This game is now officially in action.
1. There is mouse and keyboard support.
2. There is online multiplayer.
Full disclosure, in response to the above thread: please read about the control scheme below and consider it before purchasing.
In order to make it so multiple people could play online on a single PC, we couldn't make the camera static for mouse and keyboard. I still attempted the traditional RTS right-click-to-move/left-click-to-cast that Warlock players would be familiar with and it was, as I expected, pretty terrible.
1. The mouse behaves like a joystick, much like many first person shooters.
2. Your wizard will automatically walk in the direction you are aiming unless you hold spacebar.
3. QWERSDF are mapped to spells and will cast on-press in the direction you are pointing.
4. Holding left-click while casting will curve your spells left and holding right-click will curve them ri...
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