

03 Nov

All items listed above are now available to purchase on the Crown Store until Thursday, November 5 at 10:00am EST.
Just posted an update about some Crown Store items returning to the store here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/551379/
Thanks all, we're looking into this.
In an effort to help consolidate updates on various issues that started with Update 28 PC launch, we've created this thread to track some of the more major issues and their current status. Please note this does not include all open issues - just the ones that are more serious or have been reported frequently since launch. We'll do our best to keep this updated with the most up to date status.

[*] [HOTFIXED ON 11/4] Using Lady Belain's portals during the quest "A Feast of Souls" will cause your character to fall through the world
[*] Updated [FIX SCHEDULED FOR v6.2.6] Some skills have reset, including Soul Trap and the Werewolf Ultimate[list]
[*] If you have lost any skill points, they will automatically be returned to your account during the maintenance for patch v5.2.6, currently scheduled for Nov 16[/list]
[*] [RESOLVED] Crown Store is locked[list]
[*] As of 1:30pm EST on 11/... Read more
Hey everyone, if you're running into this issue, please be sure to submit a ticket on the website at help.elderscrollsonline.com and provide your character information. Someone from Support will help in getting your character moved to safe spot. In the meantime, we're working on seeing how quickly we can publish a fix. Thank you!
Thanks everyone, we have a fix for this that will likely go into our next incremental patch.
Yes, the Crown Store is temporarily unavailable while we work on an issue. We'll let everyone know when we plan to bring it back online.

02 Nov

Thanks for the info, all. As @MishMash mentioned, this is a bug and we're looking into it.

There is a cooldown so if one person reads it and grabs the lead, the next person will need to wait until it respawns.

For what it's worth, that Lead is not currently refreshing as often as intended and should be fixed in the next incremental.
This is not intended, and we're working on fixing it so it appears. It may not occur until the upcoming incremental patch, though.
Hey everyone, wanted to let you know this change is not intentional and it's being looked into. Thanks for the reports and information.
Thanks! We're working on getting this fixed.
You should see an option for Solo Random and Random, the latter of which you can queue with a group. Is that not appearing for you?
Could you please post or PM your character name and server? Thanks!
Definitely not intended - we're working on fixing this now.
Thanks everyone, just confirming we have seen these reports and are looking into it.
It's possible this is a visual issue tied to addons since it looks like you're using a few, but just in case, could you post or PM your character name so we can check? Thanks!
Thanks for the report, we're looking into this now.
Just to give everyone an update, we were able to resolve the issue and plan to open PC EU soon.
Not intended, but we are aware and are investigating.