

24 May


For me, part of it is that I need to be in the thread almost immediately when it goes up. After a thread has been sitting for a while, there's not too much point posting, especially since you have to be extremely careful with what you say. That's mainly because things you say get dredged up again years later or snipped out of context. The other thing is to consider the value that I could add to a conversation. When it's primarily a complaint post, there's usually not much to add outside of "I acknowledge your post and read it".

23 Feb


I can speak a little for Sylas and a little to the general strategy. We generally want as many champions playable for regular play as possible. This includes Sylas. Usually when we're talking about removing a champion for a role, this is with relation to Pro play as it makes then very flex heavy and thus high blind pickability (and raises their presence dramatically). Usually when we're trying to remove a particular champion from a role for regular play, it's called out explicitly in the patch notes.

For Sylas specifically, we wanted him out of jungle for Pro. As it stands, Sylas is very playable for regular players in jungle, but not for Pro and that was basically the intended result. We were prepared to accept Sylas being a suboptimal pick for regular players in Jungle, but it seems like for now, we didn't have to weather that cost.

The main times when we want to remove champions from roles is when their gamepla...

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24 Jan


Originally posted by Vortexspawn

Do you have any plans to actually visibly announce those mid-patch fixes that are obviously important enough to be done outside of the regular patch cycle (instead of just silently updating the patch notes without telling anyone?)

It's in the patch notes and usually mark Yetter should tweet them out. I'll let him know, I know he was busy this morning.


There's an E bugfix that was micropatched in yesterday for his E being longer than what the indicator intended.

15 Jan


Generally speaking, we try to avoid having "UNIQUE Passives" on components (at the primitive stat level; eg. long sword, mana crystal, pickaxe, etc.), mainly due to the complexity that bubbles up into the items that build out of them.

05 Jan


Originally posted by MegaBaumTV

It would make games longer because baron would be impossible to take as long as the enemy jungler or cho is alive.

It did make Baron harder to take, yeah. There were many ways to flank and close on the team that was taking it there were pretty side agnostic.

24 Nov


This has been fixed for next patch. Sorry about that hexflashers :(


It's current health damage so she shouldn't be able to kill herself on the charge. She would die easily afterwards though if somethings not tanking.

29 Oct


Originally posted by Tydrack7

Statikk Shiv Energized damage 60-140 >>> 140 All energized attacks chain to lightning targets

This one seems to be pretty busted.

Mark forgot to mention that Statikk Shiv no longer crits.


We tried doing some stuff like this for Rise of the Elements in early prototype. While they were cool thematically, when the mechanics were tuned to be meaningful it made it really difficult to get any meaningful progression in the dragon game, because teams found it difficult to take dragons safely. We tried things like fire damage walls, anti dash damage zones, cloud wind walls that emerged and pushed when dragon was aggroed, etc. We ended up going with things that had a more subtle effect on the encounter instead and still had the depth and Mastery, but not halting teams being able to take dragons.

25 Oct


Originally posted by ElaborateRuseman

Ezreal loses like 5% winrate when he takes any rune other than Klepto. Its removal is obviously going to kill him until he gets buffed. I just hope it doesn't take long.

Also, will the base game ever get anything like those updated models for Wild Rift? It's pretty awkward when the mobile version is an upgrade over the main game's graphics.

While this is true, it is primarily due to worse ezreal players taking this rune, which further tanks the winrate (worse players taking a suboptimal rune will result in a lower winrate than that rune's true winrate). When the good players have migrated over to different runes, we'll be able to more accurately target a certain value of buff, to balance ezreal if it's required.

22 Oct


Originally posted by lefop

the herald change is a nerf

The Herald damage has been buffed since the player labs. It now gets ~2-3 plates on average, depending on how it's defended.


Originally posted by Solash1

Updated: Gain a burst of Movement speed for 3s after using your ultimate


Cloud Soul applies after channels finish, similar to Nimbus Cloak on Live. It will also be special cased to work on Udyr; (it will work on any of his abilities) and will work on Shapeshifters when they cast transform if they don't have an ultimate ability like Gnar does (Elise, Jayce, Nid, Shyvana).

11 May


Originally posted by Umashi

I basically stopped playing for 4 and a half years (I'll admit to playing a few, but 10 games a year doesn't count!) and now I'm playing hardcore again and having a wonderful time. I was completely burnt out and hated the game prior. Although, it's quite frustrating to be Diamond 4 when I was consistently top 400 back in the day. I'll fix that though with my rediscovered love of the game!

aren't you taht warwick top player?

12 Mar


Is it just me, or is Annie green?

03 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

Yeah that is just it, after reksai took the cass ult the gank was over. Faker didn't even bother flash early - he was that confident.

It's a hard place to be in as C9 there and honestly, 99.9% of the playerbase would have flashed the moment they came out of the bind/knock up but clearly here that wasn't necessary.

Scary how confident he is and not unjustly so, that play alone would tilt most people because it was perfectly executed and he played them flawlessly.

Faker is too good. Against almost any other pro they get that gank off, but against faker they need more guaranteed ccs because he's just so confident at estimating damage.


Originally posted by TheCyphyr

For that Faker outplay at 6:10, what could c9 have done to actually kill him? Or was it likely for Faker to get away with a kill there, considering he was close to turret and landed his ult?

After Faker stunned Reksai coming in, I don't think they had the damage to kill him. They needed to get the CC layer to go off so that Reksai could DPS while Cass was CC'd. Would've been close if Ryze had landed the empowered Q, but still not enough.


Originally posted by rrwoods

Indeed. I somehow never thought to look for him on reddit! Now I know :)

Thanks for the kind words. It is always nice to have people post my stuff on the sub, so thankyou :)