

18 Jan


Originally posted by Zancibar

We have a mythic choice, but we can't really choose what to build after.

I go Braum, I pick Locket, maybe Chemtank if I really, really need the engage, let's say that's fine. What do I build next, what choice do I have next? Last season whether I chose Bow or Zekes, that impacted the way I played, and I could go stuff like gargoyle, thornmail, abyssal mask, f**king warmogs if I'm surviving with ten Hp too often. Now whether I go bow or zekes ot doesn't really change the way I play that much, gargoyle is too expensive, thornmail I can't reliably proc to it's fullest, same with abyssal, the MR movespeed item is great though, but I can never get to it because even if I can afford it I have already 5 slots out of 6 busy with Mythic, Zeke, Bow, Wardstone and boots. Enchanters I believe have a similar problem (though don't quote me on that).

And don't get me started on the AP "bruiser" itemization.

(On an unrelated note, I am pleasantly surprised that Rioters actu...

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Hmm well for tank supports you can either go zekes for offensive or knights vow for defensive. For enchanters you either go redemption/mikaels for defensive or ardent/staff for offensive

17 Jan


Originally posted by Bluepanda800

I don't think it's just about champions having good mythic choices- it's also champions only having a good mythic for a prescribed gameplay style.

In terms of build diversity champions like Sona have a great mythic choice in moonstone but she struggles to be as effective building anything other than moonstone. Which is in sharp contrast to the prevalence of AP scaling Sona builds last season.

This is in part because of Sona nerfs but also because the lack of synergetic AP mythics she has access to: mandate, ludens, nightharvester, everfrost etc all have flaws like mandate only proccing off empowered E or R, and the others being way too expensive and not quite right for Sona. Also removing mana options outside of the mythics and seraphs (which is considerably worse than before- seriously can we change the build path to lost chapter + tear + amplifying tome) makes life harder for mana hungry AP Sona.

Sona is a big and obvious example but on a smaller scale p...

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Respectfully, I still disagree. I think we have improved choice for at 50% of the enchanter roster and should be further improved next patch. Like you said, last season almost every enchanter had a locked first item in Athenes. I'm not going to claim that every enchanter has choice, but compared to last season, it is still a significant improvement in my opinion.

Most enchanters have choice and I would also expect it to increase next patch (moving Shurelyas into the AP Enchanter space and Imperial Mandate changes to reduce the potency of multiple slow applications (eg. Nami)).

Even on the live patch, I would say most Enchanters have choice, barring Sona, Nami, Yuumi, but we're considering some adjustments to see if we can improve it.

Lulu, Karma, Morgana, Soraka, Bard, Janna all have fine choice between Moonstone, Imperial, Locket and I would expect some of them to want Shurelyas next patch as well. I think Locket in particular is underpurchased against b...

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Originally posted by RageRegularly

The problem is less about all champions having less options and more about certain champions having less options. One great example is the ap bruisers like Singed and Mordekaiser. Sure if you look at the recommendations for say Morde, Riot has offered you three choices being riftmaker, night harvester and protobelt. Each item has ap, hp and some kind of effect that should be decent for an ap bruiser like movespeed, a dash or extra healing. But how many games can morde actually go protobelt or night harvester? Almost none because the synergy isn't there. So the only option left is riftmaker right? Great, but the item isn't very good because of a shallow stat pool and lackluster ability/mythic passive. This was a very specific example but there are many more cases of champions being completely snuffed out because They're forced into building a mythic item that really just isn't very good, meanwhile adcs and ad assassins have many different diverse options to do with as they please in...

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Rocketbelt on singed and mordekaiser is fine when you need gap close (especially on singed). Imo, players have not experimented enough when making sweeping statements like this. I'm not going to claim that every champion has good mythic choice, but for the champions that you've mentioned and several others in the thread, I believe they have choice that is undiscovered and we are constantly making balance adjustments to do this. Keep in mind that it took almost 2 years for pro players to realize they could build an item other than ludens first (with no balance changes to the items).

28 Dec


Originally posted by Ambushes

That's not what I'm saying though, for what reason would you go Horizon Focus over Void Staff? Void is:

1) Cheaper
2) Provides at least 10% damage 'amplification' against targets with at least 30 MR but scales much much better

You trade around 10 AP in terms of gold efficiency for a much better passive.

I suppose the argument exists for 'why not both?' but I don't think that's very good when you can build into Dcap after Void if you want pure damage, or an item that provides actual utility.

There's a few reasons.

  1. It has lower amount of power budget in AP relative to the gold spent (which also affects its multiplicative value with deathcap). This also makes it better on champions who have higher AP ratios compared to base damages.

  2. The 2 item spike is weaker than the alternative (consider Void + Amp Tome vs Horizon Focus on Syndra/Lissandra for example).

  3. Against a team of squishy champions that you can burst out and aren't buying MR, the Horizon Focus -> Deathcap angle is going to be better than the Void -> Deathcap angle, just due to the multiplicative effect on the AP from Horizon.

