

01 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SpartanKane

Im so confused why theyre doing this. It wasnt even that great to begin with with the short timers except in niche setups. Now theyre just destroying its power for nothing in return.

I guess they really didnt like bonk builds.

Some of this work is more for long term sustainability, not because of someone disliking bonk builds. Over the years we’ve seen melee builds stack on newer melee buffs, mods, exotics, etc leading to fairly easy 1-hit raid boss strategies. While we don’t necessarily have some crazy melee build in mind for next season, this helps to prevent future issues that lead to disabled Exotics and rushed fixes.

Somewhat comparable to the Telesto backend reword a few seasons ago. We’ll see if these changes hit the mark once they’re in your hands.

Concerning your note on timers, we can pass that along to the team. Thanks for the feedback!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Damn, solid TWAB.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by paffyoggy

Jesus this is a big twab. Gonna read it while I shit

17 Nov

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zorak9379

Bungie I will give you $1,000 to never use the word "redacted" again

Sorry, the [REDACTED] will continue until sentiment improves.

02 Nov

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Always love getting our folks on podcasts to have a bit of discussion. We'll be watching reception and feedback, as always.

If there are any other podcasts you'd like to see us on, give 'em a shout out.

27 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ucfengineer725

I imagine it's a matter of bandwidth. The weapons team has to keep working forward on each new season's weapons, so they can probably only sneak in an extra project here and there.

Just my guess.

Pretty much this.

The goal isn't to drip feed, but rather to give some nice incentives to hop into older content. There will be new things to do at the same time (as it's a new season launch), but this can be a side-objective for some as they complete their quests through the season. "Ah, looks like I'm done with the story for this week. Want to hit DSC? Really want to get that Handcannon crafted!"

Team was excited to update these. Hell, I'm excited to see more LFG posts for DSC pop up. Hope y'all enjoy diving back in.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voelker58

They had me at Trustee with Incandescent.


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Giecio

Deepsight weapons are far too common

Sure they are, I totally have all the patterns unlocked for all the current and previous season guns. /s

This is to say that Deepsight weapons in general are too common - specifically deepsight versions of weapons you can't craft. As noted in the TWAB, new players can be overwhelmed with deepsight versions of numerous of guns that can't even be crafted.

Also noted in a bullet below that one, "Goal: Reduce bad luck in weapon recipe unlocking.
Strategy: Provide opportunities within the crafting system to allow users to deterministically choose what weapon to target. "

18 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Known issue. Team is jamming on a fix, and we're looking to get the missing dust to any player who completed the bounty before the fix was issued.

07 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Wanted to give a couple quick notes on feedback that we're tracking this season for Crafting. In particular, the seasonal challenges that have gone live recently are pushing players to feel like they need to craft a bunch of weapons quickly, leading to some negative feedback. I want to make it clear, acknowledgement of these items does not mean that there will be immediate change to any of the crafting systems. In any case, we've been passing this up to the team for future opportunities to improve the system (or things around it.)

Recently, a Seasonal Challenge went live that required players to reach level 10 on three seasonal crafted weapons. This led to some negative feedback surrounding crafting as it didn't feel like an appropriate objective to unlock a seasonal vendor upgrade.

  1. First and foremost, there were a few bugs impacting acquisition of seasonal deepsight weapons, which made it very difficult to craft a seasonal weapon o...
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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Heyo, thanks for the report. Got it over to our weapons test folks and they're looking into it.

Recommendation in the future, make sure to get a thread going over on - our player support team is frequently running through threads and passing up issued to the team to investigate.

12 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CommanderBly

I just want to reiterate how insane the triumph is for crafting all 6 weapons for the seal. Without the bug, you are completely at the mercy of RNG as there’s only one guaranteed redbox weapon per week through ketchcrash. Requiring all 6 weapons is not feasible at all.

Team is on that one too. Expect info for that in the coming days.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. While I'm aware that the team is looking at the Ruffian triumph due to it being a seal requirement, I can pass this along concerning the triumph requirements.

At this time, I'd treat them like long tail goals rather than triumphs that need to be done within the first few weeks of the season. Progress will tick up in the background as you unlock starchart upgrades, craft weapons, and complete other general objectives for the season. I'm already at about 50% for each by playing somewhat casually.

Feedback is absolutely valid - don't take my words as downplaying. Just giving some thoughts as I likely won't have additional information concerning this for a bit!

17 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Highmooon

All the people hoping for a new super are going to be in for a world of disappointment.

EDIT: Well well well, looks like i need to eat my words. Can't believe the mad lads did it.


12 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You were lighting me up pretty good.

I am by no means a "god" - I have some good games, some bad games. Sometimes I can't hit the side of a barn, sometimes I can thread the needle for some headshots.

All in good fun! Good luck on your cards this weekend. GGs.

29 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tuberculosis_Crotch

Ran a GM with dmg today, dudes cool as hell!


27 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by doesnotlikecricket

I'll simply never agree with this. For the record, you could check every social media I have and you'll never find harassment of the type you're describing. I don't agree with it. They're terrible people. But they're a minority.

If you went to a restaurant and the waiter wouldn't serve you because a different table in the corner had been rude, how would you feel?

How is this situation any different from that one?

Personally I think think this kind of focus on the rude minority is a deliberate pr driven attempt to reduce communication without backlash. And all the companies are doing it.

Back in 2019, Alex Legends released an event that was the scummiest mobile game style cash grab imaginable. In the thread about it, there were thousands, honestly thousands of reasonable replies. But one of the devs scrolled all the way to the bottom and presumably opened hidden threads to reply to a heavily down voted rude comment to imply that all they were receivin...

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Here's the thing, the harassment we've spoken to isn't just rude replies on twitter or vague comments. There have been real threats towards our people and our studio. We're taking them seriously, which is leading to an amount of reduced communications as the team plans future protections / strategies to help avoid these sorts of things.

I will be very clear in saying that I appreciate the studio in the amount that's it's helped me personally after some serious harassment towards me and my family. I'm taking time off in part because of this. Just because you can't see it directly in a given tweet or forum reply doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

None of it is meant to be a punishment to the people who can leave clear and respectful feedback for our developers, mind you. There are no instances at Bungie where people actively look at a conversation and plan retaliatory actions towards our playerbase via hotfixes, updates, or comms strategies. Sometimes, we just need...

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04 Jul

14 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team just shot me the bug number - looks like this was rooted a bit deeper in code than initially anticipated, which brought some delay to getting a fix together.

Targeting a June 28 hotfix. Stay tuned for official announcements from BungieHelp or TWAB confirmations, as there may be additional delays if another issue is discovered.