

15 Dec


this is a really great post - thanks.

i'll come back to this tomorrow and write a longer response to it (i've got a few calls to end the day with) and i can write a better response then!

14 Dec


this is awesome! can you DM me so we can send you a REAL log... plush?


just commenting to say i’ve seen and read through this post u/SlamShuffleVI

thanks for taking the time to post it

26 Nov


Originally posted by hungry_reddituser

Ngl 2v2 glitch was fun and everybody liked it.

Would it be possible for there to be a party mode or challenge where you 2v2 with a 4 card or less deck?

yeh i would love to see a dedicated party mode to these different deck size games.


this is an exploit that we were made aware of yesterday when people started using them in GC’s.

i would advise not doing it as it takes a very specific (unintended) process to pull off and is considered an exploit.

a fix is on the way!

25 Nov


Originally posted by Kal-El_6500

u/Supercell_Drew can you assist? There’s definitely something wrong visually with the game and iPhone 12.

hmmm. i'll forward it to the team to take a look at


thanks for the feedback!

btw the original comment you linked to from myself was not directed at everyone on the subreddit. seeing confusion in this thread around this comment, acting as if i am ignoring other feedback just because i asked this question.

it was specifically for comments (like the one i responded to) saying "The biggest issue to me is that CW2 isn't particularly fun."

fun is subjective and the comment was highly upvoted but didn't actually give any information as to why they didn't enjoy it.

anyways thank you again for the in-depth feedback!

24 Nov


so we've taken a look and apparently this happens if you have left a clan and rejoined, or joined a new clan after the war has started.

currently, you should still get your chest but it may take a lot longer than usual.

that's not a great solution however, so we're looking into how we can resolve this manually and it may take a maintenance to fix it in a timely manner. we'll keep you updated

23 Nov


hey, so i spoke with the rest of the team about this and this happened because we have a staggered war start time across all clans so as not to destroy the servers (this ranges from 0-120 mins)

unfortunately this meant that some clans had a window of 2 hours where they could use these attacks. obviously this was not intended and i can only apologise for this.

next week we are going to minimise this as much as possible (to a 0-1 minute staggered war start time) and hopefully this does not adversely affect the servers.


Originally posted by Milo-the-great

nice find, thanks

18 Nov


this is for the supercell ID friends function - you can add people via QR codes which require the camera!

14 Nov


Originally posted by malkjuice82

Hey Drew,

I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me.

As others have said it feels like ladder. I know it could be put on us to mix decks up and things like that but I'm going to go with what I know. So that means rotating my two main decks every day in duel and then my 2 side decks for the single battles. But doing this gives me the best chance to win and help the clan. Unfortunately, doing this makes the whole thing feel mundane and like a chore. The fact that the people in the clan are kind of being forced to do it is leading to some people burning out on the game

I was a fan of the randomness in decks in CW1. I know I may be alone in that

Others here can give better examples on how to fix this. I'm not really an out of the box thinker on these things.

I don't want my original post to sound like it was bashing you guys. I do appreciate the work you are trying to do.

thanks for your reply man! i appreciate it


this update came earlier than we thought it was gonna be so it didn't make sense to have an artist in a video that had nothing to do with art.

he'll be in the december tv royale (if i can convince him to be!)


Originally posted by malkjuice82

Decent changes. The biggest issue to me is that CW2 isn't particularly fun. I don't think they can fix that lol

I don't think these changes are going to stop the people from fleeing my clan in troves

can you elaborate on why you don't find it fun?

i see a lot of these comments but the lack of info generally isn't very useful!

thanks in advance


Originally posted by solipsistrealist

I wish it was explained further about the new modes being added to war. Would it replace duels and battle mode or cycle around, similarly to Clan Wars I?

I was shocked that Drew said the update was going to be coming in a few days when I didn’t expect it to come until days after the new season. Sad to say, I was more excited about the update happening sooner than the improvements mentioned. This is where my expectations are at now.

there will be extra river tasks with these modes so you still have the option to duel or battle. there will be a new mode once per week

12 Nov


i've seen this myself on both the clan boat skin and last season's electro tower (lots of missed poisons!)

i fed back to the art team about this a while back and i am following up about it with them now. hopefully we can get this change in soon with a content update!

07 Nov


Originally posted by 30SecondstoMars

u/Supercell_Drew any info on this?

will forward it on, thanks for the ping

02 Nov


hey, this is not something that we have put in place on our side.

please find more info here:

28 Oct


Originally posted by KariZma61

will there be a tv royale episode about season 17 and the new update?

not season 17, but there will 100% be a tv royale for the new update