The “Titans have T-Rex arms” meme will become a reality.
Our scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
The “Titans have T-Rex arms” meme will become a reality.
Our scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
You were just waiting for the link to come like weren't ya.
Thanks for the post - We'll get this over to the localization team to see if these strings can be fixed!
Thanks for the feedback.
Always enjoy hopping in to play with folks who play the modes week over week, card over card, to hear how they approach encounters, maps, and different team builds. We discuss feedback outside of those cards, too, but I don’t want that to be taken as “Bungie only listens to Streamers.”
We collect feedback on a daily basis - not just from folks on our forums, reddit, or twitter - but hands on with friends and other coworkers as well. There are many ways for Trials to improve. Rewards, matchmaking, mode timers & general rules, etc. - making it a friendlier experience for players, not just the “sweats.”
We have DDOS protection coming for consoles soon, but there is definitely more work to be done.
Cheers to all who continue to provide feedback on the mode and share their experiences. We’re continuing to pass the feedback along as it comes in, hoping to shed light on the numerous topics that players would like prioritized.
... Read moreUI folks did a lot of cool things this season.
Inspect your quests.
We've passed along reports of Dunemarchers to the team - that's currently under investigation.
I'll follow up on Heart of Inmost Light to see if we've got a bug filed.
Thanks for posting for awareness. As a general note, please be sure to post any bugs or issues you find to the Help forums on! Helps our player support team get a sense for impact, bug frequency, and potentially even details that lead to faster fixes.
I seem to be encountering the same issue. One workaround that I found helpful was to cut my hair a bit, just so it wasn't blocking my vision in the short instances where I could see my screen.
Hope this helps!
We've definitely seen requests for firing ranges over the years, and with the Tribute Hall going the way of the DCV, we understand that players are looking for players to test out their new weapons again.
Thanks for the feedback! Will be sure to pass it along.
Glad you're enjoying Destiny density. Are there any specific encounters that stood out to you?
Yep, this is a patch note that we’ll be adding tomorrow, along with a few other stragglers.
Filling out some missing slots to help players finish up bounties and quests.
Thanks for the thread. Will pass it up.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying it. Definitely passing the feedback up as we see it.
You had me at the Courage the cowardly dog reference
I bet 1 stonk that there will be [REDACTED]
Thanks all for the feedback! Definitely being passed along.
Planning an in-game message to hit as many players as we can.
I will always advocate that players redeem their bounties before the end of a season to avoid loss. We do our best to forecast when bounties are being updated or removed, but sometimes a few may slip through the cracks.
And no, this is not financial advice.