

04 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We had a few specific fixes go out for individual pinpoints over the last few larger patches, but the team is still digging.

Please do not take this as us sweeping things under the rug. Game development can take time as the team investigates root causes and potential fixes. Investigations can also be put on hold if other high priority issues arise during development of the overall game. Understand the frustrations here, but please don't feel as if we're trying to hide the bug or outright ignore your feedback / bug reports.

I'll touch base with the team to see if we have any additional information that we can provide in the short term.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all - team is aware of this issue and working on a fix. We've also identified an issue where focusing Gambit engrams is a bit more expensive than intended.

Don't have an ETA for changes yet, but we'll try to let you know when we have a target date.

03 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team's aware. Likely to be fixed in a future hotfix. Date TBD - we'll sound off.

28 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Browsing youtube videos/recommendation threads for ideas is always recommended on my part, but getting hands-on is always required for the best decisions as you start to craft your weapons.

Sometimes you'll get incredibly prescriptive players who define a single roll to hunt, other times you'll get a list of good perk combos and things to try out. I wouldn't discount a "you must get this gun" video based on the title - but I'd try to listen for specific strengths and weaknesses of the weapons as the creator talks through it.

I'm enjoying some of the deepsight weapons I've been getting as they're pushing me to use weapons I may have just dismantled in the past, leading to some nice discoveries of "oh wait, this combo actually isn't half bad!" (and yes, we see the feedback on crafting - don't take this as a spin saying every deepsight weapon is perfectly rolled!!)

All in all, try what you're comfortable with. Not every player rushes constantly. Not every...

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25 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by coldnspicy

tldr: charity, not much else

would like to see at least acknowledgement on the complaints about orb generation.

We see your feedback, and are passing it along.

22 Feb

18 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all, wanted to give a bit more context here:

The team has been digging on issues with the Exorcism mission since Tuesday morning. While they've been able to identify a few causes, we are unable to issue a hotfix at this time. The Witch Queen is in final stages of preparation and deploying a hotfix could cause some hiccups that we do not want to introduce.

To help players who've completed the mission, yet received no quest progress, we've auto completed the first step. This should let players access subsequent story dialogue without issue. Anyone can still go back and play the mission if they'd like.

While the Triumph still requires activity completion (this should trigger if you stay in the mission until the cutscene begins – do NOT quit after defeating the boss!), we wanted to make sure that story was more easily accessible over the weekend.

(A little behind the scenes stuff) - One of the issues identified deals with how the m...

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17 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Centila

What was the point of bringing up Eververse just to say "uh, yeah, no changes lmao. We know you want changes but no"????

We've been getting many questions about whether or not we'd specifically be reducing bright dust amounts or making major changes to Eververse around launch. Took a casual approach here to say that we aren't, and that bright dust totals will be the same as Season 15.

Please continue to give us feedback on Eververse, and we'll make sure it gets in front of the appropriate teams.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Edumesh

u/cozmo23 u/dmg04

These Gambit changes sound great and Im happy that its being brought up to speed with the other ritual playlists.

Got a question though, are there any plans to bring back the Dreaming City and Tangled Shore maps? Map variety would further help the playlist remain fresh throughout the year.

Also, theres a visual bug with the Legacy's Oath Cloak that I have not seen acknowledged before. Weapons are holstered upside down when wearing this cloak, even with transmog. I can provide pictures if necessary.

Don't have any specifics to give at this time on the vaulted Gambit maps. We'll pass along the feedback that players would like to see them return.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by iRonak

u/dmg04 u/cozmo23 Any chance trackers will be fixed? They haven’t been tracking light subclasses for a full year now.

No updates at this time, but we'll make sure the bug is in front of the right people.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by InspireDespair

Gambit changes seem pretty good. I'm not a fan of the mode but they should be better. I'm sure freelance is appreciated.

Glad thrallway is nerfed, it was so lame having people just afk for XP.

Activity based loot is good, it never was great to have it share the world loot.

Eververse armor is nice - not a shocker.

