

30 Nov


Originally posted by VeltScroll188

Thanks for the tag, I'll make sure the team takes another look at this.


Hey all, thanks for the reports on Daily Ops tiers showing as already completed in the Operation Report. We discussed internally and the team is going to work on a fix for this. Sorry for any confusion about your rewards in the meantime!

25 Nov


Originally posted by ScherzicScherzo

Can you confirm if they were made character-bound too? That's a rumor that's going around and some concrete confirmation or denial would put it to rest.

Confirmed they are untradeable now as well. Sorry y'all this and the weight increase should have been in the patch notes, but I missed it. Adding now.


Originally posted by VeltScroll188

/u/Valseek The Encampment Door is broke.

Hmm, thanks for the report. I'll let the team know so they can revisit these.


Hi, yes we increased their weight with today's update and have updated the patch notes to include this as well. Sorry we missed it the first go around!

24 Nov


Originally posted by giantpunda

Save Those Atoms: Already have some of the items in an Atomic Shop bundle? No problem! Bundle prices now lower automatically if you already own any items they contain.

Genuinely surprised that Bethesda decided to do this. Good on them.

I hope the discount is appropriate for the proportion of items you already own out of the whole bundle. They were vague on the details so I guess we'll have to see when the Atomic Shop comes back online.

I hope the discount is appropriate for the proportion of items

It's reduced by the amount of Atoms you would have paid for that item as part of the bundle.

Let's say you're looking at a bundle that costs 500 Atoms, but you own two of its items already. Let's also say that those two items each normally cost 150 Atoms when bought individually, but they are discounted to 100 Atoms each as part of that bundle. That would mean you pay 300 Atoms (500 minus 200 total for the items you already own) and you would get the three remaining items from the bundle that you didn't have yet.

Another example, if you already owned all but one of the items in a bundle, you would only pay for that one item.

Also wanted to put one more callout in here that even though the tech is in this patch today, the Dynamic Bundles themselves won't be available until next week on our original December 1 patch timing.


Originally posted by ScherzicScherzo

Mods: The Refrigerated Backpack Mod now reduces food spoilage rates by 50% instead of 10%.

From what I gathered this was a visual bug, the actual amount of spoilage it reduced was as good if not better than Good With Salt. Wonder if this is going to break that and it'll be worse than Good With Salt now.

Getting an answer on this. Hang tight

After getting some more info, the "10%" mentioned there should be removed from the notes (we'll do that shortly). The spoilage rate reduction was actually behaving inconsistently. Sometimes it would be too high, other times very low. What this fix actually does is set it to a consistent 50% reduction. Hope that helps!


Originally posted by BindaI

Beefed up Brahmin health and resistances during the Free Range event

You couldn't resist that particular choice of words, couldn't you?

Maybe it's a mis-steak, but we had to milk it for all it was worth!

17 Nov


Hi! Thanks for reporting this. We're looking to fix this issue with the Tricentennial items as soon as we possibly can. While we investigate, can you please submit a ticket to get further assistance from our Customer Support team?


Hi /u/bomicbon, thanks for your report and sorry for the trouble! We're actively investigating this issue for players who have purchased Tricentennial items. In the meantime, can you please head here to submit a ticket for further assistance from our Customer Support team?


Hi /u/Limitlessoverload, thanks for your report and sorry for the trouble! We're actively investigating this issue for players who have purchased Tricentennial items. In the meantime, can you please head here to submit a ticket for further assistance from our Customer Support team?


Originally posted by Valseek

Edit: As an update, this now appears to be affecting all platforms and the Shop is only showing the items that you already own. We're looking into it, and I've put up a forum thread here where we'll let you know once we've resolved the issue.

Thanks for the reports, all. We're investigating why the Atomic Shop isn't loading fully for PC Game Pass folks right now. Will let you know as soon as it's fixed up.

As another update, we've fixed the issue and the Atomic Shop is back online. Thanks everyone for your patience!


Originally posted by Valseek

Hi, yes we're currently investigating this issue so that we can bring the Atomic Shop back online. I have a forum thread here that we'll update once the Shop is available again. Thanks for the reports!

We've resolved the issue and the Atomic Shop should now be fully functional for everyone again. Thanks for your patience!


Hi, yes we're currently investigating this issue so that we can bring the Atomic Shop back online. I have a forum thread here that we'll update once the Shop is available again. Thanks for the reports!


Edit: As an update, this now appears to be affecting all platforms and the Shop is only showing the items that you already own. We're looking into it, and I've put up a forum thread here where we'll let you know once we've resolved the issue.

Thanks for the reports, all. We're investigating why the Atomic Shop isn't loading fully for PC Game Pass folks right now. Will let you know as soon as it's fixed up.

13 Nov


Hi! Thanks for the reports. It sounds like most of you who are experiencing this crash are on Xbox. One question we're curious about is if this is happening to a specific model of Xbox, or if it's happening to all of them.

If you're running into this fast travel crash, can you please reply here with the specific type of Xbox you have?



Hi /u/AdrianValistar I sent you a PM asking for some more info. Thanks for the report and the video!

12 Nov


Hi! Mystery Pick is normally 60 Scrip, and it should be 45 with the discount. To add some more fun to the event we've also added the 25% discount to all of the Purveyor's other legendary weapon/armor options too!

The sale has been applied and it's being rolled out to all servers. If you don't see the sale yet, try server hopping or wait a few minutes in your current server.

11 Nov


Originally posted by ZachyChan013

Source? Not questioning you. I'd just like to see the rest of the article :)

We just posted an article with a new Community Calendar that has the December 15 Season 3 start date, and some other important dates too. Source!


Hi, sorry about the poor experience you and others have been having lately! We're still actively investigating this, and it would be very helpful to have specific instances/accounts to look into so that we can narrow down what's causing this.

If you're experiencing a lot of the "server not responding" errors and other server performance issues, can you please send me a PM with the following?

  • Your account name.
  • What platform you were playing on when the issues occurred.
  • Time and date when the issues occurred, including your timezone, if possible.

For the time/date, if you can't remember exact times that's ok, but the more specific you can be the better.

Thank you!