

05 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s easy to check:

  • The command line is indicated in the first few lines of the game server log
  • You can quit the launcher after the server is started

So either start the server manually with the same parameters, or start the server with the launcher and quit it to let it crash by itself.

Regarding monitoring the process, I already have all the code to get the pid of the server, the window handle, etc… I’m just not sur...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

These are not the server logs, they are the Dedicated Server Launcher logs, you can access the actual game server logs by clicking the bottom left blue icon.

  • \DedicatedServerLauncher\Logs ← Dedicated Server Launcher (and Steam CMD) logs
  • \DedicatedServerLauncher\conanexilesdedicatedserver\ConanSandbox\Saved\Logs ← game logs
    That one is where you find all the ConanSandbox.log and eventually the subfolders with the crash rep...
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01 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not really any other idea, I would suggest joining the Admin discord and ask there if anyone can come up with a suggestion,

(Btw, I assumed you were not trying to run anything else on the machine, like other games, or the client, etc… that you get the not successful test with just the server launcher running)

26 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I notice the UDP; have you done the port forwarding on both udp AND tcp?

Other than that, the common culprits are:

  • ISP that does not actually support this type of thing, probably worth checking first
  • IP of the machine changing after a reboot so the forwarding goes to the wrong place
  • Other modems or routers that also need to be configured
  • Firewall blocking access
  • Anti-Virus

23 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Question to everybody around: Should I push 1.3.8 as the new official version, replacing 1.3.7?

19 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

To me it looks like for some reason SteamCMD is trying to parse a HTML file like if it was supposed to be another type of files with “key and values”, maybe there was a network outage, and the Steam Servers returned a webpage with an error code instead of what SteamCMD was expecting.

There’s unfortunately not much I can do, my tool can only use SteamCMD to fetch files, and when SteamCMD is not able to fetch the files…

I tried to contact Valve to see if there was any outage on their side that could explain that (you are not the only one having these weird errors since last week), we will see how that goes.

17 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s unfortunately a problem introduced last spring with the FLS version of the game, on many network configuration the server is not able to translate the external IP when it comes from the same local network, so if you want to play, you have to Direct Connect using the local IP of the server, which is annoying for sure.

Regarding the ports, well, both the client and the server are using a set of port, and the first one started locks out the port, so using different set of ports is a good idea, yes, and that’s in the ...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What is the setup?
Are you both playing from outside, is your friend outside and you on the inside (same local network)?

16 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you see attempts at connecting in your server log?
A common issue is firewalls making the “handshake” to fail, the connection protocol starts, but at some point it fails and a time-out happens.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

KDS error messages are common, and not always a sign of a problem.

When you write “unable to connect to mine”, can other persons outside your network connect properly?
If it’s just you on the same local network, have you tried “direct connect” with the local IP of the server?

15 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Weird, I’ve heard of “losing the password”, or things like that, but never losing it all.
So let’s start by the begining:

  • Which version of the Dedicated Server Launcher are you using?
  • Any reason why you are not pressing the OFF switch instead of closing the window (not that matters, just to know…)
  • Have you setup the backups so you get a copy of the ini files, gamedb, whitelist, blacklist, etc…

Now, just to figure out if it’s the launcher or the server, one thing you could try is

  • Click on the top line that shows Server XX/YYYY (path ...
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11 Feb

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe these are two separate problems:

  • For the “can’t connect”, there’s a know issue with accessing the server from the same local network, so if you are on the same network, instead of using the external (public) IP, try the local IP of the server and see if that helps.
  • For the fact it does not show up on the list, I thought that was fixed, but apparently no (could be many things), so one thing you can do is to setup a discord webhook and have your players join it, when the server start it will say that the server is ready and can be...
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31 Jan

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Whitelisting IN GAME with the console commands does work fine, but doing the same thing with the rcon command, breaks the whitelist file?

28 Jan

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Typiquement ce genre de changement, il faut le faire quand le serveur ne tourne pas: Il arrive souvent que le serveur décide de réécrire les fichiers INI, et tout ce qui a été modifié dans le DSL entre temps est annulé.

Pourriez vous tenter ca.

  • Stopper le serveur
  • Mettre le mot de passe RCON
  • Cocher “Enable” RCON
  • “Save Changes”
  • Démarrer le serveur
    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Don’t you have the backup feature enabled?
The whitelist is supposed to be saved with the rest of the files, is it also wiped in all the backups?

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Idéalement l’Anglais est recommandé, ca augmente les chances que quelqu’un d’autre puisse aider.
Est-ce que les autres messages apparaissent, si vous mettez un message en bas a droite et appuyez sur “Send” est-ce que le message apparaît? Si non, est-ce que vous avez bien activé RCON avec un mot de passe?

26 Jan

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve honestly no idea regarding this Core Server, I would personally suggest asking to the OVH people, they probably know about that, I doubt you would be the first person encountering this issue :slight_smile:

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you sure it’s the Tool (Dedicated Server Launcher) that require Direct X, or is it the actual “Dedicated Server” game?

Like, do you get an error when trying to run the tool, or is when trying to deploy/launch the game server?

22 Jan

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just another minor upgrade

1.3.8 (22 january 2021)

  • The status bar should not appear truncated anymore if the launcher is started on a very small screen width (like a tiny Remote Desktop Session)
  • Removed the “Close Steam” option
  • Renamed “Stream Query Port” to “Source Query Port”
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.3.8

Not much on the outside, but I did a bit of cleaning in the code, keeping the “...

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