

01 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AscendantShard


Do you guys have any more plans to buff underperforming perks? Perks like Osmosis, Underdog and even Dangerzone feel like they could use an upgrade in my opinion. It would also just be nice to see perk buffs and reworks become a much more common thing to keep the sandbox fresh.

Yes, but no promises on which perk or when they'd be buffed. Team is always trying to balance time.

Give me some details though - which perks do you find less valuable than others, and why?
(inb4 if it doesn't increase damage, it's a bad perk! lol)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JimTobin89

Anarchy nerf incoming ☹

Sadface, but happy face.

Wonder what Heavies will rise to the occasion over the next few seasons, once the changes are live.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Chtholly13

Will adept mods drop from master vog?

Doesn't look like it. Those will continue to be earned via Flawless Trials Chest and Grandmaster Nightfalls.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IngKaiser86

Wait, didn’t they mentioned that those who obtained previous years solstice glows would have those glows as an ornament for this year solstice? I didn’t catch anything about it in the TWAB

Yep. From the patch notes article going live next Tuesday...

  • Created universal ornaments for previous Solstice of Heroes armor sets.
  • These ornaments will be available for players who obtained glows for that armor piece in 2018 and/or 2019.
  • They will be unlocked for all three classes.
  • Their glow color will change match the player's subclass.

Note: With limited development time, the team was able to get these ornaments together for players who owned the glows in previous years. They may return for new players to purchase w/ silver or bright dust in the future, but not this year.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PsychologyForTurtles

I'm assuming that the Timelost weapons will be able to equip adept mods. If so, these weapons will be insane. Hezen Vengeance best RL in the game by far.

Yep! Timelost weapons can take Adept mods.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IlovemycatArya

u/dmg04, regarding this line in the upcoming fixes outlined in UPDATE 3.2.1:

Gunsmith weapons will no longer be missing masterwork slots.

Will this retroactively apply to gunsmith weapons people have already purchased or will this only apply going forward? Thanks!

Don't have the details right now, but here's what I do have:

Starting next Tuesday, Gunsmith should stop selling weapons without masterworks. We're planning a fix for Season 15 so the weapons can be sold again w/ masterworks. Couldn't get the full fix in, so we're stopping the bleeding until full fix is ready.

I'll sync with the team to get an answer on weapons that don't have MWs - but may have to wait for their investigation to conclude.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we prepare for Solstice of Heroes 2021!
It’s almost time for a celebration. Earlier this week, Guardians pushed back against the Endless Night. Through relentless Overrides and adventures to Expunge the Vex network, Quria was found and deleted. While larger threats to humanity remain, one can take a moment to breathe and rest easy knowing that the people of the Last City are safer. In the wise words of Saint-14, it is time for celebration. Solstice of Heroes is the perfect moment for that.

A big party in the Tower isn’t the only thing that’s going on. Eva Levante returns, bringing new armor for Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks to earn. As you upgrade your sets, you’ll once again be able to earn some magnificent white glows to adorn your armor with. If you have a taste for the elements, Eververse will also offer Universal Ornament Bundles for purchase which will shine brightly with glows that reflect your equipped subclass.
... Read more

29 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

As you called out in one of your edits - team is aware of discrepancies between Valor and Infamy and actively working to address them. Season 14, they did a bunch of backend work to make the changes possible. We'll have details in a future TWAB on what to expect.

Outside of Infamy, Team is also looking at other points of feedback around Gambit. As I said in a post yesterday, there aren't any major changes planned for Gambit in the short term. Team would like to make improvements to the mode over time, and while we have a lot of feedback to look at already, always happy to pass up more.

28 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like we have a fix slated for an upcoming patch.

Stay tuned!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I've pulled exotics from collections a few times to complete GM Nightfalls.

There are ways to build around poor stats via Armor Mods and Weapon Perks. Sure, I'll be hunting better versions of the armor, but what the OP says is true!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We do not currently have plans to do any of the things in the title of this thread to Gambit.

The team is eyeballing a future season for some improvements to the mode. We have opportunity for some minor changes in Season 15, but deeper improvements to gameplay will come in a later season as we look to balance workloads for the team.

