We’re a little over a week into Season of the Splicer. Things have been a little crazy, so to speak. The Vex have cast the Last City into an endless night, and the Vanguard need your help. We’ve found our first clues on Europa thanks to the aid of Mithrax, but have more networks to crash. Now, Guardians are flying to the Moon for another crack at the code.
As you take on the Vex and their simulations, fresh loot has been up for grabs. Gridskipper and Chroma Rush have been ripping the Vex to shreds in Override. Lord Saladin has some new tools of destruction for you to earn in the Iron Banner. Hung Jury is up to bat as a Nightfall reward this week, and we’ve already seen numerous Guardians exploding their foes with Firefly rolls.
It’s been a fun start, but we have more on the way, and it’s almost time to crack open the Vault of Glass.