I'm not going to say that Void 2nd isn't a good choice sometimes (because it is a reasonable choice in many games, esp when they have a lot of melees who are building things like Merc Treads or early MR).

Having said all this, I would prefer if Void had higher %Pen compared to the AP to make the choice even mor...

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Originally posted by Ambushes

Horizon Focus is a terrible item though. If there was one of those Kayle_Bot 'losing to the shop keeper videos' for pre season, I'd say that item should be the first one in it.

Do the math vs Void Staff, Void will increase your damage by 10% against targets with 30 MR and obviously more than that as MR scales higher, on every ability with no conditions.

10% at 30 magic resistance
25% at 100 magic resistance
36% at 200 magic resistance

There are several champions that are strong with Horizon Focus. For example:

Ahri, Annie: Situational if you are snowballing and going for burst build.

Lux, Neeko, Lissandra, Syndra, Ori: Mages that can trigger either the Immobilize condition or the range condition easily.

Velkoz, Xerath, Ziggs, Zoe: Poke champs that can trigger the ranged condition easily.


Seraphine: I think it's good on her due to E and R, but it might not be better than Mythic -> Rylais/Cosmic Drive -> Rylais/Cosmic Drive since she is very good with Ability Haste and the Rylais for E synergy.

Taliyah: I think this item is pretty underrated on Taliyah. It is quite easy for her to trigger the max range condition.

TF: If you are snowballing and don't want to go Zhonyas or RFC 3rd after Lich Bane, Horizon could be a good option.


Originally posted by HalfAssResponse

its mostly that i have been watching orianna builds in the last season and they were by far the most diverse out of all mages, being able to build Archangels, ludens and glp depending on the situation and then be able to go for liandrys/morello cap and defensive item of her choice

right now, orianna can build 2 mythics but that seems to be her only choice as far as i know because cosmic drive seems to be niche and taking a vital item slot which could be used for a zhonyas/rabadons/void

the biggest problem for me is that she got nothing new except the cosmic drive and now she has only 2 core items choices while she used to build 3 different first items

I would be very skeptical of saying orianna builds are solved when it took 2 years for players to figure out that you could build a first item other than ludens echo on her.

Like I said earlier, there are some Burst oriented builds that include items such as Horizon Focus (that some players like chovy are starting to dabble with), so I would disagree that she only got one new item. I do think there's room for improvement in the balance state, but I don't agree that it's as bad as you make it out to be.


Originally posted by HalfAssResponse

well true but in case of some champs like orianna you can no longer have multiple choices of building

Do you have any evidence of this (orianna specifically) or is it just your personal experience? In pro and high Elo games we see a mix of ludens vs liandries and also a variety of second, third items. I also think some items on her are sleeper like cosmic drive and horizon focus.

22 Dec


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Phroxzon can I ask which champs benefit from Horizon Focus, if sorta seems to be one of the more underrated items of the preseason

Ahri, Annie: Situational if you are snowballing and going for burst build.

Lux, Neeko, Lissandra, Syndra, Ori: Mages that can trigger either the Immobilize condition or the range condition easily.

Velkoz, Xerath, Ziggs, Zoe: Poke champs that can trigger the ranged condition easily.


Seraphine: I think it's good on her due to E and R, but it might not be better than Mythic -> Rylais/Cosmic Drive -> Rylais/Cosmic Drive since she is very good with Ability Haste and the Rylais for E synergy.

Taliyah: I think this item is pretty underrated on Taliyah. It is quite easy for her to trigger the max range condition. TF: If you are snowballing and don't want to go Zhonyas or RFC 3rd after Lich Bane, Horizon could be a good option.

21 Dec


Originally posted by Klekto123

Hey Leblanc is my main and I was just wondering if you have any advice for possible builds for her that aren’t popular on Live yet?

I've only played about 5 Leblanc games this Season, but Lich, Nashors, Void, Banshee/Zhonya and Cosmic Drive have all seemed situationally viable on her. Nashor high AP value lets you one shot backline minions and perform slightly better in the side lane, especially against more tanky oriented fighters that you can kite and auto safely. I would go Nashors if I knew I was going to be getting value out of playing the sidelane, especially if I was going for more macro oriented with TP.

For Mythic, I think Ludens and Night Harvester are both decent, though you have to be a bit more careful with mana on Night Harvester and going Doran after Corrupting is mandatory, rather than Ludens where you can go straight into Mythic.

Out of these, I think Cosmic Drive is the most underrated. In a fast paced game, where fights are constantly breaking out (most solo queue games), I would expect Cosmic Drive to be quite performant, as you can capitalize on your low W cooldown for fig...

