

28 Oct


ohhhh yes

26 Oct


love it! sharing on our insta


lore is definitely one of my fave aspects of video games and YES we want to add more lore to it.

we have non-canon stuff like clash-a-rama, but we also have a team within supercell dedicated to lore focus within the clash world (both CoC and CR) with their most recent production being lost & crowned, which you can watch here if you haven't already.

outside of the animations we are also wanting to build a bit more into the lore through gameplay etc and expand the 'families' within CR itself.

21 Oct


Originally posted by TheMagycian

Magic Archer is the definition of a Glass Cannon. He is very weak (dies to Fireball, double Log, 2 Valk swings, etc.) while doing very good DPS, considering he does splash. Also, he can be played at the bridge for that sweet, sweet chip damage. However, I don't think he's "op". A good player will be able to anticipate the Magic Archer, and prevent chip damage.

Now for Ice Wiz. \Sigh**

Where to begin... first off, I want to say that Ice Wiz is possibly the most annoying card in the game to play against. I think everyone has, at some point, experienced their Balloon reach 0.001 tiles from the tower, only to have an Ice Wiz + Tornado player rip it away from the tower.

Personal bias aside, let's explore his stats (tourney standard):

  • HP - 590
  • range - 5.5 tiles (same as Wizard)
  • Damage per shot - 75 (barely enough to kill Skeletons/Bats)
  • Hit speed - 1.7 sec
  • Damage per second - 44 (possibly the lowe...
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thanks for the post! we're looking at cards that are in need of buffs so this is cool to see.

will forward to the relevant team member!

04 Oct


just FYI these aren't its final stats. they'll be in the build alongside the balance changes on tuesday.

so no espirit won't be able to 1-shot minion horde lol, don't worry.

supercell creators will be releasing gameplay of espirit this week as well so you can see it in action before release.

03 Oct


Originally posted by mindreader007

To add more details to this - The rewards are non-clickable only immediately after losing the third battle. If I were to go back and then come back again to this screen, the reward would be clickable (can be previewed).

Not saying that this is ok, just giving more details to give the devs the details to repro it accurately to be able to fix it.

thanks for the repro!


Originally posted by igonro

Hey /u/supercell_drew, probably this post won't get a lot of views... but as this month I was a bit depressed, I wanted to share this. I spent more than 6 hours writing 8 pages in a Google Drive Document about problems, solutions and ideas of Clash Royale. It's a 14 minutes read. If someone of Clash Royale team can read it, I would be more than satisfied. Thank you for your time.

thanks for the ping. i've got some other egiant related stuff to do today but i've saved it and will have a read with a coffee on monday morning.

02 Oct


Originally posted by Syrcrys

iOs too.

u/supercell_drew ?

Just out of curiosity, it was unannounced so I’m guessing it was nothing that important

yeh this just had some tweaks we needed to put in for the new cards. nothing special!

01 Oct


hey, just wanted to say thanks for the constructive feedback - i can take a lot away from both why you're leaving and what would bring you back.

sorry to see you go but hopefully we can win you back with our next update.




Originally posted by Reeskikker

Keyword from his original question: some

Of course you can't answer all these questions, and, for example, while most of us here know rewards have been silently reduced a bit over the seasons, I for one didn't know the drop rate of legendary chests was decreased, which is to be honest pretty scummy, and I'd like confirmation on whether this is true and the reasoning behind this.

Even if you could answer only one question of this long list, than that's better than zero, I think most agree with me there.

The team has received a lot of negative feedback for a while now, and you've attempted to defend yourself out of this, but in the end of the day, you have the correct data and know whether you are telling the truth or not. Your data which tells you the active userbase and amount of in-game purchases doesn't lie though.

I know you probably won't answer a "loaded" comment like this one which "is designed to set a negative tone to the answer", bu...

Read more

true, but the thing is that i don't want to respond to toxic community members.

for example, if you ask an amazing question but then in the next sentence also say you think i should die, i'm not going to engage with that behavior. so that's another reason why comments like these don't get replied to. there are lots of people who keep it civil that deserve responses instead.

it's not hard to keep it civil even if you are giving negative feedback, like your comment for example! hope that clears this up for you.


Originally posted by Crispycase

I think that as being CM is not all about answering softball questions. I personally I don’t see how you can label a question “not in good faith” when at the end of the day it is a legit question/concern the community has had for a while? Not to mention burning frustrations that have revolved around these ‘ behind closed door’ changes that have directly effected the player, especially without communication. I for one too am curious why say the good chests in chest cycles were secretly increased. It would be great if you were to hold these an AMA. A step in the right direction to building a better relationship with the yourself/CR and the community.

i'm happy to answer hard questions. you can see me answering LOTS of hard question in my comment history. but questions like:

  • Why refuse to admit the reluctance to add a Mute button was to continue eliciting strong emotions?

aren't fair questions, they're loaded questions designed to already set the tone of the answer as a negative one and they don't come from a good place.

i don't want to answer loaded questions like this... it sets a bad precedent for future behaviour. hope that clears it up for you.


Originally posted by SterPlatinum

this is actually a good response, don’t know why it’s getting downvoted. Just look at valve corporation, they stopped releasing info about their games because it was starting to give their developers anxiety and depression because they could no longer top the expectations. It’s a good idea to stay silent until you’re absolutely 100% sure you’re ready to announce things.

i appreciate you posting this. thanks for understanding!

30 Sep


this is a super cool idea with the tokens! it also beefs up the colosseum as well.

for the gold, i think something like this would be awesome that like the whole clan gets it so you're like adding to a pool, or it's divided between all players active in the war. i'll forward this on to the rest of the team!


Originally posted by prosen01

So because the community is upset we get less communication? Seems like a good idea

that's not what i said, i just don't think it's cool to act like everything is ok and post things that will be seen by the sub as sidestepping the issues.

better to stay quiet than be like "hey guys ask me questions that are NOT to do with clan wars 2 or when the next update is coming as i won't answer them". seems to me like that would not go down well


Originally posted by 13Jams

Hey Drew! Thanks for the response! I just looked at your profile, and see that you respond to a fair amount of posts recently , cool. But my point of this post is less about getting juicy game updates and leaks or info, as much as just wanting general communication, namely in the form of posts.

When ever you make a post, I enjoy reading them, I enjoy just seeing what’s going on more or less. Personally, if I could make a wish and it come true (specifically about this game), I would wish that we could have a sort of timeline that we can expect a “check up” post. A post where the goal is to just build our relationship, as community and community manager. Ask dumb questions about the game, tell a story about something funny that happened in the office, talk about that nagging idea in the back of your head about the game. Just something consistent. Thanks Drew! I hope I’m wrong about deleting the game, and will come back!

thanks for the response.

i personally feel that until we get an update out, the sort of posts that you mention will not do anything positive for the community (you can already see the responses to my recent comments in my profile).

when the update is out and we have a better in-game situation then i think reactions will be better to these sort of discussions on this sub. i do like those ideas though! just isn't the right time for them i feel.