

21 Mar


I think where we will fundamentally diverge as years continue is that we’re aiming for a middle ground of complexity and depth and want to provide more to sink your teeth into if you want to play for thousands of hours. We’re not catering to the lowest common denominator of casual gamer as we don’t need to capture the same amount of resources, nor market. We’re making LE for gamers/ARPGers, not every casual gamer that exists.

Cool to see us heavily influencing the biggest players in the space. It will create better games for all of us.


We don’t intend to extend that policy to overarching game systems, though we do heavily monitor community sentiment and if we find that changes to systems like this are preferred to be adjusted at Cycle patches we’ll start to lean that way.

We’ll continue to adjust the game and our approaches as we find what is preferred. Just know that we’re listening/closely monitoring and we’re willing to make adjustments based on feedback.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Pandarandristt

Yo Judd, thanks for you and your team putting together such an awesome game. Disintegrate node "paralyze" (new in 0.9 or thereabouts) is bugged and not providing more damage. Submitted a bug report this morning, but I fully expect this will become your team's TOP PRIORITY.

There's one thing this build needs, and it's 250% more damage.

New content can wait, I want more melting.

We have some plans for disintegrate to bring its power up and make it a bit cooler! Not sure if it’ll be in for 1.1 but we’re going to try.

I’ll bring up that node with the team


EHG is in favor. We'll need some time to make it happen in the way we're envisioning it.

I think I played WoW for like 3 years more than I would have if I couldn't play dress-up with all of my alts. Haha.


Originally posted by tazdraperm

Not like I do not trust you, but what's that then?
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

To be clear, there could be a dupe but if there is our team is not currently aware of it. When there was a real one previously we received a lot of messages and videos on how to reproduce it and we were able to fix it very quickly. Since we’re not getting those I assume this is either a remnant of the one we fixed from before or a new method exists but is not widespread.


Originally posted by Practical-Face-3872

Why dont you add a UUID to every item drop, so if anyone dupes an item you suddenly have two identical UUIDs in the system. Might even be enough to do this only during active play sessions to be able to identify duped items and notify the server of a dupe.

It’s a good thought, but it would nearly double our item data which has performance and cost concerns. Then to ensure it’s actually unique across all those records would probably entail the identifiers being prepended by the actual character ID to ensure we don’t have to do a comparison check across all records(that would be a crazy operation to perform each time an item is generated)… making it ~triple the data. Our engineering team may have a more optimal way than that, but either way it would greatly expand data storage, and keeping individual item data as condensed as possible is very important.


Originally posted by mcbuckets21

It's not probably possible. I know the exact details of the dupe and I have reported in the first week. Still hasn't been fixed. I even have seen people post it in the suggestions channel on the discord and no mod removed it.

We’re not aware of an active dupe exploit as all the ones we’ve reproduced at this point are a client/server mismatch and visual only which resolves on the players end as having no duped item as soon as the leave a zone or other.

If you think you know an active dupe that is not a client/server mismatch where you keep the item please message me with details and we’ll make it our highest priority to hotfix. We did have an actual dupe that we fixed the same day we were made aware of it.

18 Mar


Originally posted by DarthNemecyst

The devs coming and seeing this thread like the palpatine meme "Gooood gooood" writing down the busted classes 😂

15 Mar


Please don't shut off the breaker, /u/gordopotato


Originally posted by aemerzelis

Correct, also you start at ~50% life

K I’ll make sure it’s on the dev tracker


Originally posted by aemerzelis

/u/moxjet200 can you guys put this on the roadmap somewhere? Offline play is a big selling point for the game and it would be nice to have complete functional parity between the two.

In offline potions aren’t reset to full?

14 Mar


Yes this is an unexpected result from another change. You can still do this encounter but it currently requires that you do the other quest echoes first. We’re deploying a hotfix momentarily that alleviates this.


Appreciate the kind words. It's one of the most rewarding aspects of this whole thing considering we came from the ARPG community ourselves.


Originally posted by AceWissle

Sorry for hijacking this thread but:

Any news on idol crafting? IIRC from a while ago it was discussed, what's the current plans?

It’s a fairly simple system that we can add some depth to in the future, though there’s no plans for that right now till at least 1.4 - so far


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

How about some sort of "set potential" where you can slam a set piece into a unique giving it the set piece bonus. Higher potential means higher set number bonuses.

I like the idea of decoupling the set bonus from the actual item and allowing you to put it on another item.

Oh! What about if you could add the set bonus onto an item like a 5th affix.

It's tiers would determine the number of bonuses and you'd obviously need more than one item to have it. It'd be a new crafting mechanic as well.

I've always like the idea of decoupling the set bonus from the actual item. IMO it'd be a lot easier to balance and allow for more interesting decisions that aren't as restricting as the standard set design.

This is pretty close to our current thoughts actually. Nice one


Originally posted by Tunafeesh88

For whatever it means; I’m excited to support a game for the first time in a long time. I’ve upgraded PC parts after spending the last long, long while on my PS4 and PS5.

Your dev team has made it beautifully obvious that you’re listening to your players. I can’t count how many times during this experience that past few weeks where I’ve said, “they’ve fixed ______ that I didn’t like about ________ “ out loud to my wife who probably doesn’t care lol.

Also, when I hear other people talk about this game, they’re overwhelmingly positive and excited. I bought the game because of a group of discord buddy’s all online at the same time (which hasn’t happened in quite a while; they all pitched the game over a couple hours while showing their screens and then I decided to get the pc upgraded.

This is how you do game development. You listen to the individual people and it goes on to appease the masses. I predict that you folks are going to be THE ARPG.


Read more



Fun ideas. These are always a joy to read. We do have some plans for set items in the future that are a bit more unique, but if we saw a different solution proposed that we liked more we would of course consider it. I’ll put this in our game design internal channels so the game design team sees this. I don’t think it would quite shake us from the current plan however but sometimes even if we don’t take an idea directly we gain inspiration and ideas for other future inclusions.

In general we’re timid with sets because we don’t want sets to outcompete and solve the highest levels of build crafting you can achieve with Legendaries. Sets have been problematic for other games in the genre when they take up many slots and force players into specific OP builds. We do like the puzzle that small sets provide where they introduce the larger want to find and work around a couple other pieces of gear.

Thanks for the ideas with the visuals!