So no adjustments to Bonk builds? I'm really surprised a build that allows people to solo raid bosses with relative ease (compared to the perfect execution of other solos) is acceptable to bungie. Hopefully the boss encounters in the raid are all ranged because this thing is an outlier.

Team is digging on bonk builds. We are likely going to need to disable exotic perks that allow for massive damage like this if we're unable to fix the issue before the new raid.

The team will be watching over the course of the first few weeks to identify anything that's ridiculously out of band / bugged. We'll make sure to communicate as early as we can if anything is being disabled so players don't waste infusion mats and items before the raid race.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BDZM

Give us back Bygones! >:(

Anything else you'd ever want to see return? Hit me. Always happy to pass the feedback along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by chancehugs

Honestly Exorcism is only gonna be here for 4 more days. How much more investigating can they do.

Team is being thorough in case there are any levers we can pull. Ultimately, we don't expect much to change between now and launch. Witch Queen is being staged and we're getting things finalized for Tuesday, so the team is a bit tied on what we can do here.

If any final changes can be made to smooth over the experience, they will be made. Outside of that, everything's being recorded to help avoid bugs like these on any mission type in the future, no matter when it's released.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Venaixis94

Holy f**k the Warlock activity armor is fantastic.

Those robes are getting transmogged ASAP

Looking forward to the Titan shoulder pads, personally. Going to go hard on a Captain America vibe while slinging void shields.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JonnyDros

1) Gambit changes look awesome and sound less frustrating. Really excited for engram focusing too!

2) Glad high-stat armor is back on the pass, is a solid way to get some good stuff for alts you may not play as much.

3) My god that Void eververse armor is FRESH and I really hope they do the same for Arc and Solar seasons.

Really looking forward to them. As a note, the void energy bits don't take shaders. These sets are all about embracing the void, and it would be kind of weird to see solar blades on a Hunters chest or an arc shield on the back of a Titan. Doesn't read well, and doesn't match the fantasy that the team is building with these pieces. Definitely understand player desire to customize every bit and bob, but we do have a few rules here and there to maintain identities of certain things.

The rest of the armor textures do shade awesomely, including the hunter eyes. It's pretty fun to mix and match shaders to lean in to the void.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by johngie

Gambit has a healthy and stable population.

Most surprising thing in this TWAB

Yeah, we see a lot of folks sign in weekly and play gambit for their pinnacles or just to have fun, but they don't stick around too long.

The narrative that 'nobody plays gambit' doesn't match reality at the end of the day. It's understandable that people believe it when it's a trending conversation on twitter and reddit, but the community is far larger than the social spaces that many inhabit online. There are legions of players who honestly don't tweet or post on forums. We try to get feedback from them via surveys and summits from time to time to ensure their voices are heard and weighed equally among all players.

All in all, we hope the changes get more folks back in, but we absolutely still have work to do in maintaining a healthier population even if things are received well.

03 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sherpav

I feel totally overwhelmed by the amount of changes lol

Next couple TWAB's will be lighter.

Still have a few things coming to get y'all excited, but we will not have anywhere close to another 6500 word twab for a while.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by supesrstuff11


Yep, looks like we still have some things in flux and this is a lil' bug! Builds are still in development, so a few images shown today might change between now and 2/22.

Team's checking to make sure descriptions and such match appropriately.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Did I break the reddit formatting

28 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Thanks for the feedback. Here are some general notes I'll be passing up to the team:

  • Removal of weapons outright (not providing alternate acquisition sources) can be frustrating after multiple seasons of hunting a specific weapon and not getting a drop, or a "good" roll. (Good is in quotes as this can be subjective based on the player!)
  • Players would like to see many of these weapons shifted to umbrals, or in the case of Rituals, shifted to a focusing system akin to Trials

Wanted to give some more details on the "why" for this as well:
The team has been full steam ahead on the next year of Destiny content. Witch Queen, Season 16, and more. While they'd love to maintain some acquisition sources for many of the weapons being rotated out, we don't have infinite resources to dedicate to this. I've posted on here before about prioritization in development and how some things need focus over others, and this...

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