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Your build sounds decent but I would encourage you to think when other Mythics could be better. Most of the items that people are building on Live are familiar but not necessarily optimal. I'd expect them to get closer once the season starts and people have time to try out different things. Theoretically, I'd expect Rocketbelt and Night Harvester to be situationally good. (harvester if you are taking lots of group fights and Rocketbelt if you are playing against a champion that is hard to gap close against eg. Orianna, Xerath, etc.) I would not expect harvester to be performant against someone like Xerath at diamond or above as you are paying a lot of opportunity cost by not being able to force engages with Protobelt. However, if you're not that high, then kitey champions are probably frequently mispositioning, so Night Harvester might still pay off. At high ELO, I wouldn't expect that to happen as often, though. Liandrys is likely decent against multiple tanks.

19 Dec


Originally posted by SummonedLight

Morde could build Liandry's torment + Rylais still. You are making changes based off 1 combo change you need to think about the other champions that use the same combo that was thrown under on the item changes.

Ah. Morde was buffed because he feel outside of the bounds of the league balance framework, not because Liandrys rylais combo was removed. The patch notes could have been worded better, apologies for that.


The intention for the morde change is that he has choice for his item purchases. From our perspective it is not desirable that each champion only has one mythic item that they can purchase, but instead have multiple based on the game state. Morde only purchasing Rift maker when he could otherwise consider purchasing Rocketbelt is not a positive outcome. Similarly, being able to choose utility (Rylais) vs damage (demonic) in the second slot and take a tradeoff is desirable for the same reasons of experiential variety for the player and opponent.

16 Dec


Are you judging this in terms of winrate loss if the ability was removed?

15 Dec


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

I dont' really get why Aether wisp even builds into Lich Bane. It's literally the only item in the game it builds into, and not even a Mythic unlike Leeching Leer.

Because too much power indexed into pure damage stats results in too much Burst damage.

11 Dec


Originally posted by bz6

Why are the Mythic stats across item classes getting closer to each other? Like similar health, scaling, AP/AD. That just waters down the strategic decision making process to "what legendary item stat line do I want from my Mythic". Rather than wait maybe I scale this game, maybe I need more HP early etc etc.


Mainly because: 1. Too many things being dissimilar makes the choice difficult to comprehend. 2. For Haste changes in particular, some champions are not meeting the floor for feels and we may have swung too far in terms of reducing Haste on these champions.

10 Dec


Originally posted by SeizeTheKills

Has the team considered Aether Wisp instead of Codex? And adding some MS to the items instead? That would still help smooth the build path/item slots required but not give AH.

Yep, we also tried it, but we felt there was too much Movement Speed in the game, leading to a decent amount of movespeed creep. It's certainly not off the table, but was not desired.


Originally posted by PaintItPurple

This is a really confusing comment in this context. Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer are already healing-focused items, so wanting to keep ability haste on that path is consistent with OP's request.

Within the set of healing legendary items, they are aggressive, that's what I meant. Redemption and mikaels are meant to be more defensive and staff and ardent are more offensive.

09 Dec


Originally posted by DokonaLost

Id imagine they dont do this because one of the support items give you ability haste. the other dmg. If you want more ability haste they want you to go specific items and id imagine that most enchanters heals are already build around not being too over powering late game with cd cap

This is correct. The choice is between more aggressive unique plus ap vs more healing focused and haste. The choice is mildly obfuscated because both ap and heal shield power contribute to the heal/shield strength, but the haste items also have a defensive unique. It is not desired from the design side for all support items to have haste.

02 Dec


CertainlyT was unironically one of the greatest holistic Designers (not just champ designer) that League has had. I know this is going to get memed because people will say "yeah he just taught people how to make broken stuff or how to balance worse", but I don't think he did those things. Designers here are definitely good enough to have their own opinion and be able to defend it. He definitely pushed the boundaries in a way that is not everyone's cup of tea, but that's part of what makes him great. He also knew how to make simple champions (think WW update).

It's unfortunate, because players will never get to see behind the scenes of how he contributed, but one of his best attributes was that he truly passionately cares about League. He was always up to date with all the new builds (often as soon as they were popping up in KR soloQ) and he knew all the little details about the game inside-out. In his spare time, he was always prototyping stuff locally on his computer to m...

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26 Nov


Originally posted by JostiFrank

Have you guys ever considered or tested anivia being able to reactivate her W to remove the wall even if its with a delay. I used to play a lot of anivia and i feel like it would make her a lot more forgiving and pleasant to play. It feels really bad being unable to do anything if you accidentally f**k a team mate over with a botched wall.

We've definitely considered it, but quickly decided against it. One of the underrated aspects of league is that actions have consequences. You can teleport into a situation but it may turn out badly and you die. You can flash in to kill someone but actually put yourself in a worse position or flash into a wall.

There is a strong design theory that actions that carry high reward and high consequence can be more satisfying in the long run. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't give forgiveness on spells, but generally speaking consequence tends to be a good thing for player mastery and longevity of the game (I can always get better at doing this difficult thing). When a player masters and can reproduce a difficult thing, it is on average more satisfying than reproducing something that is more forgiving (see frame perfecting qss).

Oftentimes, feeling bad over poor execution can Ignite the drive to improve (eg. If I had just placed that wall a little better, I might hav...

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