

22 Jul

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you are having this issue.

The first thing I would advise to do would be to follow these steps.

What this should do is configure your network and allow the game to run online.

Please let us know however if the problem persists as we ant to get you up and running
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Percy_JW
Sound is on Max, but i cannot click on activate sound. I already tried to verify the game files but that didn't change anything.
Originally Posted by Iraleyn
Take a look at this thread :
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by qqruza_
Same problem here, game sometimes just randomly throws me to main menu.
To the questions above:
1) No, just to menu.
2) None
3) Yes, although there is no message like when you really abandon the match with offer to join it. Just pressing the play button gets me back to the left match.
4) Since last update, I think.
5) Like what? I didn't change anything neither in game or in my PC.

Some people I asked in game chat also wrote they have same problem.
Hey qqruza_,

Sorry to hear you are also having this trouble, thank you for answering the questions we previously asked.

Based on what you have advi... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by CptSteven.
Hello, I've been encountering a big problem ( that I've never had before) with my gameplay in r6s for almost a month, I tried to solve it but nothing worked; the problem consists in a persistent and annoying lag while playing the game, it causes like a slow-motion movement and it's almost impossible to play with that, that also made my game crash three times (in ranked), making me losing ranked matches. I thought it was a connection problem, because sometimes when I have this lag the connection sign appears on the top-right side of my screen, but my ping was normal; I also verified all game files but with no success. This lag makes the game unplayable and I don't like it at all. I hope you can help me. Take care....
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you had this issue and for the delayed response.

I have just tried it on my side and was able to get it to work by binding the key to #'' from the main menu.

Would it be possible to give this a try and let me know if the problem persists?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by cookee.
Hey, there is no need to post here and try to help me anymore, I did a reset on my computer and that was able to clear out all the unwanted space that I had. Thanks for helping me.
This is great to hear cookee.

If you ever need us in the future you know where we are
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by PigVomit.
Verifying the game files through the Uplay launcher totally fixed this for me.
Hey PigVomit.

It is great to hear that verifying your game files helped resolve this for you.

Just let us know if you ever need support in the future
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by fr3stil3r
I have the same problem since yesterday but this afternoon it worked again for one or two hours, but after I closed the Game and reopened it didnt work again. Could you post here if you get any solution?
Hey fr3stil3r,

Sorry to hear you are having the same trouble.

Can I ask have you tried the steps previously mentioned?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Ramotijca,

Sorry to hear you are having this trouble.

Where did you purchase R6 Siege? Was it in Steam or Uplay?

Would it be possible to send us a screenshot of even better a link to a video showing this happening?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by edgar.parquet
So I was just trying the Doge tracks and since having completed the first one I'm unable to progress, it's like it enters a loop loading the rest of the tracks but keeps skipping one after the other.

Does anyone have the same issue?

Hey edgar.parquet,

Really sorry to hear this, it isn't something I have come across before, would it be at all possible to link us a video so we can understand exactly what is happening and help get this resolved for you?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Gibhary
Hi, first of all I absolutely love the new Trackmania, the AD is through the roof.

I am creating my own custom skin but I can't understand why the custom images are not showing. As asked I literally created a "Layer" and an "icon" image file (both .jpg and .png) that are findable in the Club section to personalize your own club but they are not showing in the skin customization, am I missing something?

Edit: there is also a bug when trying to load skins to your club it shows "Error C-AA-00-03

Thanks a lot,
Hey there,

Sorry to hear you are having this trouble when creating your own skin.

Wo... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Icy_Veins.
Sometimes my Game is Crashing and i get teleported forward like " speedhack" .. :/

Hey there,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your game crashing.

In this case the first thing I would suggest is to follow t... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
As I say, they don't accept their fault...
Hey there,

I merged the 2 threads you posted in as they are linked and had been responded to to help keep things tidy.

Any trouble let us know.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone,

Thank you for this additional information. Our team have been investigating, and have asked that we gather the following details via support cases or Live Chats, as it will help them with their investigation:

- The date/time at which the issue started appearing;
- The platform;
- The IP of the device used
- The country where you are located;
- Your in-game username.

You can use the links above to reach out to us. Please do not post your IP information publicly here - open a support case to provide this information as directed!

Let me know if you have any trouble.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by AnneHudson69
21st July, I have this problem now.

Cannot use and cannot hear anyones voice chat at all, I see a disconnect/plug icon on the scoreboard instead of the mic i
Hey there AnneHudson69,

Sorry to hear you have encountered this issue.

Can I just check you have tried the steps previously advised?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by rEALITy_-_cHecK
I'm having the same problem. I've beaten 21 T-Hunt games in total, and I would like to have the challenge given to me.

Here is proof:

T-Hunt Wins: https://game-rainbow6.ubi.com/en-us/...6e99/terrohunt
Challenge not completed: ...
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Dejwid_
Today me, and my 4 colleagues that I usually play ranked matches all got minus mmr:
Dejwid_ -91mmr | Bartek_Stepsis -94mmr | xelo_GHP -88mmr | muody- -85mmr | BLEJTER_PL -~90mmr
I don't play ranked matches without people from my friend list, and these are 4 guys that I played couple of last rankeds(one or two it was someone else from my friend list)
I want to make an appeal, and I want to know the evidence, and would like to get information who/where/when etc. I know people that I play with, we use only Discord + Overwolf during game, and none of us is a cheater in any way + we only got that -mmr, noone was banned from ranked games in any way.

What's wrong with that game?...
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Alligatorrr05
I have tried many different things now and it has left me more confused.

I tried a different pair of headphones and it was hard to tell because i have never played rb6 with those headphones before and the quality is not that great but i think it was as usual with the other pair of headphones.

I also looked through the steelseries engien (i have a pair of arctic 7 headphones) to see if that could interact with the game but i found nothing.

I also tried switching back to my old keyboard. I revently switched from a logitech keyboard to the steelseries apex 7 and I thought that as both of them are steelseries products maybe one of them affected the other one in some way but that did not help either, I had to update...
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
Can you check it?
Here it is my last tracert: https://hizliresim.com/Q3AWph
Hey there,

I have taken a look and you are correct there is now no double NAT.

Would it be possible to show us a screenshot of your ... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you are having this issue, it has been reported and is currently under investigation.

We will be sure to update you once we know more, thank you for your patience!