

28 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Jwilsonred

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23

Any word on a Nothing Manacles fix? It was mentioned a few TWABs ago, but no word since

No update. This investigation is on a longer timeline due to other projects in flight. Once we have updates, we'll let you know.

21 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WACK-A-n00b

Hey, can you please look at reworking trials ranks?

If a "scrub" plays 10 games of trials a week and cant get 7 wins, they get:

4 engrams the first week, 2 the next and then 1 or 0 every week until reset.

That may be why trials seemed so popular in the first week: loot WAS raining. After the first couple weeks, for the players that need the rank engrams the most, it becomes unreasonably difficult to get loot.

I suggest for, trials only (if you want to keep others the same), the ranks be set to 625 points per rank. That means anyone playing ~7 games should get SOMETHING the week they play.

Team is looking at rep gains. Don't have any specifics, but it's a topic of conversation!

Once we have more info, we'll let you know.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SneednFeeder

fighting lion

Got in touch with the team, here's some info straight from their keyboards:

Fighting Lion wasn't a specific problem before we reworked the weapon, but given increasing frustration with breech grenade launchers in crucible it seemed like a misstep to say "we hear you" and "here's an infinite ammo version of that thing you're frustrated about" in the same patch

It has become clear through hands on, feedback, and backend data that the full nerf isn't needed, so we're adjusting it in the 30th Anniversary patch

Note: This is not a full rollback - there's still a difference between "almost infinite ammo" and "actually infinite ammo" in how weapons are used, so we want to make sure we don't create a monster.

Here's a quick patchnote preview for December:

  • Removed the multi-hit requirement for the reload speed buff
  • Increased the buff to the reload stat
  • i.e. reload will still be sl...
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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ninth_reddit_account

Hi /u/dmg04 /u/Cozmo23 - Since Beyond Light a whole bunch of stat trackers/Metrics have been broken. I haven't seen it in any known issues lists, in any of the TWABs, or any acknowledgement on the forums. It sucks to miss out on 12 months of data on these stat trackers, and I would hate to miss out on more.

For example, Stormcaller defeats, Dawnblade defeats, Voidwalker defeats, and Motes Banked metrics have not had their values increase since Beyond Light came out last November, and I've definitely been playing on those subclasses!

I have a bunch of screenshots of stat trackers before a match, the Gambit PGCR, and then after to ...

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Hey, thanks for the info! Question, have you posted a thread on the Help forums of With Destiny accounts linked, this gives the team extra info for investigation and such.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LovelyJoey21605

Ayy! Nice update on Trials!

I particularily love how you completely avoid talking about numbers now that they've dropped from 748 490 to 479 558, according to's a whopping 35.9% player dropp-off in just 6 played weeks of trials!

I also notice how you're now NOT mentioning anything about the ratio of "un-competitive" matches. Is that because they've gone WAY the f**k up, since high skilled players are still farming low-skilled players despite the laughably-easy-to-circumvent flawless pool?

Incase you haven't noticed, I'm salty that your rework of Trials completely misses the mark.I had fun in Trials a couple of weeks ago, and now it's starting to become the unplayable 0-5 stompfest that (almost) everyone hated in previous seasons.

Why even bother with a rework, if you refuse to make matches actually playable for the average player? I WANT this game-mode t...

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A few things:

  1. It's expected that the Trials population decrease week over week. The team is doing work to see what can be done to reduce the decline (or even increase population on occasion), but right now we're in a period of trying new things. Between the rework to rewards and Trials Labs every few weekends, we're getting a ton of great data to inform potential changes to the mode in the future. We want Trials to be the best it can be, as we want Destiny to be the best it can be. There will still be bumps. There will be hiccups. We're excited about the knowledge we're gaining and what could come about in the future.
  2. Flawless pool will be enabled on Sunday. The team is cooking up changes for Trials matchmaking, and we'll provide additional information when we have it. I mentioned in another comment, it's looking like we may have it for the TWAB next week, but can't make the promise just yet.
  3. In terms of "uncompetitive matches", team is investigati...
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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by truthswans

/u/dmg04 From the 9/23 TWAB you all said you were looking at deeper matchmaking changes to get rid of the flawless pool and you'd have more info mid/late October. Since that info didn't make it into this TWAB, is it scheduled for next week or do you have a better date on when we'll know more about the state of the Flawless pool and the matchmaking changes?

We are working on some deeper matchmaking solutions which we hope lets us remove the flawless pool. Look out for more info in mid/late October.

EDIT: DMG responded to Ms5000watts on Twitter asking a similar question:

Yep. Flawless pool continues to start on Sunday at reset.

Matchmaking changes are planned for a future hotfix. Once we have more info, we'll let y'all ...

Looking like it could be in the TWAB next week, but I can't make the promise just yet.

Stay tuned!

19 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. We'll be sure to pass it along to the team!

