

08 Dec

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So here is a small version update for people who want to play with mods reordering.
I know it’s not a proper UI fix, that will happen one day, but this change in the mean time allows you to:

  • Edit your modlist as you want, and reimport it without having to enter numbers
  • Import old modlists of other servers


  • Modified the modlist drag and drop to allow reimporting a modlist by replacing ids if they are in the steamapps\workshop\content subfolder
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.3.5

So, here is how that works (sorry for the large picture):

  1. The way things work, what you type in the Mod List field get processed and regenerated as a modlist.txt file in your Server install (when you press the “Sav...
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07 Dec

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@mikelei @drachenfeles indeed the editing possibilities are limited, that being said I did just a quick hack that could make things easier.

Let say you have a modlist that contains that:


but you want Pippi first, so you reorder to get that:

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04 Dec

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Have you been through the manual/explanation on the top post on this thread?
Basically you need to get the three first port leds to turn green when clicking “Test Port Accessibility”.

To get that to work, means doing port forwarding on the router, making sure your firewall and antivirus to not block access, and of course an ISP that allows for port forwarding.

There is no video, but that probably not a bad idea at this point.

30 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There’s been some recent issues regarding Steam updates, detection of changes, etc… so I made a small quality of life update for the server launcher which actually logs what happened with SteamCMD as a part of the Dedicated Server Launcher log files, so we can actually look at the issues later.

And while I was at it, I added a new tab in the UI so you can monitor the actual launcher logs without having to manually open the log file from disk.

1.3.4 (30 november 2020)

  • The log output of the SteamCMD operation is now added to the Dedicated Server Launcher log files in a section starting by STEAMCMD OUTPUT
  • Added a new tab with the content of the Dedicated Server Launcher log
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.3.4

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Imo the next step is to check the logs for errors, specially in your case, the actual Dedicated Server Launcher logs, they are located in the DedicatedServerLauncher\Logs folder at the same location as where you’ve put the launcher executable, all the logs are named “DedicatedServerLauncher(x.y.z).*.txt”

26 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Does the tool display properly on the 1080p screen?
This type of bug is typically super hard to fix when it can’t be reproduced.

Question: Does the tool appear first correctly on one of your screen, and then you move it to another screen that has a different DPI setup?

It’s possible that my code is failing on something related to querying size information on the wrong monitor when doing moving and resizing. (I’m using a combination of WM_GETMINMAXINFO and WM_SIZE, but maybe I should also track WM_DPICHANGED…)

25 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s common for mobile subscriptions to not support port forwarding, some allow it, but generally it’s different types of subscriptions that only some ISP/telcos provide.

That being said, some people managed to bypass that by using VPNs (not sure how it worked for @deathshand958 with his attempts with the “Hamachi Virtual Ethernet”), knowing that this would only work for a very limited number of people, because the impact of the VPN on the performance is quite significant.

16 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, I don’t a 4k screen here, I tried with a 2560x1440 screen at 200% and the tool behaved properly.
Could you try at 100% and if that works well, then 200%, and if that still works, go higher until it starts misbehaving, maybe it’s an overflow in the rescaling code, but without being able to reproduce this type of bug it is hard to fix :slight_smile:

So you confirm that the display is correct when you launch the program, it only clips when you try to move it or resize it?

Have you try to minimize and then restore it?

15 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What’s your screen resolution, and which fontsize/dpi have you selected?

09 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You do need the three ports forwarded, in both TCP and UDP.

Ideally you want to make sure that will never change, so whatever router you are using, make sure to not use DHCP for this PC but instead to associate the IP to the MAC/Hardware address of the network card of this machine (it’s displayed on the network section of the launcher, with a small button to copy the value so you don’t have to type it manually).

If after that it is still red, it either mean that:

  • Your ISP does not allow port forwarding
  • Or that you have another part of the system that blocks the port forwarding (could be another modem not bridging data properly, could be one of the many firewalls people have, could be an anti-virus, …)

08 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you get all the green lights when you test the ports?

Normally friends of yours (outside your local network) can just use the server browser list in the game - assuming the port forwarding is properly done, and that all the firewalls are properly setup as well.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

For that you need to have RCON working, which means:

  • Enable the RCON checkbox
  • Have a valid RCON password
  • Make sure the RCON port is not used by something else
  • Use “Broadcast” if you are using a vanilla server (will show a big message box dialog)
  • Use “Server” if you have Pippi mod installed (will show the messages in the chat instead)

06 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s on the top left: “Check for Updates and Restart” and the number on the right is how often the check is performed (default is 00:05 which is “every 5 minutes”).

You can also click on [?] to show you the current state of what you have installed and what the current versions on Steam are.

03 Nov

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As @drachenfeles wrote, this is a part of the game/balance changes the Exiles team is doing, that has nothing to do with any settings on your side or that the Dedicated Server Launcher is doing.

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29 Oct

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Frostie @Eldin89 the message you are getting is from the game itself, that has nothing to do with the launcher version you are using (the only place where the launcher is involved is the detection of updates, which may or may not be working as expected)

When you launch the server from the launcher, what happens is:

  1. The launcher starts SteamCMD telling it to update the server and the list of mods
  2. The server is started
  3. The server checks the mods

The point 1 only happens if you have setup “update on startup” in the launcher, else it skips directly to 2.

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28 Oct

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well yes, some people are running more than one game server on the same physical machine, each game server use a different set of ports, and each set of port is forwarded on the router.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Thepath01 Basically that’s the type of information I need: (you can do CTRL-C when the dialog is displayed)

Conan Exiles - DedicatedServerLauncher 1.3.3 - The Exiled Lands - (PID:28336)
Bias: -60 
UTC  : 2020.10.28 10.45.03 | W. Europe Daylight Time:-60
Local: 2020.10.28 11.45.03 | W. Europe Standard Time:0

#443030 (Conan Exiles Dedicated Server)
Install=2020.10.20 08.59.13 Steam=2020.10.13 12.48.16
#880454836 (Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.3.3)
Install=2020.10.28 10.42.27 Steam=2020.09.15 13.09.00
#1976970830 (GrimProductions)
Install=2020.10.28 10.43.25 Steam=2020.10.27 00.57.00

(I realize that this mod is 334 megabytes in size, it ac...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This will probably change in some version not that far down the line: I had way too many problems with values disappearing, which is why I introduced the “Launcher.ini” where I will start migrating the values, and they will be the “authoritative ones”, which I will keep a...

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27 Oct

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would just contact the VOO support and ask them :slight_smile:
I’ve never done port forwarding on a 4G modem, I’ve no idea if that’s actually possible.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s IP:PORT + Password, you need to specify the game port after the IP

I’m using a Netgear r6400v2, I’m in Belgium using VOO as network provider.

Somebody suggested to reset the router:

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