Originally Posted by FeaugustusHey there,
Here is the Video
We are unable to see this video I am afraid, would it be possible to make it public?
Originally Posted by FeaugustusHey there,
Here is the Video
Originally Posted by countmybonesHey countmybones,
After getting foamed and dying, the movement controls are messed up after respawn.
Here I am auto-running into the concrete barrier.
Aiming and shooting, and the character model is looking the other way.
Originally Posted by tdx2Hey there,
Attempted Keener as part of the warlords campaign on story mode. He was invulnerable the whole time. One one attempt I tried to kill the defender drone, but after 30s of dps with a optimized red build I raid with I had done maybe 15% damage. It just disappears after a few minutes and keener stays invulnerable. He can be damaged for the duration of the jammer pulse but becomes invulnerable again immediately after.
Originally Posted by nongenuine
I can confirm immortal keener bug. After dying from immortal keener and respawning, keener would be static in his position when he should be coming out to fight you.
Originally Posted by Canyonero_Hey guys,
Happened to us as well today. Luckily no one died during the bug in our group. Sucks for your friend, Bs way to die.
Originally Posted by gustavonerdzHey gustavonerdz,
As in title: Set up a build with 6 blue cores for a max skill tier shield (and low skill tier second skill), get kills with a future perfect weapon. Only the lower tier skill will be bumped up and overcharge will never happen for the tier 6 shield.
for reference, other talents like energize and acosta's go bag work with the same setup.
Originally Posted by nuxbagThis is some great advice nuxbag,
she is the blueprint vendor you can buy all she has, but some she will sell only after you met the requirements to buy them from her like exotics. some are earned in the raid only.the crafting table has the total BP count in the left part of the ui. everything in the game does not have a BP
Originally Posted by Mav11bHey Mav11b,
I use MSI Afterburner to OC my gpu and monitor my temps. When I start the game it completely kills my gpu fans but my OC sticks, leading to an ungodly amount of overheating. Every thing works except for my fans. Can't alt+tab and turn the fans back on, they end up just going back 0 every time I set a value. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling MSI Afterburner and tried a couple different versions as well. I've checked all my fans, they function as intended with other games or when I'm at the desktop screen. I actually had the same problem with EVGA Precision X1 too. Is this an Easy Anti-Cheat thing? The game never used to do this.
Originally Posted by usaraptorsHey usaraptors,
since yesterday update I've been unable to launch division 2 keep giving Game client encountered an application error (error code 23) I've uninstalled and reinstalled division 2 and u play at this time.
Originally Posted by Gromrak
so, since Season 2 the game just shuts both of my monitors off after around 10 mins. the game is still running (i can hear gun fire etc.). After an restart it may be possible that i have to update/reinstall my graphic card or have to update windows. I have tried to check install properties, reinstall the game ( with and without uplay), execute as administrator and disable fullscreen optimisation and checked on the Power Supply.
My System:
Windows 10 64 bit
Intel i5-9600K 3,7 GHz
NVidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super
16 GB Ram
Originally Posted by mrmagooxpHey mrmagooxp,
When trying to buy Season 2 I’m getting an error message saying that the store is empty, I’ve tried uninstalling and installing back the game. Not sure what’s going on, thanks!
Originally Posted by Petrnev12Hey Petrnev12
When using the deflector shield against rikers rushers(those with 2 uzis) the deflected shot are counted as immune by the target doing 0 damage. Also shield doesnt deflect against Dragovs lmg.
Originally Posted by jamieamcThank you for the video showing this, the team will find this very useful.
Hello, Ubi-Baron video uploaded (sorry for the long load times) where you will be able to see that the caches are all open and that the project is incomplete showing 4/5 caches retrieved.
I noticed the issue after completing the main storyline and going back to complete each of the projects and collect all collectables. I have not noticed/seen this issue with any other projects or caches.
Thank you
Originally Posted by vm4M9Tz4pBThis is good to hear vm4M9Tz4pB
i didn't have such issue, i have this cache after reaching LV100, like what the official updates said
Originally Posted by Adze.Thanks for sharing your experien... Read more
You might want to update your Motherboard Chipset drivers because I've seen bad drivers cause this issue. The other usual causes are probably not relevant because you swapped drives and the problems went away. Also, Division 2 is VERY sensitive to RAM timing issues as you noticed.
Other reasons for this are related to page files which, obviously can be exacerbated by bad RAM timings. You can actually kill the data on the HDD with dodgy RAM timings. I know through experience![]()
Originally Posted by Puppet_mast3rThank you for sending us this.
Here is me completing a territory control and i need to wait 2-3min before i can interact with the loot crate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR0SOLM9__U
Originally Posted by gustavonerdzRead more
Since future perfect is supposed to boost tiers on kill, when I kill enemies I see the shield HP cap going up. But the issue here is that once you get a kill and the shield is up, the shield won't recover past its previous tier cap, so you have to unequip it and equip it again to make use of the higher tier. This is extremely disruptive and removes one of the most interesting uses of future perfect (using it in a DPS build to get more survivability out of a boosted shield).
current behavior:
- I get a kill with future perfect
- Shield HP bar changes with room for more HP to regen
- The HP gets stuck at the old cap and regen only happens if I holster the shield.
expected behavior:
- I get a kill...