We'll have details in a few weeks about various reputation system tweaks. Some of the roadwork for this was done in the Season 14 patch - we talked about that in a previous TWAB.

While we've been asking for feedback on Gambit for a while, always love to hear what you think about the mode. What's enjoyable, what needs improvement, etc.

Cozmo and I will make sure to pass it up to the team. Even if the feedback has been said before, feel free to say it again!

17 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by veryloudpants

Something that's felt to be simple because it takes three clicks in an image editor

So you're saying all my ideas are likely not plausible because I know nothing about video game development? I'll have you know I worked quite hard on my MS Paint comic about how you're making the game wrong.

Admittedly, there are some REALLY f*ckING COOL pieces being shared by community members who spend numerous hours on their creations. Don't mean to downplay their skills in artistry and craft by any means. Sometimes, just doesn't translate to games/products as easily as one might assume.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Berzercurmudgeon

Why doesn't the toaster look like Jotunn?

We saw a bunch of pretty cool concept from players, but the realities of production/manufacturing would have made it nearly impossible to execute.

This happens pretty often in game dev - fans share a fun concept from photoshop or a 3d program, but it doesn't easily transfer to a game or product. Something that's felt to be simple because it takes three clicks in an image editor can end up taking months of time and massively inflated cost when actually developing a user interface, armor set, or in this case... a toaster.

In any case, excited that we got this out. Toaster is fun, emblem is sick, and we're helping to raise more money for kids in need. Future initiatives can grow and learn from this, so we'll see where the road takes us!

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we prepare for the return of Grandmaster Nightfalls. 
An Endless Night persists and Guardians continue to infiltrate the Vex network via Overrides and Expunges. Even with each Vex Mind defeated, we’re left with a puzzle that is still missing pieces. This week, many of you have already made a chilling discovery about who is orchestrating this cyber war, planting more seeds to undermine the future of the Last City. If you haven’t played yet this week, we’ll leave the story bits for you to uncover. Some of the most powerful moments in Destiny are that of discovery, so we won’t spoil the fun! 
Outside of your Splicer initiatives, Vault of Glass challenges have begun. Each week, one encounter in the raid will feature a challenge for your fireteam to overcome. If you succeed, you’ll get additional loot as you continue to climb in Pinnacle Power. Some of you may be wondering what you need so much Power for. Well, we have two activities coming onli... Read more

07 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

What is the viscosity of Omolon juice?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Before I clicked the link, thought "this had better have some Slipknot"

OP delivered.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would love to hear more. Which exotics would you want to see prioritized in the future? How do they currently feel underwhelming?

Team takes passes from time to time when balancing with development of new stuff. Can't hit every exotic at a single time, but we can always pass up the feedback on which ones are mentioned more frequently.

03 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Team is aware of the feedback and desire for more sensitivity options. Can't make a promise on when anything could happen, but folks have a desire to add some options in the future.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Mithrax told the legend of The Saint. 
Over the last few weeks, the Tower has been bathed in darkness due to the Endless Night. Guardians have been exploring the Vex Network in search of solutions to this chilling predicament. With each Override, we’re one step closer to our goals. Expunge. Mithrax has been with us from the start but took a moment this week to share what it’s like as a member of the House of Light. 
If you haven’t seen the cutscene yet, finish your weekly quest to get a good dose of lore. 
Let’s get on with the TWAB, shall we? We have Iron Banner coming back around next week, and the announce of a fresh fashion show. 

Iron Rising 

Lord Saladin returns next week for a renewed round of Iron Banner. Things might feel a little different, as we released a new round of Stasis tuning earlier this morning. If you’re aiming to get a little higher in the Pinnacle Power band, make sure to compl... Read more

27 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JustaGayGuy24

Someone save this comment from the TWAB.

It’s important to note here that shifting our focus like this comes at a considerable cost to the team, so it’s unlikely that mid-season patches of this scope will become a regular occurrence.

I'm surprised they did this, we'll see how it goes.

While we're always eager to address things when we can, resource management is ridiculously difficult. Folks kicked ass on this. Glad we could get it out.