

24 Jul

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

I have chased this up with the team to see if we have any update.

We will be sure to provide the update once we have it
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by TuplaJ
In Track editor I personally don't like building poles that much because its harder to make poles with connections and I think the way to build poles in TMNF is better and I wish this game would have same kind of system. Would make it building easier and more fun!

Thank you for the time reading this.
- TuplaJ
Hey TuplaJ,

Thank you for taking the time to leave this feedback,

This has been forwarded to the team, if ever we can help in the future just let us know. ...

23 Jul

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Celiken
Yesterday I had a problem with trophies, still waited today to see if it is just sync timing, but looks like I'm only getting update on trophies 1 actually (maybe 2)

At 6.49PM (UTC+2), I had 75723 (7/5/5/6/163), which was ok.

At 7.08PM (UTC+2), I got a bronze 3 (we guess for getting 7 gold from the TOTD)

At 8.19PM (UTC+2), I got a silver 1 (we guess again for getting 7 author from the TOTD)
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Darki1993
Thank you and yes, I really enjoy the new Trackmania a lot! The developers did a great job and I am sure they will soon fix all open issues.

So as I already observed, the leaderboard was already updated now with a delay and now correctly displays the correct amount of points.
However my rank icon in online games is still bronze 3 even after the points were updated. I am bronze 3 rank already for like 3 days even if I should be higher with my points.
Great to hear your leader boards are updating Darki1993

If there is anything else we can help with just let us know
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by scavfan
In the last couple of days I've gained several bronze 3 trophies (from getting author medals on various campaigns) and a silver 1 trophy (which I assume I got by getting author medals on first 7 tracks of the day). I've also gained many bronze 1 trophies during online play.
However, when I open my profile, those bronze 1 trophies are counted and displayed properly, while bronze 3 and silver 1 trophies are not. Is this a bug, or are the servers just syncing really badly?

Also, a request: can we please get a clear guide on how to get certain trophies, and make the profile list what were the trophies earned for? It's not very satisfying if you don't know why you gain trophies other than "being good". It would be nicer to have bit mo...
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Wuts0n
Just a minor issue:
When cycling through the language selection, it says "영어" for Korean. However 영어 translates to English.
"한국어" means Korean in the Korean language.
Thank you for highlighting this Wutson.

I have forwarded this to the team
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you have had this strange issue.

We have completed some updates since your last post, would it be possible to confirm if this still persists? I believe we may have been able to resolve this and if we haven't I really want to get to the bottom of this for you.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

This should now be resolved following our updates.

Just let us know if you have any further trouble
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by NickGavran
Thank you for your reply.
As of the latest update, this problem no longer occurs.
This is great to hear NickGavran!

If ever we can help in the future just let us know
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by gelkins81
Just as the title says, I can't get my personal best ghost to show. I've tried hitting "G" and "O", but nothing seems to work. O turns off other racers, but nothing will bring my personal best ghost in. Do you have to have a paid version to get this option into the game? Thanks in advance!
Hey gelkins81,

Sorry to hear you are having this trouble, I tried to reproduce this but when I did I found 'G' did allow you to see and hide you personal best ghost.

We have updated the game since your pot so it could be that this has now resolved, would it be possible to let us know if this issue is persisting for you? ...
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Ulysses182
Hey there.

Unfortunately (or rather fortunately for me :P) I cannot reproduce the bug anymore. I exited the game and verified the game files, and now it's fine.
I edited one random image to show you what was happening.

So this it is how it looked like approximately:

Here's the non edited image just for the reference:

This bug happened once, and it happened after I logged on to my second PC with my account and started playing.
It is great to hear that verifying your files... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by HoMaMi
thx, santus,
I had hoped there is another way, like press forward-left-right-back and sing an anthem every morning... ;-) tricks like they were possible in the real TM with drifts and slides.
I´m slow and straight on ice, but it´s too slow for now. Maybe I´ll try it again.
dacSP_Santus Is exactly right.

Practice makes perfect, if however you find a particular anthem helps you let me know as I too have been struggling with this!
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by masterelahee
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language
Version 10.0.19041 Build 19041
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer Acer
System Model Predator PH315-51
System Type x64-based PC
System SKU 0000000000000000
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2304 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Insyde Corp. V1.26, 27/3/2019
SMBIOS Version 3.0
Embedded Controller Version 1.24
BaseBoard Manufacturer CFL
BaseBoard Product Sienta_CFS
BaseBoard Version V1.26
Platform Role Mobile
Secure Boot State On
PCR7 Configuration Binding Possible
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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by masterelahee
Everytime I try running on siege, it loads up uplay , then launches the game with a black screen for about 10 seconds, and automatically exits. I have done this multiple times to get a temporary fix: repair the c++ redistributable in control panel and restart my laptop, then the game works but only in windowed mode (need to press alt+enter before game starts so it does not crash). But after i finish the game and restart my laptop, the problems start again and i need to repair the c++ redistributable in control panel again. I tried doing all the things in support page and updating all drivers but still the problem is there.
Hey masterelahee,

... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Sniccerrs
Update: its working now without me doing anything different
Hey Sniccerrs,

Sorry to hear you had this issue but it is great to hear this was resolved.

If you ever need us we are more than happy to help!
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

If you are able to share that log we will be more than happy to take a look and try identify the route of this issue.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by SkyLick
I followed the steps to clean boot and launched RainbowSix_Vulkan.exe from the install directory. Uplay opens up and comes up with an internet connection error. I can either press retry or start in offline mode. Starting in offline mode comes up with the same error, and pressing retry brings me to the login details, which I then input, and the same error comes back up.
Thank you for this additional information.

For troubleshooting purposes would it be possible to try the above steps again once you have whitelisted RainbowSix_Vulkan.exe and Uplay in your antivirus?

Many thanks in advance, we will get to the bottom of this ... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by SkyLick
I have, and the issue remains.
Thank you for trying that.

So there is no background applications running would it be possible to try a clean boot before locating RainbowSix_Vulkan.exe and then launching it with ... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Thank you for helping support another player when we can only support the forums in English.

It is always great to see players helping each other especially where we cannot
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you have been having trouble with high ping whilst playing online.

The very first thing I would advise to try is these steps.

They should help with this but let me know if you have any trouble.