Scrolling through some replies, seeing suggestions for higher stat armor and potentially more rolls on T3 umbrals. Are there any other rewards that you believe would fit the challenge of this activity?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yeah, this can be a pretty rough time! Team is looking at some improvements to make in the Witch Queen timeframe. We'll be sure to pass this feedback along.

14 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like this bug was identified towards the end of development, but we couldn't get a fix in time. I'll see if we have anything planned for the duration of the event, but this may exist for all of FOTL2021.

Sometimes this is the way it goes. An annoying bug is found, isn't felt to be high enough priority to rush a fix in or pull resources from other initiatives. Why not higher priority? It's not as impactful to the whole of the community. While I don't have exact numbers, many teams are finishing the 10-boss-burn with less than 20 seconds to spare. Many teams don't even get through the cap! Still a small hiccup before the final boss spawns, but far less impact. Additionally, it's not considered to be a high priority blocker. Burning 60 seconds while waiting for a boss to spawn can indeed be annoying, but it's not erroring players out of the mode, preventing quests from being completed, negatively impacting performance... stuff like that. It's in...

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12 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Will ask around - might have been a patch note we missed.

07 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by cavalier_54

I literally just wanted to read about FOTL, I was really looking forward to it and of course there is nothing here about it. Ugh

See you bright and early on Tuesday morning.

04 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Naraki_Maul

I mean, I'm happy a fix is on the way (even if it's months away but hey at this point) tho I do feel the need to say you guys have disabled other exotics for what would be considered less and when they didn't even affect PvP so I don't know man. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth I guess.

Yeah, I hear you on that! As we gained the ability to disable specific exotics (or abilities... or perks!), it's been a learning process for what to disable and when. Does this have major player impact in PvP? Does this trivialize a boss in PvE? Can this lead to aspirational rewards becoming some of the easiest to acquire in the game? Does this create a loop that inflates specific currencies? Etc.

Sometimes we're a bit too conservative. Sometimes we're really quick to slap a disable down. We're always working to align internally on what the bar is and what guidelines the team can follow. It's a mix of design, test, community and other - it's never a single groups call.

Hope to improve as we continue to refine these options.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GolldenFalcon

I'm glad it's being looked at but holy f**k a couple months? From the way it sounds like in the OP post this issue is extremely old. I assume the team still doesn't know why the bug exists yet and it's just egregiously difficult to troubleshoot?

Digging through some of the bug details, this spawned a couple of separate bugs due to the nature of the issue.

Each bug needs to have a fix created, tested, approved, and deployed. This was more than a short-term hotfix could address, and more work than the team could balance with other items in flight. Had to be pushed back a few releases to ensure proper attention could be given. Always sucks when a fix goes out and it ends up making the issue worse, right? Want to be sure to avoid that.

In terms of "why wasn't this prioritized higher?" - The issue repro's semi-frequently, but not often enough to disable the exotic or push over other existing work. I agree that it can be annoying to die to, and I've even lost a couple of Trials rounds to it, but it's not as egregious as other bugs we've seen in the sandbox.

Now, before you link me to a clip of someone getting a 5-piece with Dunes, prioritization also considers frequency. The double chain doesn't happen ...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You really want pain, and nothing but pain?

Re: GM rewards - looks like there's a change in the pipe for adept reward drop rates. We'll have a callout on Thursday in the TWAB.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like the team is working on some fixes for a future patch. Couple months out. Once we have additional information, we'll let you know.

09 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ChromeFluxx

That's so crazy /u/dmg04 Congrats on the wedding! So cool how the date coincides with /u/NorseFenrir 's Birthday as well! Congrats to the both of you!

We all know that /u/NorseFenrir 's birthday is the more important of the two!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by jmasliah

"Strike Streaks will no longer be broken. "


Team's digging on the issues. We think we hit many of the scenarios in which this could happen, but we'll be keeping an eye out after the patch to make sure everything's good.

If you hit any weird instances where strike streaks are broken after the patch ships, let us know what happened with as much detail as you can!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Seeing some replies confused about Cross Play + Trials. Here's a quick explanation:

Goal: Prevent players from going for an "easy" flawless card by restricting their matchmaking pool. There are a variety of scenarios that can come up (coordinating matchups for win exchanges on platforms with lower population, knowingly going into a small pool of players that you "know" you can beat, etc) - and we'd like to get ahead of that.
Execution: Cross Play is required to be enabled. PC matches PC. Consoles match Console. Stadia is mixed with Console. You'll only be matched against PC if there is a PC player in your fireteam.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PotatoesForPutin

Still nothing about Explosive Light being just a god awful perk that has the same damage increase as vorpal? Is that intended? If so, why?

Team is aware of the feedback. If any changes are made, we'll be sure to let you know asap!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voelker58

"Am I a joke to you?"

-Rise of Iron

Rise of Iron was no joke. Who could ever forget that launch?
Seriously though. Awesome story. Awesome loot. Awesome community. Will forever look back fondly at RoI when thinking about D1.