

20 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Xan0010! Thanks for the report. I have passed this on to the ANNO team, as I believe a few other players have noticed this happening as well. Does reloading the game help at all?

19 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Malefica! Can you provide a screenshot from in-game by chance? If I remember correctly, it asks you to deliver it either to a ship or to a lighthouse? Are you clicking directly on the location? Does this happen to you with a specific ship?

18 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi guys! If you are not getting Clan Caches:
- How new is your clan?
- Did you recently join or leave a clan?
- How many players are in your clan by chance?
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys! Did any of you notice the gear you marked as Favorite switch to Junk? Did any of you guys notice that you have any additional exotic crafting materials after losing your Chatterbox?
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for sharing se7enX89X!
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for your input kephalonix.
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
As you know, the issue with DX12 specifically is being addressed by the TD2 team currently.

17 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi DannyyBoyy86! Thanks for the screenshots. The Hard Wired components are supposed to come from specific bosses, like from Grand Washington Hotel and Jefferson Trade Center. These bosses have a chance to drop the component. The higher difficulty you play, the higher the chance.
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for sharing unexpectedeve! I really appreciate it. To confirm, you have not been able to encounter any more hunters since then, correct?
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi guys! If you are currently having issues downloading TD2 via Uplay, try these Uplay steps.
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Thanks for sharing guys!
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey poeticbulldozer! Can you try uploading the screenshot to an image hosting website, like Imgur, and then paste it on this thread?

16 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Politician! Thanks for the report. Can you take a screenshot of what you currently have?
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks! Let us know if you continue to have issues later today
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the report guys! To clarify, for the Christmas Tree hunters, they are only not spawning anymore since you were killed while fighting them?
@KingRatBile We are looking into issues with drops and keys with Hunters at this time. Thanks for the report!
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the details @unexpectedeve! Do you happen to have any screenshots or are able to take a video of the area currently?

13 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello The-Albanian. Thank you for the report. Is this only specifically happening with Challenging difficulty?

06 Apr

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I have reported this issue up to the TD2 team. Thank you for the video! The current workaround I would suggest would to try matchmaking with someone who hasn't done the mission yet.
    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Llttle_Joe! To be sure, do you have the mic set as default in your Windows settings? Have you disabled any other possible inputs in your Windows Recording settings?
If you continue to have issues, can you submit your MSINFO and dxdiag files? I'd also recommend disabling any extra background applications or... Read more