PASS ROYALE rewards if you have pass royale 💪


just a heads up that we're monitoring this thread.

I will edit this ONLY with bugs we have our solutions for - any others not mentioned here are either being worked on or at the very least we are aware of them


  • Quests not working - old Quests from before the update use old Quest parameters - complete in 1v1 or replace them to get the new Quest rules
  • Shop freezes on first open - restart your game (force close) and this will fix itself
  • Shop straight up crashing - we haven't got a fix for this yet, but it is not to be confused with the above so thought I would mention it here
  • 100% loading crash - we haven't fixed all of these crashes but have made some changes on our side that will lower the amount of players encountering this problem


  • Text issues - we already upl...
Read more

Originally posted by alakazamistaken

My Iphone 6s didn’t have any crashes and lagging before but my game still got downgraded in graphics. Worse thing is it also started lagging and borderline unplayable.

Can we get an option to revert low graphics?

i think iPhone 6S and iPad Mini 4 are two of the devices that are displaying these graphics when they don't necessarily need to. we will be looking into this in an upcoming maintenance - not sure when that will be though.


Originally posted by Jonger512

Will season 1: the flood take place for just this season on ladder or until the next update? Or will the updates be coming every season

updates every season! 🙌


Originally posted by hamyyy

Is the season pass one time payment? Somebody said that it would be monthly payment. I'm just paranoid, so that's why i want to ask.

pass royale for season 1 is a one-off payment for the current season - you don't get entered into an auto-renewing subscription or anything like that


Originally posted by foomandoonian

Is this the low resolution graphics I am seeing? The arenas all have a very limited colour palette and some of the sprites look blurry.

It looks awful.

Edit: screenshots

hey - this is correct.

for some devices we have had to sacrifice some of the nicer/more device-intensive graphics to get the crashes to stop.

this is something we will look towards optimizing in the future for certain devices


Originally posted by Ruler1143

Is it possible to get the fisherman early or does everyone have to wait 35 days

there will be a challenge to unlock Fisherman coming soon! in the mean time you can try his skills out in the Fisherman's Catch Challenge


Originally posted by aldi_kun

Is the Overtime supposed to be back at 1 Minute or whats up with that ?

this is a bug. we will most likely be fixing it in a maintenance tomorrow but will keep you updated


Originally posted by Nidowott

Is pass Royale a 1 time purchase for all seasons?

Edit: asked this before I saw price of it

there will be a new pass royale each season.

season 1 pass royale will be just for season 1 season 2 pass royale will be for season 2, etc.

hope that helps!


Originally posted by Teto-

Thx for the update, great job.

If I may ask a question, you said :

Some cards have been removed from all draft selections due to polarizing match ups

Can we have an example ?

off the top of my head - 3 musketeers, giant skelly, heal & rage

Hello r/ClashRoyale!

We here at Supercell are extremely excited to announce our latest update. Brace yourselves for a big one, The Flood is here!


A mighty tide has swept through the Royale world, bringing with it a new Arena, new card, and new features - the biggest of which is Pass Royale!



Pass Royale unlocks rewards & instant perks that include a unique Tower Skin & Emote...

Read more External link →

30 Jun


Originally posted by audiotaku

Speaking of currency conversions... can we acknowledge that £4 = $5? Uk getting taxed extra paying 25% extra for the same thing.

we don't set the conversion rates or tax prices - the app store that you use will be able to give you more info on that.


Originally posted by TheRoyale27

That makes a lot of sense. Sorry for being shortsighted about it. Like most I like it when info is all in one place.

no worries man it would have been nice to put in the video so we didn't get situations like this!

thanks for the reply.


Originally posted by fools_eye

No shit they didn't. It'd cause a huge backlash and they know it. Make of that what you will. I'd be extremely surprised if its $5 like people are claiming here.

pass royale will cost $4.99 USD

we didn't put it in tv royale due to the global viewership of this video, and not wanting any confusion on conversions/price.

28 Jun


this is sooooooooooooooo good! it also really sounds like it could go in a zelda game when played like this, i love it.

cheeky supercell jingle at the start too.

thanks so much for sharing this with the sub!