

23 Jul

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Wistaro

Le processeur n'est pas vraiment important ici, c'est plutôt le GPU.
Le jeu fonctionne sous les Intel Core i3, à condition d'avoir une carte graphique compatible.

Quel GPU (AMD, Nvidia....) ou GPU intégré (Intel HD) ton PC possède t-il?

Great to see you helping others,

We may not be able to help support other languages via the forums but it is great to see the community helping!

Thank you
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey zriL_,

Sorry to hear you have been having this issue, thank you for sending through your crash logs.

We have completed some updates since your last post, would it be possible to confirm if this still persists?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

having looked into this I have been able to reproduce this and it is working as intended, the intention is to help you improve on your lap times.

I will however forward your feedback on as this feedback is very valuable.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by YoungShot_
For summer 2020 pretty much all the records are Glitched/Hacked, its quite easy to tell all you have to do is add their ghost and see them either teleport around or finish in a time clearly slower than their stated record.

I know that the devs will be working to fix these glitches/hacks but in the meantime we should be able to report the players who are doing the Glitched/Hacked runs so that they can just be banned, but at the moment the report player button does nothing. Would be good to get the player reporting system setup so the leaderboards can be cleaned.

Another thing is that even if players are banned they could just make another account and come back and do it again, so a fix would be to make it so you have a standard...
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for getting in contact, however our team are only able to offer support on these forums in English at this time, apologies for this.

If you still require assistance and would like to request support in your preferred language, please open a ticket with us here.

Alternatively, if you'd like to translate your query we'd be happy to assist you here.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by RikY_007
i press backspace buthe rastart from the previous chekpoint why?
Originally Posted by Celiken
Because Backspace make you spawn at the last CP. If you wanna go back to the start, you need to press Delete.
Hey guys,

As Celiken correctly advised the reason for this is indeed that the backspace brings you back to the last checkpoint whilst the delete b... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Mxyzptlk_hawk
What is that dmg ? PVP look at the numbers i barley take his armour .

Decoy skill exploit or what ?after he throws his decoy skill i bearly take his armor , where i that dmg came from ? 1.3 mil armour

... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by angryblkgorilla
Today I completed article 5 and I haven't received the skin. Please help. I've done 11/11 missions and have them all at three stars
My username is angryblkgorilla
Hey angryblkgorilla

This skin is only for IQ and her AUG, if you are unable to use this skin please ... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Mxyzptlk_hawk
Crafted mine today
That is great to hear Mxyzptlk_hawk.

Just let us know if there is anything we can help with
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by ENJOLRA5
YAY! Thank you! Getting this bug fixed will go a long way to help address the hate agains skill builds in pub legendary matchmaking. I get sick of them trying to kick skill builds from the group because they "don't do any damage". Will be nice to have the fix in place so they can see the actual numbers in damage we do rather than anecdotal evidence.
Your welcome,

We are still looking in to this but it is great to hear your passion!

We will be sure to update you when we have news.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by MrSayi
solved, feel free to close the thread
Hey MrSayi,

It is great to hear you found a solution for this. If you did anything specific it would be great to hear as it may help others?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by MartinMetry
Just bought Rainbow six seige from epic games and it says "an epic games service is unavailable at the moment when i try to log in."
Hey MartinMetry

Is the error you are receiving from Uplay or the Epic Games Launcher?

Can you provide a screenshot of the exact error you receive?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by oZ.Kenoobi
Hello all,

I have discovered a game breaking glitch. This is an exploit which gives a enormous advantage. I just discovered this today and I am making a video to showcase this to the right people to get it fixed but I don't know who that would be. I know about r6fix but that would just make this exploit public and I don't think that's a good idea. This exploit is not unlike the clash/invisible IQ exploits but applies to a flurry of operators and would break many metas.

Please let me know who this is safe to share with, if anyone knows. I'm looking specifically for someone who works for ubisoft who can quickly get the right people on it.

