

19 Mar


Originally posted by throwaywaymayt

I started playing s1, I enjoy the game still as much as I did back then. If anything I actually enjoy the game MORE, knowing how much there is to learn and improve at

I find your take quite interesting as you come from a perspective within the games ecosystem and your day to day shapes that ecosystem

Do you think that your career choice has shaped your perspective on the game more than playing it? Do you see it as something to kill time still or is it your master project now?

Hmmm well I think about league almost all day, everyday as do all the designers on the team. Everyone is constantly thinking about improvements we could make, bugs we could fix, changes we could put in for test, etc. But it's always good to remind ourselves we need to take time to separate work from personal life as well.

I don't think my career choice changed my perspective that much. League is still my master project, but yeah it is cool knowing how every little bit of the game works on the back end and everything. It's also nice to study all of the data we have access to and reason about it.


I started playing s1, I enjoy the game still as much as I did back then. If anything I actually enjoy the game MORE, knowing how much there is to learn and improve at. And there are always new champions to play and get good at.

Nowadays I'm a lot smarter with my time though. As I've gotten older I know that just grinding out games is not the best way to improve, which is not something that was obvious to 2010 me.


Originally posted by Crunchoe

Is there any reason stuff like this can't be hotfixed?

Yes, because it's risky, especially for this particular change. On top of that, it's playoffs patch and we don't want to increase the risk of game breaking bugs.

18 Mar

17 Mar


Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp


E damage: 450 (+85% AD) (+120% AP)

Is that the highest damaging standard ability in the game?

Rumble Q and Zoe Q are higher

08 Mar


Originally posted by bz6

Boss what are proposed nerfs to Gnar?

How does the team decide to just revert a buff vs. analysing a champion deeper?

Not sure about what the Gnar nerfs are.

If the buff had side effects that we didn't predict that are undesirable (eg. enabling a new certain combo/pattern), or they buffed the wrong thing (eg. we were targeting a pro nerf, but it had no effect in pro), then that's when we'd consider reverting.


There's a few changes here that have been missed.

  1. There is an AP ratio buff on R1 that's been missed.
  2. W cast increases max energy by 80 (so if you use it on full energy, you don't waste the energy boost)

This is intended to be a decent buff. The Q buff is very large [you get 3 Q's every time you would have gotten 2 Q's on Live].

28 Feb


Originally posted by clarkx100

Waiting for the day Rift Herald gets a taste for blood and uses it's charge on a champion for 2k true damage

LOL I know it's not possible because of how it's scripted but that would be hilarious


Originally posted by I_AM_A_MOTH_AMA

Game breaking but that would be hilarious.

And my worst nightmare


Every time I see a "Rift herald does x" on reddit, I'm just sweating and praying it's not a bug. I was half expecting it to charge at the nexus instead of mid outer based on the title lol.

27 Feb


Originally posted by Caenen_

u/phroxz0n In case you stumble upon this, FYI this is a Jarvan R bug (missing the displacement being on a tagged knockback buff, similar to Skarner R's displacements or Samira passive's), not Rift Herald specific. Since it's not on a buff tagged for the Unstoppable to reject, it cannot get rejected.

Thanks for the tag!

12 Feb


Originally posted by EmilianoR24

They were near-mandatory first purchases for certain champions in a way that couldn't be shifted to be more flexible

Can riot stop pretending like the new items are more flexible? im still buying the same core items every game for pretty much every champ

Ya, we're not pretending, it's mainly a work in progress and we know going in that we weren't going to nail it on the first try. We knew that some items were going to be bound to certain champions, but we were just trying to avoid designing a hard bound choice from the get go.

I think there's a good amount of "we haven't designed the best choice structures" and that's on us, but there's also a good amount of "there are many choices that aren't yet discovered" (similar to Liandrys vs Morellos last season or Ludens vs Archangels vs GLP).

Just because a given player is opting into buying the same items every game, doesn't mean the choices don't exist. And for the players that are interested in optimizing those choices and theorycrafting them, then they can gain an edge that way and that's great.

11 Feb


Originally posted by sunburst9

But the herald DID deal damage, just to the wrong tower... right?

Or is that ekko just reeeeaaaally big?

yep that issue is fixed for next patch, but there's a different bug where the herald charges, but doesn't deal damage.

10 Feb


Originally posted by AColorblindChameleon

where have I seen this before

Yeah my apologies :( this bug is extremely difficult to fix (the herald not dealing damage), because there's no reliable reproduction steps. If you know what happens to causes it I'd love to hear it!


Originally posted by Caenen_

Which of the two?

Both. The second issue is caused by the first one. :(

21 Jan


Mainly because it is too much visual noise and would be hard to parse at a glance, especially given that there are so many minions in the wave (both yours and opponents). It also gives a clearer read for champion HP bars vs minion HP bars.

18 Jan


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you clarify if the balance adjustments just the Kraken Slayer fix or are more changes planned for Kat, since Scruffy’s usual list didn’t mention anything more

I think it's just the Kraken slayer change.


Originally posted by RageRegularly

You're right that rocketbelt does have it's uses, but bringing it back to mordekaiser, (yes it's a little personal because he's my main I'm sorry) there's little incentive to build rocketbelt over say riftmaker. For a champion like Morde it's more enticing and arguably more valuable to have the healing from riftmaker. The reason for this is it makes the 1v1 in ult better and gives you healthier trades. However, I can also just buy a deadmans plate plus a rylai's crystal scepter to compensate for not having protobelt. But, the shallow stat pool of having less health and ap hurts a lot. Before the new items, I had the freedom to build whatever suited the game without being locked out of other item choices. For example, I could build liandries AND protobelt. Of course that protobelt could be subbed out for a rylai's, but if I really needed to get on the enemy adc I could build protobelt without sacrificing my liandries sustain damage. Now though, I have less of a choice. I can either ...

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OK, but let's say you did 2000 damage on Mordekaiser in a fight and half your damage is AOE, you would heal for 200 and Riftmaker has 150 HP, while Rocketbelt has 350 HP. (This is already the difference in health) Riftmaker is intended to be better for long combat and Rocketbelt is better for short combat.

If you were playing against someone like Kennen or a hard to catch Marksman like Ezreal, it is basically not possible to catch them with Riftmaker unless they're griefing or playing poorly. I'm not trying to say Mordekaiser doesn't need any balance adjustments, but to say you would never build Rocketbelt over Riftmaker is disingenuous. (Kingen built it in the DRX series yesterday for example, many pro players are dabbling with it in solo queue).

For the champions that you've mentioned, Akali is performant with all of the non-mana AP mythics and Katarina is receiving some balance adjustments to fix up some of her choice structures as well. After the adjustments t...

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Originally posted by JazzyMuffin

Do you think that the item recommendations are partially responsible for this?

I normally just grab anything with a star on it, putting like a millisecond of thought into it. If im playing soraka who's schtick is heals and some area denial, I feel more inclined to grab a starred item that sounds synergistic to that cause.

Locket's good, but it doesnt innately reflect what a soraka normally does, esp when the mythic passive itself looks somewhat strange or non-contributive to hps(heals per second?).

Yes I do, though item recommendations are being upgraded to increase the number of viable options shown either the previous patch or next patch. Due to a conservative implementation, it was usually showing only one mythic option. Moving forward, it should show at least 2 for most champions.