

04 Mar


Originally posted by escapecali603

Don’t overly balance classes and builds though. I don’t want to see a WOW like scape where every class is essentially the same thing. Some classes are just going to be niche due to its mechanics and that’s okay. Guild Wars 2 does this very well and that’s why I still love that game despite the graphics being really old.

Homogenization of WoW classes in later expansions hurt the game significantly IMO. BC and Wrath were fantastic. I’m also one of those that are of the opinion that flying mounts were a huge mistake in the game.

03 Mar


We'll continue to add/alter/improve all classes in the game based on what we're seeing and community feedback. Don't feel that if, say Forge Guard, doesn't have enough powerful opotions and interesting mechanics that it will sit like that for years.

Many classes were made when we were a very small team, like 20 of us, and there's plenty that we will go back and update still. 1.0 is just kickoff for the game, and updating content and classes is a big part of what we'll continue to do.


We have active plans to make getting to empowered Monos for alt characters significantly faster. We hear you and we agree.


Originally posted by Gladerious

My review will deffinetly change to a positive if my stash/gold/cof rank/crafting mars get recovered... going on 3 days, so doubt it.

I won't be back for a few cycles as im super bitter.

Keep an eye on that forum thread! The backend team spent all Friday investigating and plans to again Monday.


Originally posted by hip-indeed

I'm probably way late, but found this post through googling and I just wanna let you know that at 1920x1080 res on an average-sized monitor some things are kinda small for my tastes; item names on the ground are a bit smaller than I'd like and the grey description text in options is teeeny-tiny and super hard to read with how dark it is in addition. Everything else is fine!

Yea we want to bring in ways to scale certain elements like this. Thanks for your feedback!


We’d like to. If we do then we want to do then right and not just have it be things like “1,000,000,000 damage to skeletons. It’s not our highest priority at the moment though.

What would you guys want to see from achievements in LE?


Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback. A whole lot of this are things we have plans to action on and is tracked or have verbally agreed we feel the same way on internally.

You can hide the quests on the right side of the screen with the little expand and contract button by the way!

02 Mar


Originally posted by Waylander969

He can mix this item with an exalted item to take its affixes. 4 is the max affixes you can take and he has 4 legendary potential so he has a max one. The chances are very low for one of those.

Thank you for helping a new community member


We’ll check into it! Thanks for reporting and providing logs


/u/sinfulken1 if you believe you know of a way to duplicate items please send me a direct message. If there is a method to do this we will take swift action to address it.

It would be very unlikely that we would roll back as our systems make this impact users much less than if it were a free-trade economy, and we have other ways to mitigate impact additionally.


Many people from our team have been refreshing this page constantly since launch and to see the score recovering is giving us a lot of peace of mind.

Thanks everyone for leaving reviews post launch - even if they’re negative. We just want the review score to get back to reflecting the current state of the game with less impact from the few days of launch turbulence. Appreciate you all!


I’ve personally played grim dawn for something like 3,000 hours and now have the pleasure of chatting directly with Arthur Bruno. It’s a phenomenal game.


David Breviks wife designed this item. JQ is hilarious and streams sometimes

01 Mar


If you guys find certain skills, areas, interactions, etc. that cause performance dips please do let us know. Generally when we have a target we're able to solve performance issues very quickly at this point. There are some that are a bit more tricky, but most are quick.

We are releasing a hotfix soon that alleviates a couple memory leaks that we've found as well.

Edit: this fix is released as of Friday 4:30 CST


Originally posted by gandhikahn

@ u/moxjet200 got an actually good suggestion here.

Yea that is a good suggestion. I’ll bring it up at dev standup


Originally posted by aaOzymandias

Any thoughts on doing something with the blessings? I would be nice to have them available to be selected once unlocked, and if you find the same one again have them improved (up to max). :)

Yes actually hah


We agree that this should be improved and have future plans for second play throughs/alts.


Hope you enjoy it, u/IAmFern!

29 Feb


Originally posted by SpyzViridian

Petition to add "Unethical" flair to the subreddit

Never considered it till this was posted


Originally posted by Swizardrules

Any plans on expanding the team?

We’re looking to hire a number of additional positions, yes!