Thank you all....
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Exq..
Hey guys!

I had purchased an account and later on some in game skins to compliment my guns but I stopped playing Rainbow Six: Siege for around 2 - 3 weeks. Few days ago, I thought i'd play since I haven't played for a while and I'm greeted with a permanent ban for "Multiple Cheating Offenses"!!! I was shocked considering the only thing I run in the background of my computer is a discord call, so this was very out of the ordinary for me. I went to Ubisoft support and they fail to even acknowledge my ticket saying its in "progess" for the last 10 days. I tried tweeting and dm'ing Ubisoft Support my ticket number but there was no luck. I hopefully think that I can get an answer from this fourm and maybe get my case a reply too?? An appeal for a ...
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Originally Posted by HaKToRi
Hello dear official, I opened a case exactly 7 days ago and I have been waiting for this case to be resolved for 7 days. I love playing the R6 game and I am not playing another game. How many days does a Case result in an average?
I work in a similar job. I play R6 in my spare time and I feel like it is squeezing you right now but I really couldn't find anything else to do in my spare time.

case number 12216058
Hey HaKToRi,

Sorry for the delayed response, I can see that your case is wit... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Swoosh.N
Guys this is the third time i keep disconnecting from my R6 Siege ranked match and literaly can't reconnect because of "Connection Failure" error.
Right now I am banned for a day from playing ranked and unranked matches and also 50% renown loss.
And from what I know, the next time I get banned it's going to be for a week.
Please unban me and make a fix for this BIG issue.
Hey Swoosh.N,

Sorry to hear you have been having trouble with disconnections in game, would it be possible to try ... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Shineeeeeuh
HTML Code:
[Win32] CmdLine="C:/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/games/Trackmania/Trackmania.exe"
[Sys]  BuildInfo   : date=2020-07-01_13_23 Svn=105768 GameVersion=3.3.0
[Sys]  Defines     : TrackmaniaStandalone .
[Sys]  Shaders     : Svn=105 688, Git=0
[Sys] Minimum app. @ = 0x0000000000010000
[Sys] Maximum app. @ = 0x000007FFFFFEFFFF
[Sys] Base app. @    = 0x000000013F180000
[Net] SSL version=OpenSSL 1.0.2q  20 Nov 2018 (OpenSSL 1.0.2q  20 Nov 2018)
[Net] HTTP: curl_version=7.62.0(7.62.0), ssl_version=OpenSSL/1.0.2q, ares_version=. features: 20029C
[Net] UbiServices enabled
[Net] UbiServices applicationId=86263886-327a-4328-ac69-527f0d20a237 build=202007011323 version=Full sku=PC-WW
[Net] UbiService...
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by jmasthaboss
I've been having the same issue, I tried the firmware update but it didn't fix the issue. I've noticed it only happens with the xbox headset adapter, not if the headset is plugged in the controller directly, but this means I can't hear game sounds so it's a trade off.
Hey jmasthaboss,

Following updating the firmware are you able to gain access to all headset adapter abilities on any other game?
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by EnPro23
Thank you. Hopefully it gets sorted and we can see peoples true rank when they don't have a script or mouse helping them. Will be good to have a level playing field
Thank you for helping highlight this to us even further.

If ever there is anything else we can help with we are always happy to assist.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by sundrops
hello ubisoft

i just got my laptop back from official service center, and suddenly when i want updating my R6S i got banned for cheating.

can i have the proof of me cheating or etc, because to be honest im not that good with the fps or r6 game. u can check my K/D/A or aim percentage or etc.
and i never play ranked too, just having fun with my close friend each night!

i already join ubisoft for 7 year! i never cheat or have problem once, and suddenly i got banned permanent without any good reason ( my laptop is in MSI service center for more than 50 days because of the fan issue and overheating) so how i can got banned when i didnt even have access to my laptop!

please check this again, and show me the...
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